
Wednesday 13 August 2014

I want you to know . . . I had a really good time . . . ☺

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(selfie from Llangollen, August  9, 2014.  I am not good at selfies!)

I was sitting here this morning and thinking to myself.  I am leading an amazing life.  I could die tomorrow and I would be able to say . . . "My life was great.  I had a really good time."  

I got up this morning and I was going to wait until Todd got up to open all of the cards I got in the post, but the child in my heart just could not wait any longer.  I am very naughty that way.  And so I opened them.  What can I say.  My heart overfloweth with gratitude.  So much love . . . so much love. I am truly blessed and you know who you all are.  I thank you so very much.  Tears of joy and gratitude for all that I have, for these wonderful blessings in my life called family and friends, rolled down my cheeks unbidden.  I could not help it.  Happy tears.   Those are the best kind, don't you think?  

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 Of course there have been plenty of these this morning.  Puppy Dog cuddles, and she smells so nice too.   We gave her a bath last night.  I used some of my precious Herbal Essence Shampoo.  There is nothing more cuddly than a furry little baby that smells nice.  Her paws still smell like popcorn.  I like that.

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I had cookies for breakfast.  And why not!  Peanut butter, oatmeal and chocolate chips cookies.   I was baking my Almost Pirate Cookies the day before yesterday and they went horribly wrong, but in a deliciously decadent way, but I don't know what it was that caused it so I don't dare share it because I cannot be sure.  They were a happy accident.  They spread out across the baking pan to twice the size . . .  and they ended up crisp and moreishly scrummy.  I strongly suspect I should not have eyeballed the 8 TBS of butter  . . .  it was probably too much.  I love happy accidents, don't you?  My sister would "tut tut" at cookies for breakfast I am sure.   But a birthday is a once a year thing.  I will probably chase them down with a Kinder bueno bar . . . coz I have one in the cupboard and I can.

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I have one of these sitting on my mantle this morning.   From a much beloved friend.   She knows how much the Forget Me Not talk means to me and these are forget me nots.  Thank you friend.  The feelings are mutual.   Love you much too.

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Yesterday I got notification that I had won a £50 voucher from Morrisons for This Recipe.  Every little helps!  I was quite happy about that.  On top of my winning a weekend in Tuscany, this is more icing on my cake!  (And I still look at my turkey award and marvel over it!  You see!  Me=Amazing life.)

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We have the most amazing garden, filled with colour and bloom.   Such a blessing.   After having lived on a beautiful country estate down South, it would have been so hard to go back to living in a one bedroom maisonette.  God is good and He gave us this amazing home, with such a big yard and a lot more space than a one bedroom maisonette.  I repeat . . .  God IS good.

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I have more friends than chairs. I had not thought about it that way until yesterday and it was such a blessing to be reminded that this is a great blessing . . .  to have more friends than chairs.   What a lovely thought.

I am living an amazing life.

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The birds sang happy birthday to me this morning.  Oh, if you didn't know it you probably would not have recognized the song, but I did and that is what counts.  Yes, I am blessed.

This was in my e-mail to greet me.  Someone knows my heart very well.  Kindred spirits.  I love that.  And I have been blessed with many.  You see, once again an amazing life.

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Even though he doesn't like feet and his fingers are 75 almost 76 years old, he still massages my fallen arches at night to help to take away the pain that makes it hard to walk by the end of the day . . .  and that is just the tip of the iceberg.   He gives so much to me and serves me in so many beautiful ways.   I waited 44 years to find my prince.  He may not be perfect, but he's perfect for me.  Our names are embroidered in the eternities.  A happily ever after forever companion.  I love that.  I love him.  He puts up with my front seat back seat driving and all of my other weaknesses, and is happy to do so.  We are content.  We feel blessed.   We love.   You cannot ask for more than that.  ♥

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I have obliterated the faces of anyone who might not want you to see them.  (ie my ex, his wife and one of her grandchildren) but this is the only photo I have of all of my children and their spouses and their children.  The only one missing is Cameron, but he's in his mum's tum tum, so I guess he is here too in a round about way.   I love my family.   They are not perfect.  Nobody is, and yes . . .  there are some things which I wish were different, but I love them very much and they bring me joy for the most part.   I am proud of each of them in unique and wonderful ways.  They are good people.    Decent people.   Kind people.   Each a success in their own right.   God is good.

Oh, I could go on and on about how amazing my life is and how truly blessed I am, but you all read my blog every day and you know as well as I do how wonderful my life truly is.   It would be like preaching to the choir.   I believe my life is amazing for several reasons.   God.  Love.  Family.  Friends.   Faith.  Being able to find joy in the simple things.

Yes, I could die tomorrow . . .  not that I want to . . .  but if I did, I could truly say . . .

I want you to know, I had a really good time.  

A thought to carry with you through today . . . 


"If we could be given that
 for which our hearts now ache . . . 
Would it really prove a blessing,
or a big mistake?
It's as well we have no choice.
It's not for us to say . . . 
But to make the very best of
whatsoever comes our way."


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There is even more Birthday Goodness in The English Kitchen today.   (Don't laugh.   It's an ice cream clown!)  

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I hope you have a really lovely Wednesday! xxoo


  1. Good Morning my dear Marie and a very happy day to you...oh yes BIRTHDAY...not just one day....every day xxx
    hope youe lunch goes really well. i know for sure everyone will go away with full tums, only wish I was one of them !! xxxxxxx

  2. Happy birthday dear friend. Have the best day.

  3. Sybil thank you so much for the LOVELY card and little surprise from you and Mary and Pam! Such a delight! Love you! xxoo

    Thanks so much Suzan! I am having the best day already and it has only just begun! xxoo

  4. Knowing how much you like quotes, this is for you this special day.

    "And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years." By Abraham Linkoln

    I wish the best for you this birthday.
    Happy birthday to you dear Marie!

  5. Thank you so much Helen! I love the quote and I am writing it into my quote book! You are so dear to me. xxoo

  6. A very Happy Birthday to you Marie.

  7. Happy Birthday To You..Happy Birthday to you..Happy Birthday Dear Marieeeeeeee...
    Happy Birthday to you.
    Gorgeous post.
    Enjoy every single moment.

  8. Happy Birthday! Isn't it wonderful to celebrate another year of life. It's extra special when you are having a good time. I hope your special day is filled with joy!

  9. Wishing you a wonderful day, especially as you brighten so many of mine!

  10. Happy BiRtHdAy, Marie - wishing you the best from Idaho!

  11. Happy birthday dear friend. I'm so glad my little gift arrived. I told you "great minds think alike" I had a big laugh when I opened mine last week because I'd just ordered yours the day before. We are two peas in a pod.
    I'm glad that so many sent you birthday wishes and you know that you are much loved.
    Happy birthday with hugs

  12. Marie, I can feel the joy that you unleashed on this blog page. I am SO happy that you had a wonderful day filled with love and good things!

    Happy Birthday Dear Friend!
    Big hugs and lots of love!
    Valerie H.

  13. Happy birthday Marie, hope you've had a great day! Much love xxx

  14. Happy Birthday dear Marie~ I can tell you had a lovely day. I loved all the sweet pictures but my favorite was the one of you and your dear hubby.
    I just know that to know you is to love you. I hope someday we really do get to meet.
    I like your family picture too.
    There is nothing like just knowing and feeling the love of family, friends and of course you are greatly loved by our Heavenly Father. Blessings to you and yours; I loved this one.

  15. Thank you so much for your birthday wishes, Dee, Monique, Pam, Lura, Valerie, Kate and LeAnn!! I had a simply splendid day! I felt your love all the way over here! xxoo

  16. LOVE YOU SOOO MUCH, MY FRIEND!! :o) I'm a bit late to the party here, but you were with me in heart on your day. Wishing you a wonderful 59th year!! ((BIG HUGS))

  17. Thank you Tracy! I had a fabulous day! xxoo

  18. I missed this. Happy birthday, Marie! I'm glad it was such a good one. :)


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