
Tuesday 11 March 2014

The Simple Woman's Day Book

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FOR TODAY March 11th, 2014

Outside my window...
Its another sunny day in store for us today.  All winter the jet stream hung down below us bringing us storm after storm, but now it's moved above us and we are in a high, so good weather at least for this week anyways!  We can sure use it.  Our ground needs to dry out a bit!  Mitzie was allowed in the grassed area of the back garden for the first time in months yesterday and she was in heaven!

I am thinking...
`•.¸.•´¸¸.¸.☆¨In prayer it is better to have a heart without words, than words without a heart.
~John Bunyan

I often have a prayer running through my head.   Someone's name will pop into my mind and I pray a silent prayer for them right then and there.   My Heavenly Father knows my intent.   That's all that matters.

I am thankful...
I am thankful for sunny warm days that lift the spirit immeasureably.  I've been in a bit of a funk all winter and it's nice to see the fog lifting from my spirit and the sky!

In the kitchen...

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It's Italian Wedding Soup but not as you know it.  It's a tasty one pan supper dish that is hearty and filling.   It was delicious!  Italian Wedding Soup Skillet Supper.

I am wearing...
A blue nightie and my brown shoes. No, I have still not made myself a pair of slippers. I need a good swift kick up the backside!  And yes, I do change my nightgown more than a couple of times a week!  I Just have lots of blue ones!

I am creating...

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Polka Dot lined envelopes from  Ruffled Blog.   So cute and so easy too!  I love cute and easy, don't you?

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A free printable for DIY Mini Envelopes from The Creative Place.  You can never have too many envelopes.  I love envelopes and I love them in all kinds of shapes and sizes.  They come in very handy from time to time!  I've never met an envelope I haven't fallen in love with!

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The 60 second GIANT Pom Pom!  Genius from Handmade Charlotte.   It does seem a lot of yarn though.   But would that all pom poms were this quick and easy!

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A DIY egg garland for Easter (no source) that you can make out of paint swatches you pick up at the Hardware store.  Although I do think they would raise a few eyebrows if you walked out of the shop with that many.

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A fun Spring Break Activity for the kids.  Making monster mail boxes out of tissue boxes!  Found this on Giggles Galore.  So fun!   That blog is filled to the hilt with fabulous crafting ideas!

I am going...
No plans this week really.   I lead a pretty boring life it seems.  Well, that's life anyways isn't it?  Some times are exciting and other's not so much.

I am wondering...
I am still wondering what my next calling will be.  So far nothing.   I am learning patience.  Enjoying my time off too.

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Sane New World, taming the mind, by Ruby Wax
Comedian, writer and mental health campaigner shows us why and how our minds can send us mad and how we can rewire our thinking, especially through mindfulness, to calm ourselves in a frenetic world. Ruby Wax - comedian, writer and mental health campaigner - shows us how our minds can jeopardize our sanity. With her own periods of depression and now a Masters from Oxford in Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy to draw from, she explains how our busy, chattering, self-critical thoughts drive us to anxiety and stress. If we are to break the cycle, we need to understand how our brains work, rewire our thinking and find calm in a frenetic world. Helping you become the master, not the slave, of your mind, here is the manual to saner living.  It's early days yet, but so far quite an enjoyable read.  I was telling a friend how bad my insomnia is and how I can't turn my head off at night.  She recommended this book.

I am hoping...

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This is the rhubarb so far this year in the garden.   I am hoping we have nicer rhubarb this year than it's been the past couple of years.  The past two years it has been spongy and useless.  I really have my fingers crossed this year that it is normal and edible!

 Makes me Smile...   

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This is just three of the bazillion frogs that were sunning themselves in our pond yesterday afternoon.   It is filled with frog spawn and there must have been at least 20 frogs in the pond, at least that we could count.   A bit of sunshine and they were all out.   It was crazy!  I don't know where they all came from!  I call these the three amigos!

I am learning...
That is it just not worth talking about God with some people.   There are people in this world that are just more interested in trying to destroy your faith than in anything else.  I don't understand it.   What does it cost to be kind and say nothing?   No, I cannot prove that He is there any more than you can prove that He is not.   You can't see the wind either, but you can see what it does.  It is the same with God.  You may not be able to see Him face to face, but you can sure see the difference having faith in Him makes in people's lives.   For me, that's proof enough!  You cannot make someone feel something they are not ready or willing to feel.  It's very personal I guess.

Around the House ...   

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I just love, LOVE this wall paper.  No source for it, just found it and fell in love with it.  I think it's quite beautiful with it's apple blossoms and blue birds and butterflies.  I wonder where you could get some??

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Once again, no source, but I love the colour of these kitchen cabinets.   Medium grey.   I have never seen cabinets this colour before and I like them a lot!  What do you think of them?  I wonder if I could get Todd to paint ours.

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I just adore this old mirror.  It doesn't matter how worn something is if it is this beautiful to begin with.   I would love to have an old mirror like this.

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Sigh . . . I am in love.    This is just beautiful.   Perhaps a bit frou frou for Todd, but I still think it's gorgeous.    Very feminine indeed.  

I am pondering... 
The missionaries are coming for supper tonight.  It's the lads this time.  I am wondering if I should make them meatloaf and mashed potatoes, or something else.    I think they would like meatloaf, but Todd doesn't like meatloaf.   What to do, what to do . . .

A favorite quote for today...   

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The place where you are right now, God circled on a map for you.

 One of my favorite things...     

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Birdhouses.  If I could afford it, my garden would be filled to overflowing with them.   I just adore them.  

A few plans for the rest of the week ...
Not a lot really.   The missionaries today and I feel like I am coming down with a cold.   So I expect I will be trying just to get over that without too much problems.  Great news, Lura is home from the hospital, but still do keep her in your deepest prayers that she will continue to get better.  Thank you so very much!

A peek into my day...    

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It never hurts to stop and smell the roses I think.   Each day should be filled with a bit of work and a bit of play and a bit of nothing at all . . .

⋱ ⋮ ⋰
   ⋯ ◯ ⋯ Take time to enjoy the small*´¯`.¸¸.☆
   ⋰ ⋮ ⋱ blessings in life.*´¯`.¸¸.☆
   ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿
   ░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░  

Wherever you go and whatever you do I hope there's a wonderful day planned for you!


  1. We're having sunshine at long last too--isn't it glorious??!! :o) It does feel like a big, dark cloud has lifted...LOL... Lots of FUN and PRETTY finds, Marie! That GIANT pom pom idea is very fun. And I like the paint swatches egg garland--sweet! I love those monster tissue boxes--too cute! Definitely meatloaf and mash for the Missionary lads. Make Todd's favorite tomorrow. ;o) Happy Day to you all there ((LOVE & BIG HUGS))

  2. No sunshine here today but it is some warmer and a lot of snow has melted, but we have a watch up for more coming our way tomorrow. I'm sure your ordinary days will be filled with lots to do. I love them the best! Hope you have a terrific Tuesday!

  3. It must be nice to see something growing outside. The only thing growing above ground around here are my indoor plants. A good chunk of our snow has melted, but tomorrow comes more. There have been a few days of sun lately though, thank God! If you fed Todd the delicious looking pasta (that I am going to make tonight!)yesterday, then maybe you shouldn't push it with meatloaf today. Oh just do it-tell him when he goes on his next mission, he can refuse meatloaf. Ha! Ha! ;)

  4. Your frogs:) Looks like a children's story:)

    The book looks interesting..
    I guess a Google seach for vintage wallpaper?

    Re God..:)

    It is so personal.. and everyone has different beliefs..

    Even in families.. faith is our own I guess..

    Marie..those little envelopes are fun..i ahve made many..and even making coordinating faux stamps ..tags to add on top..very cute!

    Have a great day!

  5. Oh Marie, I'm in love with your frogs! They are so sweet! And wow, look at your rhubarb! I took a picture of mine yesterday because I was so excited that it had started to sprout. As you can see here, it's a LONG way behind yours. But I'm happy anyway - it's regrowing, the sun is shining and I'm confident I'll be picking rhubarb at midsummer.

    I love everything that you've found today. The Monster Boxes will be a fun thing to do with L-G's grandson, so I'll bookmark that one, along with the Easter eggs. And the wallpaper is beautiful! I'd like spring curtains in that fabric for my little country cottage.

    As for talking about God - yes there are many people with their hearts closed to Him as well as people who seem to feel threatened by other's strong convictions. As you say, why not just say nothing rather than make a hurtful remark about what is a private and often deeply held belief.

    I also vote for meatloaf and spuds - good home comfort food that the boys will love aqnd appreciate. My son travels a lot and eats out at some incredible restaurants etc. But he always hankers after a great, simple home cooked meal (he always wants a roast with all the trimmings when I see him). The Toddster is already very indulged, so he can suffer through meatloaf (and have the leftovers with pasta tomorrow - ha, ha!)

  6. Yes, belief in God is a very personal thing. My faith is very deeply ingrained and everyone knows it. I guess I just don't understand why there are people who feel a need to try to undermine that faith. Better to just say nothing.

    Meat loaf and spuds. Poor Todd. haha. I will tell him the ladies all voted against him!

    Marie, your rhubarb shows great promise! I see pies and chutneys and jams in your future?

    The frogs have gone into hiding today. I know they are there, but just suspicious of humans. I must remember to try to see if they sing to us tonight.

  7. One of the many loves we share- Birdhouses!! I can't wait to get my garden all decked out for my birds!! You find the funnest projects. And your frogs are hilarious!!

  8. I think I am needing more play time. I just seem to be busy doing so much of nothing. I know that doesn't make sense. I do seem to be a bit side tracked.
    I loved your day book entry; which i always do.
    We do like the same decor. I loved the picture of the blue birds; it just screams spring.
    I too am so happy that Lura is home; I have been so worried about her.
    I hope you are not getting a cold.
    I know how it feels to go a while without a calling; but it will come. Enjoy the moments of not being so busy with a calling.
    Well, I wish for you a lovely week. Blessings and love t you!


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