
Friday 3 October 2014

Friday Finds

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 A few of the wow moments, or things I discover each week that tickle my fancy.  I hope that they may inspire or tickle yours too!   


 I adore Goldfish Crackers.  I used to be able to buy a jumbo double pack family box of them from Skyco, but they don't seem to have them anymore.  I am so going to try out this Goldfish Cracker recipe that I found on Food4Tots.   It looks really good!  They won't be this shape however as I don't have this shape of a cookie cutter.  But a rose by any other name and all that.  They'll still taste the same!

No source, but I am loving this idea of using old tins for storage containers for pens, pencils, crayons, paint brushes etc. in the craft room!  Excellent!

DIY your own Evaporated and Condensed Milk from powdered milk!  We always have lots of powdered milk in our food storage, so this is handy to know if I ever need some evap or cond milk and don't have any close by.   Saves Todd a trip to the shops!  (He'll be pleased!)  Found on Food Storage and Survival.

 Yes, I save them.   Doesn't everyone?  I found this page which shows you 22 different projects you can do with them!  These are great projects for anyone who has children, or grandchildren or serves in a calling at church or school where they work with children!  Found on Happy Hooligans!  Just brilliant!  There is everything from table toppers to Christmas Decs here. 

 I know it's another paper roll thingie, but with Halloween just around the corner, this is just too cute not to share!  Isn't it adorable.  Paper roll Bats!  I love it!  Found on Molly Moo Crafts.

 I just love this DIY bedside table made from an old drawer.  I would never think of doing anything like this.  I am so impressed with the ingenuity of others!!  Found Mobel Pobel.
 I think it's just brilliant!

 And look at this one!  It's an old step ladder!  I love it!  I found this on Casa e Jardim.  Brilliant!

Make Up Tips for Women over 40.  I Love it!  Our skin changes as we age and so does our colouring.   Nothing looks worse than a forty or fifty something lady made up like she's still twenty.  I need all the help I can get!  haha  Found on Walking in Grace and Beauty.

And while I am at it . . .  ahem, for those of us who are the other side of fifty.  10 Make up Tips for women over Fifty.   Found on All Women Stalk.  My mom still puts her face on and she's 82.  You are never too old to put your face on.

 I love lists.  I am always making them or collecting them.  I found this Deep Cleaning List to print out for cleaning your whole house.  It's fabulous!  I found this on Stacy Risenmay. I love it!

I don't know if this actually works, but apparently you don't need to buy helium for balloons when you're having a party.  I am so going to try this.  All you need is vinegar and baking soda.  Found on Mojo Savings.   I hope it really works!

 And finally, how to make your house smell like Fall.  I Love this.   I really do.   I am a great lover of scents and I love it when my house smells nice.   I think when you have a dog that people can sometimes think your house is a bit stinky, so it's nice to use something like this from time to time to freshen it up.   I hate artificial smells, so this is great!  Found on First Home Love Life.

And I guess that is it for this week.  I hope I found something that you can use!  I always really enjoy doing these posts and I hope you enjoy reading them!

A thought to carry with you through today . . . 


"If we could be given that
for which our hearts now ache . . . 
would it really prove a blessing,
or a big mistake?
It's as well we have no choice.
It's not for us to say . . . 
but to make the best of 
whatsoever comes out way."
~Patience Strong  ✻ღϠ₡ღ✻´´¯`  ✻ღϠ₡ღ✻    

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Cooking in The English Kitchen today  . . .  Baked Honey Mustard Chicken.  This is soooo good!

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Have a wonderful Friday!!


  1. Once again some great ideas Marie. People are so inventive. I often wonder where they get the ideas in teh first place ! These golden fishes ...never even heard of them but teh recipe looks delicious....fatning though !!
    I like the idea of the drawer table as well....
    Hope all is well at your end. Please keep Margaret in your paryers.She was quite poorly yesterday after looking so much better couple of days before...It really is a roller coaster. I had hoped she would be home before I leave next week but not as things are going....thank you...
    love to Todd.

  2. I think you would need an awful lot of vinegar and bicarb. How do I know? I have been home about 30 minutes and for three solid hours this afternoon I blew up 300 balloons. Initially there were 2 of us and finally around 4.45 some other help arrived. I do not want to see a balloon for the longest time.

  3. I'm going to check out that site on how to make your house smell like fall. I do often simmer a mixture of apples or orange peals along with cloves, cinnamon sticks on the stove, especially in the winter to put some moisture in the air as well as give off some pleasant odors. Hope you have a fantastic Friday!

  4. Always fun tips..have a lovely weekend Marie~

  5. Oh dear Sybil. I am so sorry to hear that Margaret is still poorly. I will definitely keep her in my deepest heartfelt prayers. I could take her name to the Temple Prayer roll as well if you like. xxoo

    I love to use a natural scent in my home as well Pam. When we had a wood stove, I always had a pot of cinnamon, water, orange peel and cloves simmering away on the back of it. It made the house smell so lovely! You have a great day too! xxoo

    Suzan, I am sorry to hear you are all puffed out! Glad you had some help, but my word, I would be totally giddy after blowing up that many balloons! xxoo

    Thanks Monique! xxoo

  6. That house smelling like fall really works. I do this every year and it smells so good. Great tips Marie - thanks.

  7. I truly enjoy your Friday Finds; and you do find some unique stuff.
    I liked the food storage tip on making your own Evaporated and Condensed Milk.
    I find people so creative with the bedside table made from the old drawer and the ladder; sweet.
    Yes, we must put on our face. I have some delightful stories about my Mom. She never left the house without her hair done and her make-up on. I am a bit like her. Thanks, for the links!
    I also love the cleaning list because I am starting my fall cleaning.
    Thanks dear friend for this one and blessings for you. Have a wonderful General Conference Weekend.


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