
Wednesday 29 July 2009

What's in a smile . . .

Have you tried out your smile today?
To light your steps along the way?
It's mirrored in each face you meet
On byway, path, and city street.
Have you tried out your smile today?
A smile that's sunny, bright and gay,
That helps to lift somebody's grief,
And brings to pain some small relief?
Have you tried out your smile today?
If not, you should without delay.
You'll find your heart is gladdened, too,
When someone else smiles back at you.
~Verna Young

Noun - smile, smiling, grin, grinning - facial expression characterized by turning up the corners of the mouth; usually shows pleasure or amusement)
Verb - smile (change one's facial expression by spreading the lips, often to signal pleasure)
smile (express with a smile) "She smiled her thanks"

Smiling . . . the art of speaking without saying a word.

A smile is a universal language, which never goes out of style. It doesn't matter who you meet, or what language they speak, we all recognize a smile for what it is. It is something that can immediately brighten up someone's day. It is one of the greatest gifts you can give another, and one of the greatest gifts to receive.

It's one of the most natural movements the body makes, and a reflex we are all born with. Within a few weeks of it's birth a human baby learns to smile all on it's own, and then within a few months, it has learned to recognize when someone else smiles and is able to reciprocate in kind. Nothing warms the heart more than the beauty and innocence of a baby's smile.

Here's some eye opening statistics on smiles . . .

Babies smile on average, two hundred times a day.

Women smile on average, sixty two times a day.

Men smile, on average, eight times a day.

What does that say about us? Kind of sad, isn't it?

Smiling makes you beautiful. Just think of all the people you know, whose smiles you admire. Do they tilt their head or engage their eyes a bit when they do it?? These are natural characteristics that come about individually when someone smiles. Smiles create other natural characteristics as well . . . beautiful ones that form from years of . . . well . . . happiness!! Think of that little crinkle in the nose, the creases around the eyes, and the aptly named smile lines. These are all a part of a great natural smile, and we should all have them.

"Wrinkles should merely indicate where smiles have been."
~Mark Twain

There is no greater way to brighten another's day than to give them a smile. It's the one gift that just can't help giving back . . .

May your day today be filled to the brim and overflowing with them . . . both the given and the received!

I have wanted to make these tasty little treats for a very long time, but have never been able to find refrigerated Crescent rolls over here in the UK. I finally found some at the weekend at Morrisons and couldn't wait to get started on these delicious treats. I know it's cheating . . . using something ready made, but my goodness, these were well worth the cheat!

*Stuffed Cinnamon Rolls*
Makes 6
Printable Recipe

These are delicious . . . easy, and quick and quite unique. Kind of like an inside out cinnamon roll. The marshmallow melts to leave an inner pocket of tasty goo, and the buttery cinnamon outsides are just wonderful. Todd enjoyed these so much he ate two!

1 package of refrigerated crescent dinner rolls
(The ones over here contain six, but I know in North America, they contain 8, in which case you can make 8 of these)
6 large marshmallows (8)
1/4 cup granulated sugar
1 TBS cinnamon
3 TBS melted butter

Pre-heat the oven to 190*C/375*F. Line a muffin tin with cupcake liners and then spray them with some cooking spray. Set aside. Combine the sugar and the cinnamon in a small bowl. Set aside. Place the melted butter in another bowl.

Open your tin of crescent rolls. Unroll and separate into 6 (8) triangles. Dip each marshmallow into some butter, then roll it in the cinnamon sugar. Place one on each triangle of dough. Pinch the dough up around the marshmallow to totally encase it. Seal any seams thoroughly. Dip the tops into the melted butter and then into the cinnamon sugar. Place in the muffin cups, cinnamon side up. Repeat until you have filled and coated all your triangles.

Bake for 13 to 15 minutes. Serve warm.

If you're looking for a tasty burger, look no further. Check out my English Kitchen to see some tasty Stilton Burgers!!


  1. Oh 'ecky thump, we were just in Morrisons yesterday!

    I smile all the time, specislly when I'm reading blogs, specially when I'm reading YOUR blog. Mind you, I have been told by people that when they see me across the other side of a supermarket looking at the shelves I have a face like thunder. So why don't they run over and cheer me up? Hmm?

    love, Angie, xx

  2. I have always smiled plenty Marie.Laughed too as you well know my nickname.Laughing Kath.Best medicine of the day and those rolls look like good medicine too LOL!! Mmmm.Have a lovely day Take Care God Bless Kath xx

  3. What a fun post today, Marie... And visiting you here always makes me smile! :o) And your recipe here today is really making me smile--LOL!--sooo good! Happy Day, dear friend. LOVE YA ((BIG HUGS))

  4. Oh you have given me a very ***BIG SMILE*** today. I love to smile and laughter is always the best medicine for sure. So much of what we have to embrace in life can be helped with a smile or two. You have doubly smiled on this post with that delicious sounding recipe too. I'll have to make sure and try it sometime when there is more than me around to help eat it. Have a wonderful Wednesday.

  5. Sweet, I love the smiling thoughts. All so true. I have to say I chuckled out loud at the numbers on women vs men's number of smiles per day. It is sad that we have both given up so many smiles per day since we were babies.

    I do smile at other people when I go shopping just for fun. I am amazed by how many grumpy people live here in CA. It is totally sad as even the little kids just stare back sometimes.

  6. Like everyone else, I always get a smile when I read your blog. It is so uplifting. These little treats look like something my grandson and I could make together. What a cute idea. Thanks for always having such positive thoughts to read, it really makes my day. Take care!

  7. Yummy! I'm smiling just thinking about those cinnamon rolls! Thank you for all the smiles you bring!

  8. That first picture cracked me up. So cute! It is so true that a smile can literally make my day. I think if everyone smiled more the world would be so much happier!


  9. You just can't help but smile at that baby picture! :-D

    Those muffins look wonder (and easy!) but I wonder if you could suggest another little filling instead of marshmallow? I'm not a big fan of marshmallows...

  10. Those muffins are making me smile!

  11. Oh Marie!! YOU make me smile a lot but with these drwas and picture you make me laugh, uuuh! this babe look a little angry?? But love all you say, is really true, really I smile a lot but many times the people thinks why you smile?? But How you can say Hello and dont smile??? when I walk to take yhe bus I find gardiners (friends) the boy in the taxis, the gilr that sell newspaper and all I say Hello and smile Marie, but you have reason not all the people smile.
    My Mom smile always and laugh a lot!! kisses to you, I love your posts!! and these muffins look delicious!! Gloria
    My Mom has 79 years old, xxxxx

  12. Mmmmm - the cinnamon roll idea is FANTASTIC! I do not have time to make traditional cinnamon rolls - and this fits the bill nicely!


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