
Tuesday 24 February 2009

I felt the earth move . . .

What's brown, blue and white and should come with a health warning? Why it's the Tuesday's With Dorie baking group of course! Welcome to Tuesday's With Dorie, that wonderful baking group that gets together once a week and bakes the same recipe from the same delicious Baking book . . .

Baking, from my home to yours, by the equally as delicious Dorie Greenspan! Over this past year I have baked my way through some pretty incredible recipes . . . cakes, muffins, tortes and gateaux, not to mention cookies, squares and puddings. All have been fabulous. All have been delicious. But this week . . . the recipe this week absolutely takes the cake . . . (no pun intended) . . . this week I literally felt the earth move beneath my feet.

This week Whitney of What's Left On the Table chose Caramel Crunch Bars, page 112-113. Oh my goodness Whitney . . . these really should come with a health warning. Not only are they incredibly delicious, but, they are incredibly addictive!

Imagine a bar that has a totally buttery and crunchy base choc full of bits of milk chocolate!

Top that with more milk chocolate, melted and luxuriously spread over the top . . .

Then add incredibly moreish toffee bits, sprinkled over the top . . .

You would be right in thinking that these don't look like toffee bits.

They are M&M's. I could not find toffee bits anywhere, and because of time constraints, I ended up not having enough time to make my own . . . . nevermind . . . .

These bars rocked my world anyways! (I'm pretty sure they'll rock yours too!)

If you haven't already bought the book, Baking, from my home to yours . . . the question begs to be answered . . . What are you waiting for??? This book is totally worth every penny, not a dud in the bunch. I hold it singularly responsible for my two axe handle wide hips, but don't let that deter you. Tis a wonderful way to go.

Be sure to check out Whitney's PAGE later today for the recipe and in the meantime make sure you check out the Dorie Blog Roll to see how all the other ladies did with their crunch bars.

I think I read somewhere once upon a time that if it crunches there are no calories involved . . .

Next week Lyb of And then I do the dishes has chosen Chocolate Armagnac Cake - The Cake That Got Me Fired on pages 279-281. This bears some thinking about . . .


  1. Yummmm Marie - those bars look decadent! The M&M's on top are too cute!

    Have a great day!


  2. Mmmmm - I can almost taste this already! I can get near my Dorie now so I'll have a look at recipe. Don't think I've ever seen ready-smashed-up toffee bits but you can get slab toffee that you can smash up yourself as long as it's cold enough.

    love, Angie, xx

  3. I'll take the M & M's too...those looks sooo decadently, dangerously good, Marie...mmm...Could you please pass me one? I have a cuppa tea right here! LOL! Happy Day, sweet friend :o) LOVE YA ((HUGS))

  4. Every one love M & M's so I'm sure those would be a hit just the way you've made them with my 'babes'. I will certainly be praying for that dear little sweet girl in your entry above this one. 'On Ya'-ma

  5. Marie, your milk chocolate and m&m version looks yummy!

  6. Great idea adding M&Ms! They look fantastic!

  7. that looks scrum-diddly-umcious.

  8. How can I look at those bars and then think about dieting?? The two do not go together. I need to take cookies to YW tonight but I am afraid if I make these I will eat them all before I get there. I do love toffee.... OK to be honest... I love almost any homemade cookie.. but toffee really is a favorite.

    I am worried about Gracie. They put a post up about donating $ in her honor to raise money for Primary Children's hospital.... then they took it off. I hope this does not mean that their 11 month fight for life is over. My heart goes out to them... thanks again for helping spread the word about her.

    I hope this has been a good day for you. I am going to tea with Kris and Jan today... we will all be thinking of you. Love, Lura

  9. M & Ms. Fantastic variety. I can see why they would be addictive. Yummy!!!

  10. Yum!!! I love the MnMs on top! My kids would be wild for them as well!

  11. Yummyy! I think at my house that tray would disappear VERY fast! I like the M&Ms on top - they add lovely colour.

  12. I love the M&Ms!! Your bars look great. I'm glad they were a hit. I loved them too.

  13. That looks so good! About the two ax handle hips--if you got it, work it girl!

  14. I love the idea of M&Ms! These look great!

  15. I wish I'd used milk chocolate, but everyone else in my family prefers dark. I love the M&Ms on top!

  16. M&Ms...inspired choice! These look great.

  17. I like the M&M's more than the toffee bits, they're so happy and cheerful.

  18. Mmmm, they look fantastic! I'm thinking M&M's would be a great substitute for the toffee.

  19. Those bars are just wrong. I'd have them gone in minutes!


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