
Tuesday 15 October 2013

The Simple Woman's Day Book

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 FOR TODAY  October 15th, 2013

Outside my window...
It's gettimg light out.  I am up a bit later this  morning.  Almost an hour later.  That is a lie in for me.  I must have been tired.  I was having a lovely dream about these cute little tin dolls that I was collecting from cereal boxes.   The bodies and heads were collected separately and you had to match them up.  They were quite cute.

I am thinking...

You are going to have a good laugh about this one.   Yesterday we had gotten on the train and were on our way to Liverpool when I thought I had better call Jo and ask her what stop should we get off to meet them.  It was the wrong day.  She said, "Marie!  It's not this Monday, it's next Monday!"  
That was a real smack my forehead "DOH!" moment.   I felt really stupid.  And it was a horrible rainy day too!  WE did have a good laugh about it though and Todd and I spent a part of the day wandering around the Liverpool Docks and had a nice lunch and then came home.  So what am I thinking about that?   Well, only this . . . I need to pay better attention to details.   ☺  On the other hand, surprise "Staycations" are sometimes the best kind.  We did enjoy the day, and we get to do it all over again next Monday!

I am thankful...
My husband and friends have a sense of humor.  I guess you need one to be with me!

In the kitchen...

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Check it out in The English Kitchen today . . . Escalloped Runner Beans and Potatoes. These are sooooooo yummy!  Maybe not so pretty to look at, but the flavour is oh my goodness, good!

.I am wearing...
Nothing new here! Yep, in my nightie! I still need to make or buy a pair of slippers!

I am creating...  
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Don't you just A D O R E this butterfly tea bag holder I saw on Design Muse.  It would be so easy to make yourself!  I'm going to try it.  What an uplifting gift that would make to stick in a pick-me-up  card!

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Adorable little Pom Pom flowers from the Etsy shop Steph loves Ben.   I love this shop.  Everything is cute and ordered by colour.  So sweet.   Easy to make too.  One of those things you see and think . . . why didn't I think of that??

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(Mimis Circus)

I love the idea of making Wooden Spoon people.   Such a novel idea.  IN fact about a year ago I bought a bag of little wooden spoons to do just that and they are still sitting there waiting for me to do it.  Sigh . . . too many fingers too many pies.

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Hello.  Where have you been all my life.  I need to make some pillows just like this for our bedroom.  They are soooooo sweet!

I am going...
We were supposed to have the Missionary Elders for supper today, but one of them has had to return home all of a sudden due to health reasons.  They called us late last night to tell us.  I hope he will be ok, but in the meantime I had taken out a bunch of steak to defrost.  Now I am going . . . to have to figure out what to do with it!  Doh!  (And I thought I was being so smart in thinking ahead!)

I am wondering...
My computer is working really slow this morning.  It's taking twice as long as it normally does to do anything.  I wonder why it is like that sometimes.  It's annoying.

I am reading...

Vanishing Acts - another great Picoult

Vanishing Acts, by Jodi Picoult.
Delia Hopkins has led a charmed life. Raised in rural New Hampshire by her widowed father, Andrew, she now has a young daughter, a handsome fiancé, and her own search-and-rescue bloodhound, which she uses to find missing persons. But as she plans her wedding, she is plagued by flashbacks of a life she can’t recall. 

When a policemen arrives to disclose a truth that will upend the world as she knows it, Delia must search through these memories . . . even when they have the potential to devastate her life, and the lives of those she loves most. It is a book about the nature and power of memory; about what happens when the past we have been running from catches up to us . . .  and what happens when the memory we thought had vanished returns as a threat.

Quite enjoying this, but then again, I enjoy all of Jodi Picoult's books.

I am hoping...
I am still waiting for my referral to the Cardiac Care Unit at the hospital and further testing.  I hate waiting like this for something so important, but that is the National Health Service, and socialized health service.  There are a lot of good things about it to be sure . . . but having to wait so long for something as serious as heart testing is not one of them. (from last week.)

Can you believe that three weeks after my evening trip to the ER for a cardiac episode I am STILL waiting!!!  It's getting to be beyond ridiculous now.

I am looking forward to...
The sun is shining.  I am looking forward to today!  What will I get up to now I'm not cooking for the missionaries.  Watch this space!

I am learning...
I need to take a course I think. I would like to learn how to do something new.   Putting my thinking cap on.

Around the House ...

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Some day Todd and I are going to have a porch just like this and we are going to sit on it and look out on a beautiful view.  It may not be until we get to the other side of the veil, but I know it will happen some day . . .

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I love these twin sinks.  Some day we are each going to have our own sink too!

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I love this beautiful chest of drawers.  Isn't it unique?   I once painted the top of a coffee table just like this.  I wonder what ever happened to it?

I am pondering... 

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This is a photo my daughter posted of Cameron yesterday.  He's 4 months old now.  I wonder how old he will be when I finally get to meet him in person.  I strongly suspect he will be two.  I hope I am wrong and that I get to meet him sooner.

A favorite quote for today...  

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The World when seen through eyes both Pure
and Innocent is a Paradise of Beauty and Light.
She has no thought nor cares, nor words
Except to gently brush away the petals falling on her heart.
~Ken Morrill

One of my favorite things... 

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I love Gingerbread men.  As cookies, or Christmas ornaments, dolls . . . whatever.  I adore them any way I find them.  It has been ever so.  I cannot get enough of their cuteness.

A few plans for the rest of the week:
Not a heck of a lot!

A peek into my day...

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I do an awful lot of this.  I just don't look quite as cheerful as she does when I do it!
 ⋱ ⋮ ⋰
⋯ ◯ ⋯ Take time to enjoy the small*´¯`.¸¸.☆
⋰ ⋮ ⋱ blessings in life.*´¯`.¸¸.☆
✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿
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Have a great day! 

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