
Tuesday 7 October 2014

The Simple Woman's Daybook

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 FOR TODAY, October 7th, 2014

Outside my window ...
Tis dark, dark, dark . . .  it's only six am.  Doesn't seem all that long ago that it was still slight this time of day . . .  but the nights are really drawing in now, and the days are getting noticeably shorter!

I am thinking ...
I have learned whatever state I am in, therewith to be content.
~Philippians 4:11

I think that is one of the secrets to happiness.

I am thankful ...
For all the wisdom I was able to glean from last weekend's Conference Messages.  In fact I am listening to one now, as I write this.

In the kitchen ...

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Milk Braised Chicken.  This is seriously delicious!  It's not that pretty to look at, but boy oh boy, is it ever tasty!

On my "To Cook" list ...

Pepperoni Pizza Puffs from Lick the Bowl Good.   Scrumptious looking!

I am creating ...

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I did two more Zen Tangle bookmarks yesterday.   The owls took forever, but I do enjoy this! Not sure it will ever replace my regular artwork though!  I crave colour!

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These Now Sew super hero costumes are quite cute.   I can think of a few little boys they would be good for.   Found on Twin Dragonfly Designs.

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I love these paper flowers.  They are so cute and would be a great way to use some paper scraps up.    Found on Inky Dayz.

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Loving this decoupaged globe.   I love this.  This one is Where the Wild Things Are, but you could do this with your favourite children's novel.  Found on  A Ribbon At a Time.

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These penguins are really cute.   They are made using soft drink bottles.  Found on Craftberry Bush.

I am going  ...
I have an appointment to get my hair cut tomorrow and we are taking Mitzie to the weight clinic at the Vet on Thursday morning, plus I have Visit Teaching to do on Friday.  A busy week!

I am reading ...

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The Sisters, The Saga of the Mitford Family, by Mary S Lovell

This is the story of a close, loving family splintered by the violent ideologies of Europe between the world wars. Jessica was a Communist; Debo became the Duchess of Devonshire; Nancy was one of the best-selling novelists of her day; beautiful Diana married the Fascist leader Sir Oswald Mosley; and Unity, a close friend of Hitler, shot herself in the head when England and Germany declared war. The Mitfords had style and presence and were mercilessly gifted. Above all, they were funny hilariously and mercilessly so. In this wise, evenhanded, and generous book, Mary Lovell captures the vitality and drama of a family that took the twentieth century by storm and became, in some respects, its victims."

So far it's a cracking read, especially if you like biographies.  I was intrigued as the last of the sisters died last week at the age of 92 and so I looked them up and found this book and decided I wanted to learn more about them.

I am hoping ...
I would like to figure out a way to lose weight that doesn't end up with me gaining more than I have lost.   Sigh . . .

Makes me smile ...

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The Cookie Monster always makes me smile.

I am learning ...
 To explore new worlds and opportunities.

Around the house ...

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I love this little cottage kitchen found on Syl Loves.  Red and white.  It gets me every time.

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Love this cosy reading nook.  Someplace quiet to read a book and have a nice cuppa.

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Slanted ceilings, dormer rooms.   I love them.  Cottage cosy.   From Interior Design.

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Love, love, LOVE the idea of a baking cupboard.   From Vintage Home.

I am pondering ...
Today's complexity requires greater simplicity.
~L Tom Perry

Longing to simplify.

A favourite quote for the day ...

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To make a difference in someone's world, you don't have to be amazing, 
rich, talented, beautiful or perfect.  You just have to be you and care.

One of my favourite things ...

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Good old fashioned Pound Cake.   My mom would buy a piece of it on occasion and we would have a slice for dessert with ice cream, or with tinned fruit.  I love the stuff.  Always have.  Always will. 

A peek into my day ...

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Always trying to cram as much as I can into each hour of my day.   I don't want to waste a second of this beautiful life.

   And that's my day book for this week!
⋱ ⋮ ⋰
   ⋯ ◯ ⋯ Take time to enjoy the small*´¯`.¸¸.☆
   ⋰ ⋮ ⋱ blessings in life.*´¯`.¸¸.☆
   ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿
   ░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░  

Wherever you go and whatever you do I hope there's a wonderful day planned for you! 

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  1. Marie I am guilty of wasting so much time. This morning I woke at four, seven and finally dragged myself out of bed at 11.30. I felt so off.

    Anyway enjoy your day. I have managed to leave the house today. Pip and I went to Ikea to buy a few things. It is very local to us and we often pop in for a few things. While we were there they were selling hot cinnamon rolls. We had a decadent lunch. Then we went to the doctor for a routine thing for Pip. I have also sent some letters. Now off to make chicken lasagne for dinner. The lady who looked after Pip in Canberra sent home the recipe. I will try to make it the same.

  2. I have made pizza puffs..YOURS:) They were delicious..a couple of years ago I think..
    The baking pantry is adorb..great idea..
    I would like self cleaning cooktops:) So that after everything has splattered everywhere would sparkle.

  3. Oh yes, I have not made those in a while Monique, as Todd isn't a fan of pizza. These look really good too. I would love self cleaning everthing! Wouldn't that be fabulous! xxoo

  4. Hot cinnamon rolls sounds so good Suzan! You are allowed to have a lazy day every now and then! You have to learn to take more time for yourself! xxoo

  5. PS - Enjoy your lasagna. It sounds tasty!

  6. Hope you have a terrific Tuesday. t's a cloudy morning and rain is expected here.

  7. It's a lovely Daybook entry. I love your taste in decor. The red and white kitchen, the cozy dormer bedroom. I really like the reading nook. Lately, I haven't been able to read as much and I really love to read. Someway, I need control of my time.
    The book looks to be a good one. I really love history.
    It's fun to see your artwork no matter what it is; you are just so talented. You should be famous and rich in my opinion.
    Loved this one and blessings to you dear girl; have a marvelous day.

  8. You are one amazing and loving human person...and I love your blog...I seem to enjoy all that you enjoy!

    Many blessings,

  9. Great things you posted. LOVE your new Zentangle book markers!!!
    You have a wonderful imagination Marie! I'm sure I don't have to tell you that but I will anyway! ;-) Love ya! xoxo

  10. It was cold and miserable here all day yesterday Pam! More of the sam today I am thinking! xxoo

    LeAnn, thank you so much! You are always so kind. I don't want to be rich, but I would like to be able to make a living! xxoo

    Thanks so much unknown! I am so glad that you enjoy my page. That's why I do it. I like to think that I make other's happy sometimes. You made my day! xxoo

    Valerie, I love you too! I have not forgotten I owe you an e-mail! xxoo


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!