
Wednesday 5 February 2014

Wednesday This and That . . .

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It's cold out there this morning . . . dark and cold.   The wind has been blowing up a storm since last evening.   If you stand in the kitchen you can feel it blowing in through the bottom of the door.   We have a blanket rolled up and laying against it.   I know we should just break down and buy a draft excluder, but . . . the blanket is working just fine, even if it does look a bit odd!  I was saying to Todd yesterday that this is the first Winter in a while that we had not had even a hint of snow yet.  Usually by now we have had a tiny bit, even if it doesn't lay.

The elder missionaries came for their tea last night.   The one from Tahiti's English has vastly improved since they were here for dinner on Boxing day. It is just amazing at how they pick up the language like they do.  He could barely speak his name at Christmas and now he is having conversations!  It was really nice to be able to communicate with him finally!  I truly admire these young lads and girls for what they do.

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Prior to supper we had an investigator to the house which the missionaries are teaching.  Sometimes it is nice for an investigator (One who is interested in learning more about the church and the Gospel) to be taught in a member's home.  We are always happy to have an investigator in our home with the Missionairies and to help them teach.  I was so surprised when the Investigator arrived because it was Scott!   Scott was a youngish man that I had gone with the Sister Missionaries to teach several times a year ago, and who had also been to our home a few times, and then for whatever reason he decided that the Gospel was not for him.  It was really nice to see him again!  I Love it when that happens!

Actually I just love teaching with the Missionaries.  It's amazing.   It's like when you have a great big delicious cake and you just want to share it with everyone else so that they can taste it too.  That's what teaching is like.  I love it! 

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We are going to visit a friend today.  She had knee replacement surgery about a week and a half ago now and is beginning to get a bit bored now.  She's still in a lot of pain, but is still up to having people pop in.   I had been waiting as I didn't want to bother her when she wasn't feeling up to having any company.  There is nothing worse than having people drop by when you don't feel your best and aren't prepared to deal with them.   I am really looking forward to seeing her.

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Don't you just think this bed is A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E!!  I know!  I saw it and thought, that is just sooo cute.  I am not sure Mitzie would like it however.  She is kind of partial to her round one and the sofa.  She can stretch out just perfectly on that.  

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I am so pleased to say that Mitzie is completely back to normal now.   Todd took her for a really long walk yesterday morning and she was able to "go" at the end of it when she had gotten home, so that was a relief.  We did not have to call the Vet.  Whew!  Calling the Vet always ends up being an expensive venture and we don't have a lot of leeway in our budget these days.  I know we are not alone.   There are a lot of people in this position.  At any rate, I am happy that she is well again.  It's not nice when your animals are poorly.   They can't really tell you how they are feeling, but you just know something isn't right.  I just love this photograph of her.   All her sweetness shows

I was working on another embroidery pattern yesterday.  I have the pattern all done and am now in the process of embroidering it.

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It's based on this one and I am doing a Halloween Tea Towel with it.  There are two sets of pictures.   The little girl of course and some accessories to put with her that you could create a border with, or even use all on their own.  It's fun at any rate. I really do enjoy hand embroidery.

Well, I suppose I have done nothing but twaddle on about not  much here this morning.   Some days are like that I guess.   You just don't have a lot to share, except for the mundane goings on in your life.

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But I guess that sometimes that is enough huh?  I'm just happy you are here, and that you keep coming back.   You all really make my days you know.  I don't know what I would do if I didn't have y'all to share my secrets with.  A gal needs her friends, and I do believe I have some of the best in the world, and with that I will love you and leave you . . .

A thought to carry with you through today . . .

 (✿◠‿◠)❀ ♥´´¯`•.¸¸.
SLOW down and ENJOY life.
It's not ONLY the scenery you miss by going to fast,
you also miss the sense of
WHERE you are GOING and WHY...
~Eddie Cantor 

♥´´¯`•.¸¸. ´´¯`•.¸¸.♥´´¯`•.


In the English Kitchen today . . . Oven Braised Lamb Shanks.

Have a great Wednesday!  Hope it's filled to overflowing with smiles and goodness!

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