
Tuesday 12 August 2014

The Simple Woman's Day Book

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FOR TODAY, August 12th, 2014

Outside my window ...
Already the days are becoming visibly shorter.  It is still daylight when I get up, but just barely and it is dark now when we go to bed.   Before too long we will see the leaves on the trees beginning to change.

I am thinking ...

I awoke this morning to the news of the apparent suicide of Robin Williams.  This is quite simply tragic.  I had read somewhere once that he struggled with depression.  This is so often true about comedians.   It's a great irony that often those who bring us a lot of joy and laughter struggle with dark inner demons.  My heart goes out to his family and friends.   The world has lost a wickedly brilliant man.   I hope he is now able to find the peace he so clearly was missing here on earth.

I am thankful ...
I know I have said this a bazillion times, but I am thankful for the Gospel in my life which helps me to know who I am and how very special I am in my Heavenly Father's eyes, and I am even more grateful that I can "Feel" His love.

In the kitchen ...
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In the kitchen today, I am sharing another tasty dish in my week of celebrations.  Skillet Chicken and Spinach Bowties.   Seriously tasty.   Even Todd admitted it was rather good, which is a high compliment coming from him, and Ariana loved it.

On my "To Cook" list ...
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Frozen Berry Yogurt from Crunchy Creamy Sweet.  One of the things  I really miss from home is frozen yogurt.   I always prefered it over ice cream.

I am creating ...

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I love this simple little Christmas ornament created using paper and ribbon.   And there are several other versions as well.  No instructions but plenty of inspiration on Explore Dream Discover.

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I love this simple and easy to make, but very cute, Hot Cocoa Dispenser.  Absoutely adorable from Simple Stories.

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Loving these little fabric Yo Yo Tree ornaments which I found here on Inspired Ideas.   It's a whole online magazine stuffed to overflowing with Christmas Projects.  So sweet and adorable.

Yes, I am in a Christmas Frame of Mind.

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Clay Santa Hands.  I could not find the instructions or a link, but what a fun project to do with the kiddos.  Salt dough cut out hands, painted with acrylics.  Cute!

I am going ...
I cancelled my hair appointment last week due to lack of funds, hoping that this week I can manage it, but somehow I doubt it.   Tomorrow I am having some of my church friends over for a birthday pot luck lunch.   I wanted to celebrate my birthday somehow.   All of the other ladies have had me to birthday lunches throughout this year at nice restaurants, all paid for by them.  I can't really afford to do that, so I thought a pot luck lunch at my house would be good.  Finger's crossed it goes well!

I am wondering ...  
I am wondering how I am going to comfortably seat everyone tomorrow!  Where there's a will there is a way!  Wish me luck!

I am reading ...

Tapestry of Fortunes, by Elizabeth Berg
In this book four very different women delve into their pasts in order to share their futures, fates and fortunes.

Cecilia Ross is a motivational speaker who encourages others to change their lives for the better. Why can’t she take her own advice? Still reeling from the death of her best friend, and freshly aware of the need to live more fully now, Cece realizes that she has to make a move—all the portentous signs seem to point in that direction. She downsizes her life, sells her suburban Minnesota home and lets go of many of her possessions. She moves into a beautiful old house in Saint Paul, complete with a garden, chef’s kitchen, and three housemates: Lise, the home’s owner and a divorced mother at odds with her twenty-year-old daughter; Joni, a top-notch sous chef at a first-rate restaurant with a grade A jerk of a boss; and Renie, the youngest and most mercurial of the group, who is trying to rectify a teenage mistake. These women embark on a journey together in an attempt to connect with parts of themselves long denied. For Cece, that means finding Dennis Halsinger. Despite being “the one who got away,” Dennis has never been far from Cece’s thoughts.

Still on this.

I am hoping ...
I am hoping for good things from this art liscensing company which has taken me on as one of their artists.  I have almost finished uploading all of my work onto their server.  It has been quite a job, and I still have more to do, but I am getting there!

Makes me smile ...

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The thought that there is another season of Downton Abby coming soon makes me smile.  I just adore that show.  I wonder if Julian Fellowes knew  when he wrote and produced the first series just how very popular the show would be?  I am sure he hoped it would go over well, but I am also equally as sure that it has by far exceeded his expectations!

I am learning ...
Little by little, bit by bit, I am learning to see others through the eyes of the Savior. It is not easy to do this.  Some people are very nasty and difficult.  Remembering that they are all children of God and all "shouted" for joy is not a very easy thing to do sometimes.

Around the house ...

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No source, just sigh . . .  I love this cottagey looking bedroom, with the plate rail shelf near the ceiling holding trinkets and collectables, to the headboard which looks like an old abused door.   The window dressings . . .  the floral fabrics, colours, etc.  It's all so quaint and beautiful.  If only  . . .

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Again, no source, but again . . .  sigh . . . Love the pale yellow walls and the fabric skirt which is around the sink and countertop, and once again the plate rail above the windows and the window treatments.   it might be a nightmare to keep clean and dust free, but what a labor of love it would be.

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I love all of these beautiful lacy and feminine pillow treatments.   Looks like a lot of vintage pieces have been thrown together to make something which is quite a beautiful thing to behold.  Vintage crochet, vintage handkerchiefs, doilies, lace, ribbons.   Delightful.

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Oh to have a veranda/porch to sit out on and relax on of a summer evening.   Bliss.  Utter Bliss.

 I am pondering ...
I have never met a person whose greatest need was anything other than real, unconditional love.
You can find it in a simple act of kindness toward someone who needs help.
There is no mistaking love. You feel it in your heart.
It is the common fiber of life, the flame that heals our soul, energizes our spirit and supplies
passion to our lives. It is our connection to God and to each other.
~Elizabeth Kubler-Ross  

I think wanting to be loved and accepted by others is  the root of everyone's desire. We were not meant to go it alone.  We need each other.

A favourite quote for the day ...  

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Happiness held is the seed;
happiness shared is the flower.
~Author Unknown~

I think I read a similar thought somewhere which said in essence that love isn't given to us to hoard in our hearts, but that it isn't really love until it is given away.

One of my favourite things ...  

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I know they are the bain of anyone who has them, but I adore freckles.  I really do.  I always wanted them.

A peek into my day ...

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Music is a huge part of each of my days.  I play to it, I work to it, I read to it.   I have certain music I listen to which makes my housekeeping chores a lot easier to manage.  I have certain music which helps my creative juices to flow.  I have certain music which helps me to think and to ponder, and also music which just helps me to relax.   I would not want to live in a world where there is no music.

And that's my day book for this week!
⋱ ⋮ ⋰
   ⋯ ◯ ⋯ Take time to enjoy the small*´¯`.¸¸.☆
   ⋰ ⋮ ⋱ blessings in life.*´¯`.¸¸.☆
   ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿
   ░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░  

Wherever you go and whatever you do I hope there's a wonderful day planned for you! 

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  1. Another lovely start to my day Marie. Thank you...I am gla dthat your "girl" seems to be fitting in well..I didn't realise that you were going to feed her as well !! she is indeed a very very lucky lodger,,,,Sun shining down here at the moment but sky looks a bit watery...I have a friend visiting today from the Lake District. She live din thei house before I came over from Bath 22 yeas ago !...will be delightful to meet up again she last visited about 5 years ago I think. ENJOY YOUR DAY XX

  2. Good morning Marie. I love the image of the music. I love music so but these days I choose silence. I crave it so.

    I am troubled for Mr Williams' family and friends. My heart seemed to turn to stone. AS one who has her brother, cousin and good friends die this way I feel for those he left behind. The bewilderment and hurt is unimaginable. Being pushed that far and being told to kill myself by my ex made the world hell so I pray that he is released from torment now and enjoying freedom. Wow that was long.

    I am inspired by your meal post and tonight is use it up night. I have leftover chicken and pasta and there may be some frozen spinach in there too. Off to see what I can have for my dinner.

    God bless.

  3. I've got Christmas on my mind too. So much to do here...meanwhile still trying to enjoy summer too. Hope you do have a terrific Tuesday!

  4. Hi, Marie! VERY sad news today about Robin Williams. He was a funny man, and his warmth & humor will be missed. I remember my sister & I watching him on TV when we were girl--Mork & Mindy--he played an alien! Hints of Christmas here... I'm not ready for preparing for Christmas/gifts yet. ;o) LOL... LOVE that Little YO YO Tree! I might have to make one of those. We don't do a big tree anymore, so this might be a sweet alternative. Like you, I'm learning to see God in other, even those difficult people who challenge us. Not easy. Remember that we are, indeed, all God's children, no matter what, is a good starting place, though! To love not matter what too... Happy Week, dear friend :o) ((LOVE & BIG HUGS))

  5. Suze..(So sad..sorry for you.)
    I too am still saddened at his passing.I loved him and saw many of his movies.I heard a personal anecdote of him nay years ago..a friend had been in SF..and her grandchild was invited to a party at the William's..So she met him and had only GREAT things to say.
    He was a child at heart that day.
    He was a child at heart.
    I think when someone does is despair and I can only offer them my understanding...and love.
    RIP dear Robin Williams.Thank you for everything.

    On a different have shown us delightful things that are all so you.
    I hope you have a grand lucky you are to maybe not have enough chairs for your friends.
    Think about it..:)
    Most people have too many chairs for their true

  6. Hi, Marie,
    I'm just checking in to say hello. Isn't it sad that we have lost Robin Williams. I think that millions of folks will personally feel his loss. I wonder if he realized that when he had his bouts with depression. Mental illness and/or drug abuse is so prevalent today. We can only pray for those who are suffering and hope that maybe a kind word or deed might help someone else avert such a tragic end. Hopefully, this wonderful, large-hearted man who brought joy to so many has found peace at last.
    Happy Birthday, Marie. How wonderful to have so many friends that you fear you won't have enough chairs. Simple answer - borrow some! We will all be looking forward to hearing what wonderful treats grace your table at the potluck.

  7. Your daybook entry thoughts are always delightful.
    I don't think I am quite ready for fall yet; my summer has gone to fast.
    It was sad to hear about Robin Williams; it has been the subject for today on TV.
    I can't wait to try your recipe it looks so yummy.
    I am going to check out the Christmas links. I am not quite ready for thinking Christmas but I loved those items you posted.
    I hope you have a lovely Birthday, Marie and that you luncheon goes well. I think your friends are going to enjoy coming for the pot luck; I would come for sure.
    Love is so important; I wish everyone would just love one another. I too want to have a pure love for others but sometimes it is hard.
    Blessings, love and hugs and have a wonderful birthday celebration.

  8. Happy Birthday Marie!!! Jump and clack your heels together! Play your favorite music! Eat lots of cake! :-D
    Very sad about Robin Williams. I really believe that people who take their own lives are not themselves at the moment of suicide. Something snaps. Heart breaking!
    I LOVE Christmas and it's never too early for me to think about it. Love the crafts you posted. Okay, I must make a confession. A couple weeks ago, on a coldish/rainy day, I played some Christmas songs. Yes I did and enjoyed it! I think it always good to play it but I try to hold off at least until November. Obviously I don't always succeed.
    Downton Abbey is a MUST at my house. Can't wait for the next season. Must say though that I was traumatized when and how Matthew Crawley died. :-O

    Great post! Loved it all!
    Birthday hugs to you! xoxoxo


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!