
Monday 11 August 2014

Small and Wonderful Things . . .

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 "The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny?...It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. what you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard  

A few of the small and wonderful things which bring untold joy into my life.   It's the small things in life which truly mean the most.  Simple abundance . . . it's the best.   

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Scarves which hide a multitude of sins.  I don't actually have any at the moment, but I have long admired the way the young Missionary sisters wear scarves and how elegant they look.  One was going to show me how to use one and which kind to buy, but then she got transferred and I never did learn how.   I am still hoping that one day I will be able to get the right kind and learn how to wear it!  

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A forgiving heart.  I have a forgiving heart.   I will forgive most people of most things.  I am not one to hold a grudge.  I may never forget, but I will always forgive.  I think life is a lot easier if you are able to forgive others.   Bearing ill will mostly only hurts you anyways.  More often than not, the other person could care less . . .  or is completely unaware of any ill feelings you may hold against them.  Besides if we expect to be forgiven, we must surely forgive.

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The Wild Roses in our garden which just give and give and give.  From early spring to autumn, they  bloom continuously and when they stop blooming the rose hips are pretty as well.   Each year I say I am going to make some rose hip jelly, or rose hip syrup for winter vitamin c, but each year I run out of time to do it or don't remember until it is too late.   Maybe this year I won't.   Forget that is.  ☺

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Little things that mean a lot.   The older I get, the more I realize that it is the small things in life which matter the most.  I am grateful for a heart that finds joy in the simple things which embroider my days and nights.  Life is not so much about wanting things as it is about wanting what you already have.   I am content.

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Blogging.  I get so much pleasure from sitting here each day sharing my thoughts and ponderings with you.  I cannot imagine never doing it.  This brings me great joy.   I have been doing it for so long to stop would leave a big hole in my life.   It's a major part of my day and holds a big chunk of my heart.   If I ever suddenly disappear for a length of time you will know that something is really wrong because this is important to me.  I would never just stop.  My life has been magnified through this medium.   You all feel like family.  

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I was up at four am this morning taking pictures of the Green Corn Moon.   It woke me up shining in through our bedroom window and I didn't want to miss it.  I will be nodding off tonight during Family Home Evening for sure.   But that's okay, it was totally worth it!  

And that's it for this week.  Nothing spectacular here, but that's just how it goes sometimes!

A thought to carry with you through today . . . 

"Poetry is the silence and speech 
between a wet struggling root of a flower 
and a sunlit blossom of that flower." 
~Carl Sandburg    

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Cooking in The English Kitchen today  . . .  a delicous Courgette Tomato Bake.  Simply delicious.

Have a wonderful day!

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I wish for you a week filled to overflowing with small and wonderful things!


  1. That is a different kind of peom this morning Marie..never heard of that poet before..It is very nice...I just wish that everyone would be grateful for the little things in their lives. They are so busy loking for the "big" things they miss the small things..
    Hope today is a lovely one for you. love to Tod and a hug to Mitzie xx

  2. I love the small things..always have..
    Have a beautiful day Marie.
    I am glad you love blogging:)

  3. You are so right Sybil. The world seems to be going a bit crazy at the moment. One must hang on to the little things and be grateful for what so many do not have. WE are blessed in small and simple ways every day of our lives. Hope you have a lovely day as well! xxoo

    Thanks Monique! I am glad you like to blog as well! My visits to you are some of my favourite visits of all! xxoo

  4. I do love scarves but don't wear them at all in the summer as it is much too warm here. The warmth they provide during the cold months though insures that I'll be wearing them. I do have several. Some I wear at home others only when outside with my coat. It's amazing how one tied around the neck adds a touch of warmth. I agree about forgiveness it is a gift to yourself as well as to others. It's pouring rain here right now, but we need it, and there is much I need to do inside today. Hope you have a Happy Monday!

  5. Todd keeps asking me what I want for my Birthday, maybe I will tell him a Scarf! I love it when you visit Pam! You are a dear loyal friend. Thank you so much! xxoo

  6. I like living simply. Just had chocolate cake for second breakfast. Does that count as simple? ;-)
    When I read about your wild roses, it reminded me of when I had a glass of rose lemonade. Oh, my...that was just so delicious. And different.
    Marie, here is a tutorial for tying scarves. Hope it helps.
    Have a great week celebrating!

  7. I too love scarves but don't know how to do them very well. There are some sites on the internet that will teach you how to do them. Even with them I can't get it right.
    I try to have a forgiving heart and I think I do; but sometimes it is very hard.
    Just like you I do love the simple things of life. I love your blog and it always stirs different feeling in my heart.
    Marie, thanks for all the recipes you post; I sometimes don't mention it; but I do love them. I can see why you won the contest.
    Blessings, love and hugs for you!

  8. Valerie, I will be sure to look that up! I need to get some scarves I think, for sure! xxoo

    Thank you so much LeAnn! I need to visit your blog. I don't know what happens to my time. It just seems to evaporate. Much love to you too. xxoo

  9. Hi Marie. Just catching up on your blog. Pinterest is a great source for learning loads of different ways to tie a scarf. I love them too, my favourite type is the infinity scarf, it's also the easiest! I bought a new one last week from M & Co reduced to half price in the sale! I do love a bargain! Much love xxx

  10. I will have to check them out at M&S Kate! Thanks! xxoo


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