
Monday 6 October 2014

Small and Wonderful Things . . .

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 "The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny?...It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. what you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard  

A few of the small and wonderful things which bring untold joy into my life.   It's the small things in life which truly mean the most.  Simple abundance . . . it's the best.  


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The ability to turn my doodles into art.   I don't have much money this year to buy Christmas Gifts.  Actually I have already bought all of the grandchildren's gifts, but I don't have the money to mail them over.   So I have had to write them to let them know that I won't be posting them, but if I can manage to make it home next year, I will be bringing them with me.  In the meantime I've been making bookmarks using Zentangles.   I think Zentangles are just black and white drawings, using an Artists Ink Pen, and doodling.  I could be wrong.   These are the first two I have come up with.  I like the cat one, but am not sure about the other one.   Oh well.  I have had fun doing them, and have some more up my sleeve.  It's also a good way to use up the water colour paper that I have left over after doing my other artwork.

 A weekend spent absorbing spiritual revelation and truths by Prophets, Seers and Revelators of the church.    We were well fed spiritually.   There were some lovely talks and much was absorbed.  I love Conference weekend, and we are lucky enough to be able to do this twice a year.  I especially love thi squote from the talk given from David A Bednar.   Truth does exist, and even though it may seem sometimes like we are surrounded by lies and deception . . .  if we cling to that which we know to be true,  no matter what . . . . we cannot go wrong.

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An attitude of gratitude.  I have found that life is much, much easier if I go through it counting the glass as being half full rather than half empty.  The rain falls on both the righteous and the unrighteous.  Who am I that I think I am exempt from it?  None of us is exempt.  Remember things could always, always be worse.

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It's raining, cold and miserable out there this morning.  I am grateful that I do not have to go out in it!  Blah!  I think this is Ariana's first taste of the foul fall weather we can get over here.  I told her to wear her warm coat.   Coming from Spain she is sure to feel it much worse than we do.  It is like Canadian winters.   I have become not so used to them.  I don't think I could handle one now, although at one time they used to be the norm.  Ariana will gradually get used to the rain and the wind and the cold.  In the meantime, thank goodness for warm coats to keep us dry and cosy!

New Cookbooks to review.  I have three waiting for me to test and put them through their paces.   Some food bloggers just take photos and write about the books.  I like to try one or two recipes in them,  just to test their mettle.  The proof of the pudding is in the eating!  There is one on bread and one on drinks.   The bread one should be a challenge for me that's for sure!  I am so not a bread baker!  If I can manage it from this book, then it will be a good book for sure!

Life is full of goodness  . . . each day is filled with a multitude of small and wonderful things.   A husband I can laugh with  . . .  and cry with.   A son who is thoughtful enough to facetime me so that I can see his boys before they catch the school bus in the morning.    Puppy dog hugs and kisses.   Being able to talk to my mother and father on the telephone and knowing they are safe and happy and well cared for.  The love of family and friends.   All of you.

A thought to carry with you through today . . .

 `*.¸.*´ ¸.•´ (¸.❀⁀⋱‿✿
“The true way to live is to enjoy every moment as it passes, 
and surely it is in the everyday things around us 
that the beauty of life lies.” ~Laura Ingalls Wilder  ❀⁀⋱‿✿   


There is a delicious Cheesy Potato Chowder today cooking in The English Kitchen.

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May your week ahead be filled with many small and wonderful things!



  1. Morning Marie. I ha dnever heard of that kind of art work. It is certainly different. I like the cat one as well...once I got my eyes to properly focus !
    I am so sorry that you can't send the families Xmas parcels. HAve you tried other places rather than the Royal Mail...when I was sending the knitting parcel up to London it was to cost £18 I got it for £10 and even then O overestimated the weight so could have gome cheaper. Google in cheap mail pachages....see what you might just come up with. Also I have just heard this mroning on the news that Royal Mail is reducing the parcel costs over Xmas from Oct 24th I think they said....but that might just be for local mail posting...again worth a try....
    Hope that th very heavy rain and wind we are havig this morning will ease off soon. Masy has still not been out...she looks out the door and back in again LOL...I have guild this afternoon and then to see Margaret tonight. Hopefully Peter will get home in time to drive me down but I dont want to make him feel obliged to get home early...but he knows I dont like hight driving....Bless him...anyway have a lovely day xxx

  2. Thank Suzan, you too! xxoo

    I will check it out Sybil. It made me really sad when I realized I would not be able to post them. Books you see . . . I love books and had bought some lovely books for the grandchildren that I knew they would love. Got them at good prices too . . . but £42 to mail two books sea post? Ridiculous! I hope you will find Margaret improved. Keeping her and YOU in my prayers. xxoo

  3. Good morning, Marie! So good to catch up with you here after some days away away offline. LOVE seeing your new illustrations! :o) Wishing you & yours there a wonderful week ((HUGS))

  4. Tracy! So good to see your comment! I trust your sabatical is over! I hope that you got what you wanted from it! I can't wait to read about it. Love you! xxoo

  5. it is such a shame that postage is so expensive. I have two to mail things to and truly the postage costs more than the gift. As my gifts are homemade, there have been times I've kept them till I see them in person too. Thankfully the little wooden ornaments I paint for the grandchildren don't weigh much at all so I can afford to mail them. I think it's not the gift that counts so much as the thought anyway. Hope your Monday is a wonderful one. Its a chilly morning here!

  6. The cost of mail is ridiculous.
    In the states they have boxes that you can put so much stuff in for a flat rate..amazing when you think of it..
    Books weigh a lot..If I may make a suggestion..perhaps you can order the books through in the future..over $25.00 shipping is free.. so if you are sending books worth $25 in total to all the kidlets they could be shipped free? $35 for free shipping.

    Your doodles re amazing:)

  7. Normally I do that Monique, but I saw these cute Pirate books and could not resist. Next time I will know better. Thanks for your kind words about my doodles. I have more to show you tomorrow! xx

  8. I wish I lived closer Pam. I will have to wait and bring them with me the next time I go over, if I am able to go over next year. Otherwise some other child will benefit from them I guess!! xx

  9. I know overseas mail is so expensive. I remember sending Kyle packages and they were about $70.00 in US $$.

    Lovely art work Marie. Always love seeing what you create.

    Here is a link for Zen Tangle patterns:

    Hope your Monday was a great one!

  10. Thanks Valerie, last year I would have sent the packages, no contest. This year I just can't do it. We just do NOT have the spare cash to do so. Thanks for the link to the Zen Tangles! I hope your Monday was a fab one too! xxoo

  11. Oh dear Marie, I feel sad you can't get the gifts to the children. I have the same problem with my daughter who now lives in Australia. It is so expensive to mail packages there. I am concerned about Christmas and trying to figure our what to do.
    I loved your drawings; very different but you are a very versatile artist.
    Conference was just so wonderful this year. I was in tears a lot; the spirit was just so strong.
    Blessings, hugs and lots of love being sent to you today.

  12. If I am able to go home next year LeAnn, I will certainly bring them with me. I have my fingers crossed! Thanks for your love, hugs and blessings! I can feel them! xxoo


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