
Monday 3 February 2014

Small and Wonderful things . . .

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"The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny?...It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. what you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard 

A few of the small and wonderful things which bring untold joy into my life.   It's the small things in life which truly mean the most.  Simple abundance . . . it's the best.

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After the sacrament has been blessed and passed, the first sacrament meeting of every month at church is given over to the bearing of testimonies.   I love hearing the testimonies of the other members.  They never fail to strengthen my own and touch my heart.   I had not done so in a while.  It can sometimes be very difficult to do so . . . it's a long walk up to that podium!  In any case yesterday I just could not sit still any long and listen.  I had to get up and bear my own.   It starts with a flutter in your chest and then before you know it you are walking up to the front.   Scary and exciting at the same time . . . and such a wonderful feeling while you are up there speaking.   Bearing your testimony is a wonderful thing.  And like David A Benar says . . . it's only a beginning.

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I know you must get tired of seeing photos of the grandbabies, but my daughter posted this one of Cameron yesterday and I just had to show it to you.  He has the sweetest expression I think.  I just want to reach through the screen and cuddle him.   I keep thinking he looks like someone I know, but I haven't figured it out yet for sure.

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This was his mother, my  youngest daughter Amanda, at the same age.  I don't have very many photos of my children.    I was given an envelope of moudly negatives that had gotten wet and were all stuck together, which was quite generous, NOT.  In any case I did already have this one and a few others, so thank God for small blessings.  I love the way this portrait was done, with the silouette in the background.   That dress was a red velveteen dress with a white eyelet lace collar.  It had been her sister Eileen's first.  I think I made beautiful babies.

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While I am at it, here is the latest photo of Maryn.  I would absolutely love to know what is going through her mind.  Whatever she is saying, it looks quite profound!

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My middle son Doug has been going to college the past couple of years, taking heating and refrigeration.   He has done very well, and recently got an award for having such a high average.  I am very proud of him.  Well, I have always been proud of all of my children.   I love each of them very much and have always thought each was the greatest.  One of the small joys in life is seeing them progress and succeed.  Douglas is dysclexic and always thought he was stupid.  I always told him he was not, but you know how that goes.  They think you tell them these things because you are the mom.  Maybe so . . . but I am really happy now that he is proving to himself and the world that he is not, and has NEVER been stupid.   Smart comes in many different shapes, sizes and forms.  We are all different and unique and special in our very own ways . . .  and smart.  Smart does not fit into one box, it fits into many boxes.

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Magnum Ice Cream Bars.  Did you know they have tiny ones?   I know!  How smart is that!  I love them!  Recently they were on sale and I picked up a couple boxes to stog into the freezer.   They are a small and wonderful treat for once in a blue moon.  mmm mmm good.

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Yesterday was cold, but it was dry and sunny all day long.  We thorougly enjoyed it.   There has been a lot of flooding over here in the UK because of all the rain we have had and there is no immediate end in sight.  A great deal of the country of Somerset lays beneath water and there are some people who have been dealing with the horror of it all since before Christmas.  My heart and prayers go out to them.  I hope that the rain stops soon and the waters begin to recede.  I think that two "once in a lifetime" flooding events in less than ten years is a two too many.    We need a few good weeks of sunshine, no rain and lots of wind to help dry it all up.

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Snow drops.  Spring cannot be too far off do you think?  Yesterday was groundhog's day back home.  I think the groundhog saw it's shadow, which means six more weeks of winter.  I have never been able to understand that though, because there are six more weeks of winter anyways before the calendar flips over to Spring.  It will come inevitably.   A bit of fun I guess . . .

And that's it for this week . . . well . . . can I just show you one more little thing?

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Isn't she delightful?  I know!  It's hard to believe she will be 3 this month.  The time is just a passing!!  In a few days that Bumble Bee Costume I bought three years ago will be winging it's way across to her.   I bought it not too long after she was born.  It's finally going to fit!

A thought to carry with you through today . . .  

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"Those who bring sunshine to the lives
of others cannot keep it from themselves."
~ James M. Barrie

✽¸.•♥♥•.¸✽ ¸.•♥♥•.¸✽¸.•♥♥•.¸✽

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In The English Kitchen today . . . Strawberry Brioche Rolls.   A delicious breakfast treat that is quick and simple to do. 

Have a great week people!  May it be filled with plenty of small and wonderful things!

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