
Monday 10 March 2014

Small and Wonderful Things

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"The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny?...It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. what you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard 

A few of the small and wonderful things which bring untold joy into my life.   It's the small things in life which truly mean the most.  Simple abundance . . . it's the best. 

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Sunny dry days and springtime blossoms which are popping up all over the place.  Yesterday was the most incredibly mild day and the sun shone the whole day through.  Today promises more of the same.   After the dull, grey, wet winter we have had this is so lovely to see.  I don't know anyone that isn't smiling!  Yay for sunshine!!

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I spent half of last evening sniffling and snuffling into my hanky on the sofa.  Yes, it was the season finale of Call The Midwife series 3.  I won't give any spoilers away to my American friends, except to say that Series 3 is a really sniffle into your handkerchief series.     I cried during every episode.   You better buy in extra tissues.    I love Call the Midwife.   This is excellent television.  My only complaint being these British Series are far too short.  They need to make at least twice as many episodes!

Whatever will I do with my Sunday evenings now it's finished???

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I'll just have to watch reruns of Inspector George Gently, and sigh over DS John Bacchus . . . .  I know I should be sighing over George Gently instead . . . I am old enough to be Lee Inglby's mom after all, but . . . there's  no accounting for  taste is there  . . .

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Actually it's win/win because Martin Shaw as Inspector Gently, isn't too hard on the eyes either.   Swoon.

Yes ladies . . . my taste knows no bounds.

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Move over Oreos, there's a new favourite in this house.    Border Biscuits Dark Chocolate Gingers.    Imagine the intense flavour of a gingery tongue tingling crunchy biscuit cloaked in a blanket of dark chocolate.    I am on a quest to replicate.   These are fabulously addictively wonderfully delicious.   Say no more.

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The Waterlogue Ap on the ipad.   This is our cottage we lived in down south, waterlogued.   I love it!  It is such a fun ap to play with.  The only draw back is you end up spending hours turning all of your photographs into water colours.  Sigh . . .

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Lura, she's home from the hospital which is a wonderful thing, but she still needs your prayers as she is not out of the woods yet.   This dear sweet friend has been through a horrendous month.  It's been so very difficult for her.  I am hoping that now she is home, healing will be even quicker.   Please continue to keep her in your prayers.

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God's presence is ever beside you,
As near as the reach of your hand,
You have but to tell Him your troubles,
There is nothing He won't understand.
~Helen Steiner Rice

Prayer.  It's a small thing, but it's everything.  I am so grateful for the presence of prayer in my life.  

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A fresh page to write on with each new day that dawns.   Thank God for new beginnings and the chance we have to do-better . . .

A thought to carry with you through today  . . .

 ❄。¨¯`*✲ ´*。.❄¨¯`*✲。❄。¨¯`*✲

 There is always, always, always 
something to be thankful for ...
~ Michael Traveler  

❄。¨¯`*✲ ´*。.❄¨¯`*✲。❄。¨¯`*✲ 

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Baking in The English Kitchen today . . . Classic Shortbread Biscuits.

Have a great Monday.  May it be filled to overflowing with small and wonderful things!


  1. It was another great episode wasn't it. I am going to miss the Midwifes so hoo....I wonder if there will be another series...So happy to see that Lura is home when I opened up this morning..but many more of our prayers are needed...Hope that today is as lovely as yesterday. They say cloudier but so far the sun is out and it's gorgeous...Takig Peter to teh hospital this morning he ha sto have 2/3 teeth out and dentist would not take them out so he has been waiting for hosp appointment for about 3 months...I can just imagine how he will be know MEN !!! good job he is on holiday from work this week... God Bless xx

  2. I have series three and have yet to watch any episodes of any series. I find that the deafer I become the less I watch TV. Even if I pull up the teletext I am not left to concentrate on a show. One day.

    i am so pleased you had a mild day yesterday. I hope the wonderful weather soothed Todd's soul and that you both slept well.

  3. Absolutely crackin Sybil. Good luck to John. Hope he gets on well! I do know men. They seem to suffer more than we do no matter the cause. "Man" colds being the primary example!

    Oh Suze, I wish you could watch and enjoy them. You would love them. No swearing. No gratuitious violence or sex. Just good television! xxoo

  4. I just cannot wait until season 3.. soon..Cannot wait ..J likes George Gently..

    I liked Foyle's War better:)
    We enjoy Midsomer Murders..
    But nothing beats CTM..
    and DA.

  5. The new series hasn't started here yet, but I'm waiting for it with excitement. I read yesterday that Jessica Raine is leaving the series to try her luck in Hollywood. She said she felt she was being typecast as Jenny and wanted to play other roles. I hope she changes her mind as the chemistry between the actors is just SO good.

    And a big YES! to Martin Shaw. I loved him in as Doyle in The Professionals and I remember seeing him in a stage play called Are You Lonesome Tonight? where he played Elvis during the last night of his life at Graceland, with flashbacks to his younger self and his glory days. His performance was mesmerising (and I'm not an Elvis fan!) I haven't seen any of the Inspector Gently series, but I will hunt them up on the torrent sites.

    I do hope your dear friend finally has turned the corner and the spring brings some sunshine and warmth into her life.

  6. Todd likes Foyles War Monique. I've not gotten into it.

    I am very careful not to give any spoilers on here because I know so many of my readers have not seen the series yet.

    Marie, I am hoping as well that Lura has turned an important corner. I Think Martin Shaw is appearing in a play at the West End at the moment, Twelve Angry Men. It's supposed to be very good!

  7. It's a blessing your friend is finally home. I do think you rest easier at home and will continue to keep her in my prayers. We've not seen any spring like days here but there has been some melting going on.

  8. Goodness gracious, those cookies sound awesome! My Mom likes ginger even more than I do, I should see if I can find her some. I'm so grateful for the sun too, even if over here it is shortly followed by snow every few days! We don't have any blooms yet, but there are little green spears all over! Hooray for spring :)

  9. Hello Marie, Lura has constantly been in my prayers, I'm so glad to hear your friend is home, surely this will help her heal faster. I also love George Gentley and his Sargent. I'm a fiend if there's ginger about, I've not seen those biscuits down here in Surrey. I'm having trouble with my prayer life at the moment, sometimes it's so difficult. Kind regards Mandy Currie (

  10. Hello Mandy. I am sure Lura is grateful for your prayers. She is such a dear lady and friend.

    You can get those biscuits in Morrisons if you have one there.

    Sometimes it is hard to feel close to our Heavenly Father, or to know or feel Him with us. That is when we just have to pray in faith, hoping that He is hearing them and believing that He WILL answer in His time. Trust in God's timing is the hardest thing of all. We are such impatient creatures. I do not know what your problem is Mandy, but I do know that it is when we don't feel like getting on our knees that we need to get on our knees most of all. I have a testimony of that. Sending you love and special prayers of my own. All will be well. xxoo


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