
Monday 27 July 2009

The Simple Woman's Day Book . . .

FOR TODAY, July 27th, 2009 ...

Outside My Window...

The rain is falling. I notice the days are now getting shorter again. It's not as light when I get up in the morning as it has been these past few weeks . . . I would imagine we'll soon see signs of the leaves turning. It's been quite cold these past few days. Summer doesn't seem to last any time at all anymore . . .

I am thinking...
We saw a very odd man peering into our chapel windows yesterday just as we were about to leave church to go home. We stopped and inquired of him did he need anything. He wanted to talk to the vicar. He was really strange and was going on about spiritual hauntings. It appeared he felt his home was haunted and he needed someone to exorcise it. We gave him our Bishop's phone number, but somehow I doubt he'll be able to help him with that . . . He was a very odd man and I expect he'll need a lot more than a spirit exorcism . . .

I am thankful for...
I am so thankful that I have the Lord in my life and that I have my faith in God and His promises. I am not tossed about by changing waves in the doctrines of men. I know where I came from, why I'm here and where I'm going when I leave this earth. I have security in my knowledge of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and that has been a huge blessing to me, and a strength.

From the kitchen...
Between going to visit Terry on Saturday and spending most of yesterday with church duties, there was not a lot of baking going on here this past weekend! The time seems to be passing by ever so quickly these days. I don't know where it goes. Besides, I am waiting until my oven is fixed before I really do anything special. The convection oven cooks beautiful single layer cakes, but it's not really practical for anything larger. I can't wait til the engineer comes today and sorts the other oven out! (I hope that he can!)

I am wearing...
Pink pajamas and my sandles. Comfy, warm and very homey. I love my jammies.

I am creating...

I have several sketches done for cards that people specifically asked for and hope to get them painted this week, plus two commissions I am working on. I still have plans to make some dolls of my characters, but have been sadly lacking in time to execute them!!

I am going...
We're having some kind of outdoor games at YW's mutual activity this Thursday night. It should be a lot of fun! Lots of running around I expect . . . and getting dirty.

I am reading...

I am still reading Shanghai Girls, by Lisa See. This is the story of two sisters, Pearl and May. Beautiful, young and carefree, they are living a life of luxury until their father gambles away his fortune and they are sold to pay off his debts . . . sent to America to be married to two strangers. I have only been managing to read about 2 or 3 pages each night as I am falling asleep by then. It's really good though!

I am hoping...
To get those cards finished this week, plus a few more things. Is it just me, or does time seem to be speeding up. It seems like the day no sooner starts and it is finishing!!!

I am hearing...
It's very quiet in here this morning. Except for the tinkle of rain on the windows, Jess snoring and the clock ticking there is no noise . . . I can hear the refrigerator humming as well. Very peaceful . . .

Around the house...
I got my new curtains all hung up at the weekend, and they look lovely. Very French Country. We got the small bathroom painted last week and at the weekend we managed to buy some new fixtures to put in it . . . new towel rails etc. It should look quite nice when it's done. It had never actually been finished when we moved in here, with just a primary coat of immulsion on the walls. Now it is looking much, much better! I went with a Lavender coloured shower curtain and aubergine coloured mats. The walls are pale yellow. I think I will look for a picture to hang on the walls of Lavender or something quite similar. That sounds pretty!!

I saw this picture the other day that said "Family is Forever." I want to get it and then put it on the wall in our upstairs lounge and surround it with pictures of our children and family. I think that will look really nice!

One of my favorite things...
Is drawing and painting. I miss it when I don't have time to do it. It has always been an important part of my life. For the first 7 years that I lived over here I didn't do any of it at all. I'm so glad that I was inspired to pick up my brushes again a few years ago. I hadn't realized just how very much I had missed painting. I love it very much and it fulfills a creative need in me that's very important!

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week...
Of course there is Young Women's on Thursday evening and work. I haven't made any plans beyond that so far this week, but we'll see how it goes. Something is bound to crop up!

Here is picture thought I am sharing...

It's a thistle. I love thistles. I think they are beautiful! Every year I say I am going to try to press one between the pages of a book, just like the one Mel Gibson has in the Film "Braveheart," but, I always forget to do so . . .

And that's my day book for today! Why not hop on over to Grandmother Wren's to see some of the other daybooks that have been posted. I am sure there will be some really good ones to read and some new friends to make!

I made some really tasty chicken for us the other night. It is loosely based on a recipe for an oven roasted chicken from the Bill Granger cookbook entitled "Every Day." I don't have the use of an oven though and so I adapted it for cooking on top of the stove. His also used lime instead of lemon and I didn't have a lime . . . my lemon stovetop version turned out to be delicious!

*Lemon and Honey Glazed Chicken*
serves 4

Printable Recipe

Deliciously tender chicken covered in a scrumptious lemon and honey glaze. This uses chicken legs and thighs which are cheaper than breasts and also more flavourful. Serve with some steamed rice and Chinese greens for a tasty supper.

2 TBS plain flour
2 tsp paprika
salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
4 chicken legs
4 chicken thighs
2 TBS oil
2 tsp grated fresh ginger-root
1 fat clove of garlic, peeled and crushed
2 TBS honey
1/2 cup chicken stock
1 fat un-waxed lemon, cut into wedges

Place the flour, paprika, salt and pepper into a plastic baggie. Shake to combine. Add the chicken pieces one at a time and coat them with the flour mixture. Set aside.

Heat a large skillet over medium high heat. Add the oil and heat until it shimmers. Add the chicken pieces and lightly brown them, turning to make sure they are browned on all sides. Squeeze the lemon wedges over all and toss them into the pan. Mix together the ginger, garlic, honey and chicken stock. Pour over the chicken. Lower the heat and then cover and simmer for 10 to 15 minutes. Remove the lid and continue to cook, turning the heat up until the sauce is bubbling. Cook, turning the chicken pieces frequently, until they are all glazed and the sauce is thickened. Serve hot with some of the lemon wedges and sauce spooned over top.

For some hearty breakfast goodness, pop on over to The English Kitchen to see what's cooking there!


  1. Hope your Monday is a great one and that the oven is fixed for you!

  2. Your week is off to a great start there...Hope it will be a lovely one, my sweet friend! Hubby would love your recipe here today. Just a tiny hello today...I'm not feeling too well, so see you soon! LOVE YOU HEAPS ((HUGS))

  3. I'm happy to hear you're doing your painting & drawing. I know the feeling when you miss doing creative work. It's been a long time for me and I can't wait to get back into it.

    Happy painting :)

    ciao for now,
    Elena :)

  4. If you could send some of the cooler weather and rain here would be greatly apperciated. Yes Fall will be here before we know it. Does go faster each year.
    Enjoy painting. Have great week.

  5. I hope you post pictures of your bathroom. It sounds very pretty.

    Enjoyed your daybook. Have a blessed week.

  6. I've noticed a slight shortening of the days too...but fall is a lovely time of year also and I'm looking forward to it.

    The book you are reading sounds good and has a lovely cover...I just love pretty books!

    Hope you have a lovely day! ☼

  7. I think we are going to have summer for quite awhile yet. It barely seems like it has gotten off the ground yet. We could use some of that rain that makes everything so beautiful for you! Have a wonderful week!

  8. What an interesting Sunday. Sounds as though you'll have a very busy week, but a enjoyable one.
    Have a great day.

  9. Thank you for sharing your Daybook.
    I'm touched by your "I'm thankful for" entry -
    just what I needed for today.
    Thank you!

  10. That guy sounds scary! I'm so glad you took up painting and drawing too! Did you get my e-mail?

  11. hi, just reading some of your web page how would you like to press some thistle in your bed in september !!! love philo and phil xx

  12. Hello dear Marie!

    I hope you have a wonderful week. Your book sounds so good. I am going to have to put hat one on my list! Your kitchen curtains sound so lovely!


  13. I do hope that the "very odd man" gets all of the help, support and kindness from your church that he needs. As for that chicken recipe, it looks fantastic and I will be giving it a try myself this week!

  14. Your blog is just lovely, and I so enjoyed reading your daybook entry today! Have a great week -


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