
Wednesday 16 October 2013

The places I go . . .

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Good morning!  I thought that I would share some photos with you today that I have taken over the past couple of days.   This one on top is a picture that I took on the spur of the moment when we were in Liverpool on Monday.  We were in a WW2 museum house and I noticed us both in the mirror so I told Todd to say "cheese!"  It's kind of blurry, but it's us and I thought it symbolized the beauty of our relationship with each other.  So there you go.  If you are on FB you would have already seen it, so I apologize if you have, but I have lots of friends who are not on FB so this is for them!

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As most of you know we went to Liverpool in error on Monday.  We weren't supposed to go until next Monday!  Duh!  In my enthusiasm to see Jo and Colin, I had us there a week too soon, but nevermind, we decided to make the most of it and enjoy an unexpected day out which we will get to do all over again next Monday!  (Yipee!) Hopefully next Monday it won't be tipping it down as it was this Monday.  We did have umbrellas with us however and the rain did stop periodically, so it was not all bad!  Nobody comes to England for the weather.

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This imposing statue was outside the law buildings.  I wish I could remember what it was about but I can't!  But it does have Queen Victoria at it's centre.  I thought it was really nice.  I wish I could tell you more!

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The stop we got off at wasn't too awfully far from the Museum of Liverpool and so we walked down there.  By then the sun had come out.  It was an awfully modern looking building and quite large.   There was a really interesting exhibition going on inside about all the peoples that make up the fabric of Liverpool and it's history, which is quite diverse.  When you consider the fact that at one time Liverpool was like the Ellis Island of the UK and that most people who were either immigrating to or emmigrating from the UK went through here it's not hard to see how it became a very cosmopolitan city.

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One thing I know about Liverpudlians is that they are fabulously warm and friendly people, have contageous laughs (Sheilagh) and a wonderful sense of humor and joy for life.

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I found the harbour front quite pretty actually.  There was a huge mix of modern and old, but they didn't jar with each other.  

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Not that great a photo of the Albert Docks area, but I thought it quite an interesting one because there are all these orbs which showed up all over it.  I like to think that was the spirits of my ancestors telling me they had been here too . . . now back to your regular programming.

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The Albert Docks.   If you have ancestors who came to North America from the UK back in the 1800's and on up until the mid 1900's, chances are this was their last port of call before they left their homeland.  I cannot explain what I felt here.   I have a lot of ancestors who immigrated to Canada and the US, mostly prior to those dates, but I felt very emotional here, thinking about this being the last bit of their homeland that these world travellers would ever see . . . I could feel their spirits calling out to me I suppose.

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This statue of a young family commemorates migration from Liverpool to the New World and was donated by the Mormon church.  Most, if not all, of our early converts to the church would have left from this very place to go to Zion in America.  The statue is a tribute to the many families who embarked on a brave and pioneering voyage to America to begin new lives.   It is estimated that in total over 9 million people made their way through this port to begin new lives in North America.   The child stepping forward symbolizes migration to a new world . . .

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The Beatles were not the only musical gift that Liverpool gave to the world. Liverpool also gave us Billy Fury, an internationally aclaimed rock and roller from the mid 1950's to mid 1960's.  (Halfway to Paradise, Wondrous Place, It's Only Make Believe, etc.)  He equalled the Beatles record of 24 hits in the 1960's.   I did not know him, but I knew the songs!

I think Liverpool is quite famous for it's musical roots actually.  A lotta lotta talent came from here.  The Beatles, Billy Fury, Cilla Black, Gerry and the Pacemakers, Frankie Vaughan, The Searchers, etc.   I think one of their most famous songs has to be . . .

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Ferry Cross the Mersey, by Gerry and the Pacemakers and there she is . . . that infamous ferry!

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We also toured the Merseyside Maritime Museum.  There were fantastic exhibits inside about the Titanic, the Battle of the Atlantic and of course there is also the Slavery Museum inside, which made me feel very sad.

My favourite part however was the WW2 recreation of the Harbour Master's house.  It was like a little step back in time . . . and there was nobody there telling you, you couldn't take photos like there usually is . . .

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This room was all set up for laundry and sewing with a little coal fire burning in the grate of the fireplace.

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Of course I found the kitchen quite interesting as I would do . . .

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The lounge.  Note the black out curtains and wireless.  No telly back then!

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The childrens bedroom.  No indoor laavy back then.  You had an outdoor biffie and a pot under the bed.

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and then the adult bedroom.  I love these types of exhibits.   I love snooping in old homes and seeing these little glimpses of bygone days and eras.  Todd felt very nostalgic as well as this is the era he grew up in, having been born just one year prior to the beginning of WW2.

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This we saved for next Monday along with the infamous Cavern!  I can't wait!

I have fallen in love with Liverpool.   We had been to it a long time ago when I first came over here.  My oldest and youngest son had come over for three weeks and we had a day trip to the city.  There have been a lot of improvements since then.   I just remember being tired and hot after that day trip, my feet being sore from all the walking, and having tasted the best french fries/chips ever.   Looking forward to next Monday with Jo and Colin!

We are losing two of our Missionary sisters this week.  They are being replaced by two lads, so we will have only two sisters and four lads.

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This is Sister Myakunova from the Ukraine.  She is leaving us.  She loves Mitzie and Mitzie loves her.  A real fun gal.

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And Sister Leslie from St George, Utah is leaving us as well.   What a sweet girl she is, with such a gentle spirit and nature.

We will miss them both very much.  Thankfully they got the chance to sign our Missionary book.  We have a book that we keep that we get all the missionaries to sign and bear their testimony's in before they leave us if we can catch them in time.  Along with their photographs it makes a beautiful memory book for us.  We don't always get them all in it, but we try!

A thought to carry with you through today . . .

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"Be still and know that I am God."
~Psalm 46:10  

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Cooking in The English Kitchen today . . . a simple dessert, Fried Cox Apples with Cinnamon.

Have a great Wednesday!

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