
Tuesday 24 February 2009

Gracie Needs Your Prayers

This is Gracie . Gracie was born last March with hypoplastic left heart syndrome, or HLHS. This past year has been one ordeal after another for Gracie and her family as she went through one complication and procedure after another. You can read all about it on their BLOG. This picture is of wee Gracie as she waited to go in for a heart transplant this past Saturday. This should have been the miracle they were all waiting for . . . alas, the new heart is not working right. There is always a 1% chance that a new heart will be defective and Gracie got the heart that was 1%. Unfortunately they didn't know this until they had already removed Gracie's heart and put in the new one. She is now waiting for another heart. Could you please put your hands together and pray for this wonderfully brave little girl and her family? They need a miracle and we all know who the giver of great miracles is. Please pray for Gracie. Thanks so much. Let's put a smile back on her face.


  1. Gorgeous baby! She certainly drew the short straw didn't she? My prayers winging their way.

    love, Angie, xx

  2. Oh, my goodness...that seems like too much for a small, sweet baby to have to go through. How beautiful Gracie is...look at her face. Prayers and loving thoughts flying to her and her family. Please let us know what happens, Marie. ((HUGS))

  3. I will definitely put my hands together and pray for Gracie. Hugs.

  4. Oh my, of course I will pray for little Gracie. Meg alerted me to this request and I'm glad she did. Please know that we are joining you in prayer for this precious little one.

  5. Oh that sort of story breaks my heart. What a beautiful little girl. I'll keep her in my thoughts and hopefully she gets that replacement heart ASAP~

  6. oh this breaks my heart. she and her family are in my prayers. what a beautiful baby!

  7. I have said a prayer for precious little Gracie, and will keep her in my prayers until a new heart arrives and that beautiful smile is back on her face.

  8. Thanks Marie for helping to spread the word. Little Gracie and her family need all the prayers they can get. Miracles do happen as we well know.
    Love, Lura

  9. She and her family are in my prayers. What a sweet little baby. (My sister's son was born with the same thing.)

    Thank you for spreading the word dear Marie!


  10. Awe she's beautiful, Marie your gonna make me cry. Prayers for Gracie!

  11. Have you already put her on the temple prayer rollsl? If not then I can have my mom do it tomorrow when she works there. I will certainly be praying for Gracie.

  12. As a mom who put her child on an operating table at 6 mos-heart related, though not as serious as a transplant-I will be praying doubly hard for this beautiful baby girl.

  13. My prayers will be said thousandfold for this dear family and friends of yours Marie.What a picture Gracie is she is beautiful.Prayer is powerful.Take Care God Bless Kath xx

  14. Bless her she is so sweet. {{{hugs}}} I will send positive thoughts her way.

  15. Prayers are on the way, Marie! I have the T-shirt and can feel for that family!

  16. Oh marie
    what a dolly!! I am sending prayers up for her and her mommy and daddy especially. She brings back memories of little patients that I have had in my care over the years.
    God is in charge and I know he hears all of our prayers for one of his frailiest.


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