
Thursday 30 July 2009

Thursday morning thoughts . . .

"What a great delight is a day of sunshine,
A clear blue sky when the storm is over."

Those are the first two lines of that timeless piece of Italian Opera, "O Sole Mio." As I look at them, I think to myself . . . how rare it is that beautiful songs or poems are written about beautiful sunny days that follow . . . well . . . other beautiful sunny days . . .

It is the storm, after which the clear blue sky follows, which helps to make the blue sky so very enjoyable.

How very much like life this is . . .

"For it must needs be, that there is an opposition in all things. If not so, my first-born in the wilderness, righteousness could not be brought to pass, neither wickedness, neither holiness nor misery, neither good nor bad. Wherefore, all things must needs be a compound in one; wherefore, if it should be one body it must needs remain as dead, having no life neither death, nor corruption nor incorruption, happiness nor misery, neither sense nor insensibility."
~ 2Nephi2:11

There is a reason for the storms in our lives. They help us to appreciate the good times, much in the same way as the trials and tribulations of life are sent to help prepare us for the "great delight" to come. We cannot ever truly begin to appreciate all that is good in our lives, until
we have first experienced the bad . . .

Just my thoughts on this early Thursday morning . . .

As you know, my Todd doesn't like pasta very much. I don't know why really. Perhaps it's the texture, or it could just be that it was not something his mother cooked very much when he was growing up. (read not at all here!)

He doesn't mind tinned Heinz spaghetti on toast from time to time, but that's where it stops. (ugh) Myself, I just love pasta, in any way shape or form. I've been known to sit down with nothing but a bowl of buttered spaghetti, festooned with salt, pepper and freshly grated parmesan . . . I am in heaven.

I do torture him with some pasta from time to time however . . . I like to keep him on his toes! This is delicious, quick to make and quite economical!

*Skillet Tuna and Noodles*
Serves 4 to 6
Printable Recipe

This is like an oven baked Tuna Casserole, except it's a lot easier and quicker to do. Everything cooks together in the same pan on top of the stove. Perfect for these warm summer nights. All you need to accompany it is a salad, and maybe some rolls.

2 TBS butter
10 ounces white button mushrooms, sliced
1 medium onion, peeled and minced
3 cups raw egg noodles
2 cups chicken broth
1 cup heavy cream
1 cup frozen peas
2 tins of solid white tuna, drained and flaked
2 TBS minced fresh parsley
Black pepper
a handful of Ritz crackers, crushed

Melt the butter over medium heat in a large skillet with a lid. Once it is foaming, add the onions and the mushrooms. Season with 1/2 tsp of salt and cook, stirring occasionaly over medium heat until the mushrooms are browned. Scoop out into a bowl.

Sprinkle the noodles into the skillet. Pour over the broth and the cream. Bring to the boil then reduce to simmer, cover and allow to cook for 10 minutes, or until the noodles are tender, stirring occasionally.

Once the noodles are tender, stir in the peas, tuna and parsley. Season to taste with some black pepper and some salt if needed. Heat through completely. Serve hot and sprinkled with the crushed crackers. Delicious!

I did make him a delicious dessert however, to help make up for the pasta torture you know . . . Pop onto The English Kitchen to see what came next! (I don't know why that man isn't as big as a barn . . . it's just not fair!)


  1. I think I could happily live on pasta too. There are some things Keith has had to learn to love, pasta is one, rice is another though given the choice he'd rather have a plate of chips!

    love, Angie, xx

  2. This tuna casserole in a skillet is classic comfort food Marie.

  3. Pasta is a must in my kitchen. I do love tuna and noodles and do a very simplfied version using cream of mushroom soup and milk in mine. Tuna is very good for you too and I should eat more of it. Yours sounds so good that I'll have to try it. I hope your day is a sunny one with no storms coming your way.

  4. Marie when I come here and see your food I start to knaw at the computer screen.

    Love Renee xoxo

  5. I love how you give us something good to think about, Marie... and then give us something good to eat! :o) I adore pasta...couldn't live without it! Lucky my hubby likes it just as much too. Love your comforting tuna & noodles skillet dinner. This is something very much like my mom use to make a long time ago... I have to make this recipe! Hope the sun is shining for you there.. It's been stormy here--have had to have the computer shut down at times this week due to storms--yikes! This is July? LOL! Happy day, sweet friend--LOVE YA ((BIG HUGS))

  6. That tuna and pasta is my new favorite dish.

  7. Ahhh, the opposition in all things thought. Love it and know it is true! Our trials strengthen us and make us better all the way around, even though no one looks forward to them. My grandmother use to say the sun always shines only in a desert. So true!

    Todd is one lucky man the meals you prepare always look so amazingly delicious! Love you, dear friend!


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