
Sunday 9 March 2014

A flight of fancy . . . come with me and we'll take tea . . .

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I had a little tea party,
This afternoon at three.
'Twas very small,
Three guests in all.
'Twas I, myself and me.

Myself ate up the sandwiches;
While I drank up the tea,
'Twas I who also ate the pie
and passed the cake to me.
 ~Jessica Nelson North    

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Is there anything on earth that is quite so much fun as a tea party.  Oh, I do love them.  It would be so much fun to have a tea party together, just you . . . and me, and a few other friends.  We'd all put on our frilly hats and white gloves and best dresses . . .

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I'd string coloured bunting across the back garden and we would sit there in the sunshine, watching it flutter in the warm spring breezes, whilst the sparrows, and the tits and the nut-hatches flew back and forth from the hedges to the feeders, and the black birds picked at the seed scattered on the ground, whilst the robin red breast scolded us all from his perch at the top of the garden shed . . .

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We'd feast on little sandwiches, cut just so, the perfect size to pick up with two white gloved fingers . . . filled with bits of egg and cress, and Chicken salad, sliced cucumbers and radish . . . and potted meats . . .

Just a few mind . . .

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 We need to leave room for the strawberry scones . . . all buttery, fat and flaky . . .  and stogged full of sweet sugary berries . . . tart lemon frosting drizzled back and forth across those buttery tops . . .
crystal sugar sprinkles sparkling in the warm Spring sunlight as it flickers down upon our cap covered heads . . .

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Not so dainty white cupcakes . . . their tops slathered in creamy white icing and crowned with big pink iced cabbage roses . . .  with crystaline leaves, so pretty and fair . . .

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Little heart shaped cakes . . . layered with jam and buttercream, glazed with a tangy lemon glaze and then scattered with candied rose petals and violets . . .  yes please.   Just one or . . . possibly two . . .

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and hard to resist little decorated cookie bonnets, with ribbons and lace, and coloured glitter and candy sprinkles . . . oh go on . . .  far too pretty to eat, but we might manage just a nibble or two . . .

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A plate full of pink macarons, tumbled against each other just so and scattered with rose buds . . . their sugary edges butting up against the other .  .  . little airy puffs of sugary goodness . . .  pinkies aloft . . .  perhaps just a few . . .

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Washed down with dainty cups of tea and mason jars of ice cold lavendar lemonade . . . oh yes, ice cubes clinking gently against the glass sides as pursed mouths sip gently along slender purple strip-ed straws, and strands of lavender brush against and tickle our noses . . .

Tis bliss, don't you think?   Oh how I wish that we could share some tea , just she . . . and her . . . and you . . . and me.

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A thought to carry with you through today  . . .


 “Anyone who takes the time to be kind is beautiful."
~Richelle E Goodrich

  ░B░I░G░ ░H░U░G░S░ ░F░O░R░ ░Y░O░U░


Baking in The English Kitchen today . . . Gypsy Creams.

Have a wonderful and blessed sabbath day . . . 


  1. Marie are the water colours yours? I'll be over next Sunday afternoon for English tea. How I wish.

  2. Oh Suze, I wish you could come too! That would be so much fun. Perhaps one day! Let's dream about it! Those are just photographs I have been playing with the waterlogue ap with. I think they would make great cards, don't you? xxoo

  3. There is something really special about the English garden tea party. When my daughter turned 10, she wanted just such a party and we hunted high and low for lovely vintage tea cups and plates, vases of pastel coloured blooms of peony, roses, sweet pea, real silver cutlery and crystal glasses. The girls dressed up with floucy dresses, hats etc and we made all of the old favourites to serve for tea. They LOVED it.

    I can still recall the atmosphere and can think of nothing I'd enjoy more - godd friends sitting in the garden sipping tea and nibbling on exquisite, dainty morsels. You must make lemon squares for me! And a Victoria Sponge (yours looks wonderful).

    Those watercolours are beautiful - and you are right. They would make perfect greeting cards.

  4. What a delightful touch of Spring there in your post today! I'd love to join your tea party! Hope you have a wonderful Sunday!

  5. Marie, I am sure you built a beautiful memory for your daughter. I wish I had thought to do something like that for mine. We had parties, but they were nothing special. I didn't have the money or inspiration then I guess. I do now, but I'm thousands of miles away.

    Wouldn't it be fun though to have a tea party together Pam!

  6. Beautifully put together post!:)
    Love these waterlogues..but you picked the perfect ones:)

  7. Thank you Julie and Monique! So glad you came to my party!


  8. Thank You for such a beautiful Tea Party it was just wonderful..((HUGS))

  9. So glad you came to my party too Cathy Jo! Xxoo

  10. What a tea party, I could taste every morsel and it was delish! ! Xxx

  11. No wonder you are a champion write with such an imagination and have us all actually sitting there in the garden eating your delicious cakes etc etc...Oh what a vision...Thank you.
    Been a glorious day down here have made the most of it I hear the weather man telling me that although we have had it up to 18 deg. today tomorrow we are back down to 9 or there abouts...but thankful for today xxx

  12. Sybil and Kate, so glad you could join us in this wee diversion. Ahh,what's the good of having an imagination if you don't use it once in a while. Loved having you. xxoo

  13. I want to come to the party! Can a scatterbrained latecomer join?? I may not be dainty and elegant enough for your beautiful party, but if I'm very very good, could I have a scone? With a teensy bit of cream and jam? I've never been to a real tea party, kept meaning to go in Salt Lake City, but never got a chance... It has always been a dream of mine, and yours sound so heavenly! :)

  14. Hello Marie
    I'm so late catching up with all my posts, but what a treasure yours was to read today. I would love to join you for tea, the imagination just runs riot. Your post so beautifully written and illustrated with your waterlogues, they are so lovely and would make great cards. Bless you for a lovely day. Kind regards Mandy Currie (

  15. Thank you Mandy! So kind of you to say!


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