
Tuesday 4 February 2014

The Simple Woman's Daybook

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 FOR TODAY February 4th, 2014

Outside my window...
I am a little bit late getting started this morning.  I was doing a bit of work in my Etsy shop first.  The sun is already rising in the East.  It is cold and dry.  I don't mind cold if it is dry.

I am thinking...
"I have learnt now that while those who speak about ones miseries usually hurt, those who keep to silence, hurt more."

~C S Lewis

I know this so very well.  For years and years I kept my feelings and sadness about things all bottled up inside.  I am much happier letting them out.  I have learnt that my feelings matter and have value.

I am thankful...
Todd and I listened to a talk last night by Brad Wilcox on Grace.  It was the best talk I have ever heard.  Same with Todd.   You can find it here:  His Grace Is Sufficient
I am so thankful for his words and the truths which he explained in a very succinct, yet enjoyable way.  I am also thankful for a husband who enjoys watching these types of things with me and who gets as much out of them as I do!

In the kitchen... 

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I am playing with leftover Beef Stew.   This is a pot pie I made with it . . .

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And this is a Cottage Pie.  You can find out more about this tastiness, right here.

I am wearing...
A blue nightie and my brown shoes. No, I have still not made myself a pair of slippers. 

I am creating...  

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Well I have done my first embroidery pattern, based on a piece of my own artwork.  It's available as an instant download in my Etsy Shop here.   She is based upon this piece of artwork that I did a long time ago . . .

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This is a trial.  If I do well with them.  I will create more based on other pieces of my work.

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Isn't this an adorable idea?  I love it!

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Now isn't this a fabulous idea!!  I can see myself doing this for the grandchildren.  I usually get them a book or two for Christmas.  Wouldn't they be thrilled to get a bookmark as well that looked just like them??   You can find the tutorial here, on Nearly

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Adorable Fabric airmail stamps from Nana Company.  Are they not adorable!   She does such sweet work.  I love it all!

I am going...
I have no plans to go anywhere this week. I  know!  I'm becoming boring!!

I am wondering...
I am still wondering what my next calling at church will be.   They sure like keeping you in suspence!  I am learning patience in any case!

I am reading...
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What Alice Forgot, byLiane Moriarty
This winning not-quite amnesia story parses what happens when Alice, a married mother of three whose marriage is disintegrating, takes a knock on the head and comes to thinking she is herself, but 10 years younger and in the middle of a blossoming young marriage, with her first child on the way. As younger Alice adjusts to her older life and body, she finds much to be surprised at: a wealthy lifestyle she never dreamed of, a rejuvenated mother with a surprising love interest, and a sister whose life has turned out unexpectedly disappointing. And everyone is so sorry for something that happened with her best friend Gina, whom she doesn't remember, but apparently who helped sow the seeds of her marriage's collapse. But as the young Alice takes over the older Alice's life and applies her goofy, laissez-faire approach to living, the tension builds: what will happen if old Alice regains her memory? Alice's journey of reconciling herself to how her life came to be what it is, and her slowly building understanding of how the threads of her marriage began to unravel, is moving, well-paced, and thoroughly pleasurable.  Early days yet, but quite enjoying it thus far.

No change here, although I have added the Book of Mormon which I downloaded onto my kindle so I can read a chapter each night in bed.

I am hoping...
Last week Mitzie had about 4 days with loose bowels.  This week it is the opposite.  I am hoping she goes soon or it's a trip to the Vet, which we cannot afford.

Makes me Smile...

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Grandsons doing yoga together.  Well, it doesn't look like Jon is doing much yoga.  Maybe that is "The Thinker" move.   At any rate I love to see them doing things together.   They are a sweet bunch of little boys.

I am learning...
 "To get the full value of joy, you must have someone to divide it with."
~Mark Twain  

Joy isn't joy unless it's shared.  This is a simple truth.

Around the House ...

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I just adore this chair.  I want a chair that goes with the sofa and chair we already have.  They are just a brownish/cream tweed.  I want some colour.   Sigh . . .

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I love this idea of chairback covers for the dining chairs.   I found it here at Bunny Cottage.  This one is a bit frou frou for our home, but I do love the idea.   I love gingham . . . I wonder . . . The sofa set in the guest house at the Manor was all red gingham.  I just adored it . . . sigh . . .

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Is this not an amazing idea???  I know!  Where do I sign up!  I would do it more at the head of the bed however.  I just adore fairy lights.

I am pondering...
Will I be out of the shower before my grocery order arrives this morning?  I sure hope so!

A favorite quote for today...  

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When a baby is born . . . so is a mother.

This is so very true.  I love it!

One of my favorite things... 

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Birdhouses.  I just love birdhouses.  If I could afford them our garden would be filled with them.  We have one and it is hammered to an electric pole at the edge of our garden.   Every time we have a wind storm it gets blown off. Thankfully we have always been able to find it again.  In one of my homes I had curtain tiebacks that I had made for me and I painted, that were sunflower birdhouses.  I wonder where they disappeared to . . . I loved them.  Birdhouses are one of my favourite things!

A few plans for the rest of the week:
Not a lot.  Liking that.  We are having the Elder Missionaries over for supper tonight however.  Liking that too.

A peek into my day...
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I do an awful lot of this.  Unfortunately I do an awful lot of eating it too.   I need to find a better balance!

 ⋱ ⋮ ⋰
   ⋯ ◯ ⋯ Take time to enjoy the small*´¯`.¸¸.☆
   ⋰ ⋮ ⋱ blessings in life.*´¯`.¸¸.☆
   ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿
   ░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░  

Wherever you go and whatever you do I hope there's a wonderful day planned for you!

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