
Monday 14 October 2013

Monday goings on . . .

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We are off to Liverpool early this morning to meet up with Jo and Colin.   We haven't been there in about twelve years.   I promise to take lots of snaps to share with you in the next few days!  So far so good, it's not raining . . . yet!  I live in hope!  Have a great Monday!

A thought to take with you through today . . .

There are four things that you cannot recover in life:
(1) The Stone..........after it's thrown,
(2) The Word...........after it's said,
(3) The Occasion....after it's missed, and
(4) The Precious Time...after it's gone.

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Cooking in The English Kitchen today . . . Creamy Chicken and Peppers.

Pssst - Spoke too soon.  It's raining now.  :-(


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