
Tuesday 28 July 2009

It doesn't always follow . . .

It Doesn't Always Follow

It isn't the man who knows the most
Who has the most to say;
Nor yet the one who's wealthiest
Who gives the most away.

It isn't the bird in the gilded cage
Who sings the sweetest song;
Nor yet the girl who's prettiest
That's faithful, true and strong.
~author unknown

I have no idea of who wrote the above verse, but it is one that I have kept in my scriptures for years, scribbled onto a small piece of line paper.

It may not be the most famous prose ever penned, but there is a great deal of wisdom in it's words.

When I am feeling a bit down, or disheartened . . . or even a bit un-appreciated, I like to take it out and read it. It reminds me that all people have worth, and that is it not necessarily the smartest, richest or even the prettiest of us that are the most useful or valuable. Whilst those are nice things to be or to have, there are other qualities and talents in a person that are to be treasured above all else.

Just my thoughts for this morning. I hope and pray that wherever you are on this day and that no matter what you are doing, or whatever you are going through, you are able to find a measure of joy and peace . . . and love.

I baked some really tasty cookies the other day. Incredibly moreish, these are simple and quick! I love simple and quick, especially when accompanied with tasty!

*Crisp Toffee Slices*
Makes about 25
Printable Recipe

Deliciously crisp cookies flavoured with golden syrup and spice, these are incredibly moreish!

1/2 cup butter, softened
3 1/2 ounces caster sugar (white sugar)
2 TBS golden syrup (Can use corn syrup)
5 ounces plain flour
1/2 tsp baking soda
1 tsp vanilla
1 tsp ground ginger

Pre-heat the oven to 180*C/350*F. Line a large baking sheet with some parchment paper. Set aside.

Beat the butter, sugar,syrup and vanilla together until light and creamy. Sift together the flour, soda, and ginger. Stir the dry ingredients into the butter mixture.

Shape the dough into two long rolls on the baking sheet, leaving plenty of room between them for spreading. Flatten each roll slightly and score with a fork.

Bake in the centre of the heated oven for 15 minutes, until golden brown.

Remove from the oven and allow to cool for several minutes before cutting into slices diagonally with a sharp knife. Leave to cool completely on the baking sheet. Store in a tightly covered container.

For something else simple and quick, why not pop on over to The English Kitchen!


  1. A good day to you Marie!

    I love the look of those cookies...toffee is a favorite!☺

  2. I love your little poem, I would love to share it with the High School kids in my church youth group if that's okay with you...they often need to be reminded that they all have worth in the peer pressure filled lives!

  3. What a nice poem Marie. You always lift my spirits. And those cookies look so good! I hope you are having a wonderful day today!


  4. Thank you dear friend.

    Now that food looks amazing.


  5. aaaah! Marie I know as you feel sometimes! I feel down yesterday, but read something, pray and think only let .... wait. sometimes we ffel so but is curious to the other day we feel different, I dont know is the pray or is Good (possible He is) because we are so little.
    Is a lovely post dear and when you feeling a little down, think in all we really love you and Im thanksfull you are here every day with your thoughts and words and delicious recipes, a big,big hug and these cookies look amazing! xoxoxoxoxoxo Gloria

    Everybody have sorrows dear Marie, everubody!!! kisses yo you and Todd

  6. Ohhh those cookies look delicious, I'll have to try them :)

  7. This little verse was just perfect for me today. I have been feeling very invisible lately. But I am just plugging along anyway doing what I think I should and hoping to shake it.

    Thanks, Marie!

    Hugs, Bonnie

  8. Toffee anything - I love it! These look easy enough to whip up for an evening treat....


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