
Wednesday 25 February 2009

A day well spent . . .

"If you sit down at set of sun
And count the acts that you have done,
And, counting, find
One self-denying deed, one word
That eased the heart of him who heard,
One glance most kind
That fell like sunshine where it went -
Then you may count that day well spent.
~ George Eliot

Each day I live is far to precious to me for me to let it pass by without taking note. Each evening I like to spend a few moments quietly thinking about the day that has just passed, a moment or two to ponder and to take stock of the day I've just finished.

Have I been the friend I should have been today?

Have I worked as hard as I could have?

Have I shared a kind word when the spirit has prompted me to?

Have I prayed for those that really need my prayers?

Have I prayed for those that are too afraid, or too humble to ask for my prayers?

Have I acted in kindness in love?

Have I done all that I could, when I could, and where I could?

Do I need to try harder tomorrow?

It often doesn't take the big magnanimous gestures to make a difference, but the small and simple things. These are the greatest gifts of all and oft-times mean the difference between having a wasted day or a day well spent . . .

I got quite a lot accomplished on my half day off yesterday. I got a new picture painted. Here's a little teaser below.

Of course, if you are interested you can see the full picture here. I called this one, "A Friend Loveth At All Times." I just love the scriptures and Proverbs is one of my favourite books.

I also got busy last evening and made my first Sock Monkey. He's all done now except for his eyes and I also want to make him a little vest to wear and a hat. I really hope my grandson likes him. I only have one more to make now and then the two older ones will both have one. It's Gabriel's birthday on the 7th, so I really need to get this first one finished and out in the post and on it's way across the Atlantic! It is hard to believe that he will be three already! The time has just flown past! Before we know it he will be starting school Jonathan will also be three in May! They're growing up quickly. There is a little girl in our chapel that was born just a few weeks before Gabriel and she is turning three on Friday. I am always watching her and thinking to myself that the things that she is doing are the things my grandson's are doing. It helps me to keep a perspective on where they are at!

I had some chicken breasts in the fridge that I wanted to use up yesterday. I love chicken breasts. They are so versatile and easy to prepare. They don't really take that long to cook and you can easily adapt them to most flavours. This is one of our favourite ways of having them.

*Crunchy Chicken*
Serves 4

Quick, tasty and very easy to do. I think this will become a family favourite!

1 (10 1/2 ounce) tin of condensed cream of mushroom soup
3/4 cup milk
1 TBS onion, finely chopped
1 TBS fresh parsley, finely chopped
4 large, skinless, boneless chicken breasts
1 cup herb seasoned stuffing cubes, finely crushed
2 TBS butter melted

Preheat the oven to 200*C?400*F. Lightly grease a shallow baking dish and set it aside.

Combine 1/3 cup of the condensed soup, 1/4 cup of the milk and the onion and parsley in a shallow dish. Set aside.

Place the crushed stuffing mix in another shallow dish.

Wipe the chicken breasts and then dip them into the soup mixture. Allow any excess to drip off and then roll them into the crushed stuffing cubes. Place into the greased baking dish, right sides up. Repeat with the remaining chicken breasts, placing them all into the dish without the sides touching. Drizzle the melted butter over top evenly.

Bake in the heated oven for 20 to 25 minutes, or until they are nicely browned and the juices run clear when you pierce them with a fork. Do not overcook as they will dry out too much.

Combine the remaining soup and milk in a small saucepan. Heat over low heat, stirring now and again. Serve this sauce spooned over the chicken when you are ready to eat.


  1. I love how you live your faith. so many don't,but you do.

    also, love the recipe. It sounds like something I can eat now that I can't have anything fried.
    take care

  2. Good morning dear Marie,i
    I think that I waste too much time.... especially on the days that I watch Austin. Almost all get accomplished when I have him is play. On Mondays I take him to story time at the library and then we check out a "Thomas and Friends" DVD. Then we come home, have lunch and watch the DVD. One thing leads to another and before I know it, it is time to make dinner, eat, put him in the bath, have a mini family night and put him down for the night. I rarely have much to show for the day.
    Tues is much the same until I drive him to preschool.

    I think that I should start asking myself your questions each day. I need to be more productive and get more accomplished. I am going to ask your questions and hold myself accountable. Thanks for the inspiration.

    I did get a little silver top made for Claire's costume for the talent show Sat. Austin was playing beside me but bored. At one point he wanted to use my sewing shears to cut some paper. When I told him no he said "Grammy if you can't share I'm not going to come over to your house and then you will be really really sad." I guess that he set me straight!

    The chicken looks so good. I know we will enjoy having that for dinner. I had a great tea with Kris and Jan today and we thought of you.
    I am hopping over to see you new little girl now. I know that I will love her. I love all of your work
    I miss you.Take care. Love, Lura

  3. That crunchy chicken looks good!

  4. That chicken looks fantastic! I owe you a long e-mail! Are you finally getting settled in?

  5. I love this post. It blessed me to the depths this morning! I msut remember this today and every evening take inventory! That chicken looks scrumptious! I did one of hour dishes laast week. I soaked chicken breasts in buttermilk, then dredged them in Ritz cracker crumbs , dotted with butter and baked. Huge hit with the family!!!! Have a wonderful rest of the week!!!!
    Love, Carolyn

  6. Hello my dear Marie, yesterday was a so busy day, (maybe we go to beach today afternoon) but is always a pleasure come to see you!!
    Are you OK ???
    When I travel (and normally only inside Chile) I finish so tired! I love your today words and the draw!
    and love your son and grandson picture!! I send you huggs as always and blessings!!! Gloria

  7. It is true we really need to make sure we make wise use of our time. It goes so fast and we don't often realize just how fast til it's too late. I'll be looking forward to a picture of that little sock monkey when you've finished. Most of my grand children live far off and I don't always get to celebrate their birthdays with them either. I do hope your Wednesday is a great one.
    'On Ya'-ma

  8. Such a very tender post, Marie...Very good questions we can ask ourselves at the end of a day. Your new illustration is so sweet! Great recipe too...hubby would love this one! Sorry for just a little visit here today...I'm feeling very fatigued today and hope to get all done that I need to yet--LOL! Wishing you a lovely day, dear friend. :o) LOVE YOU ((HUGS))

  9. Good morning Marie - at least it's morning here. This was a great post and I enjoyed it very much. I don't keep stuffing mix in my pantry but I often use Corn Flakes or some other cereal, crushed, as a coating for chicken that I bake and I bet it would be delicious with this sauce. blessings, marlene

  10. Marie! I prepared the very same recipe last evening myself! Since I had to go pick up a few items for my Mom and check on her I lowered the oven temp to 325 degrees. This is truly delicious and what a keeper of a recipe! I just can't get over the fact that you and I would have the same chicken meal at the same time! Those odds would never happen again, would they?

    In addition to helping us become better cooks and bakers, my dear friend, you are helping us to become the best people we can be as you are forever planting little seeds in our minds. And to think we actually act on them! Why? Because you are so inspirational! Thanks for today's post.

  11. Good Morning,
    I have missed blogging soo much. Today while at work I had a few minutes to peek over here and see how you are doing.
    Your chicken sounds yummy. And really love your new picture. I just had to click over there and see all of it.
    I was also so very glad to see you had a great time while visiting here with us - would have loved to have been with you and met you but was in the process of getting married. As much as I wanted to be in two places at once being with my husband won.
    I know Todd is very happy having you back home with him.

    much joy and hugs,
    love Ruthanne oxox

  12. Good Morning,
    I have missed blogging soo much. Today while at work I had a few minutes to peek over here and see how you are doing.
    Your chicken sounds yummy. And really love your new picture. I just had to click over there and see all of it.
    I was also so very glad to see you had a great time while visiting here with us - would have loved to have been with you and met you but was in the process of getting married. As much as I wanted to be in two places at once being with my husband won.
    I know Todd is very happy having you back home with him.

    much joy and hugs,
    love Ruthanne oxox

  13. I passed by the food because I am fasting today ;-0. It would have weakened my resolve. Just reading "sock monkey" makes me smile. He will love it.
    I tend to do the: Can I try harder tomorrow? Not admonishing myself, just reminding. I have a few questions I ask myself, all just reminders really.

  14. Hi Marie!
    What a beautiful sunset that is! And your new picture is so sweet!!!

    Your grandson is going to love the sock monkey you made. It will be something he can keep and treasure always!

    And the chicken - YUM. I'm going to make that one soon! I'm glad you had a nice and productive 1/2 day off!


  15. I agree, yu can do a lot with a bit of chicken. That condensed mushroom soup is handy as well. I often use it as a base for a very quick curry. I have an idea.........

    I too am looking forward to a photo of your sock monkey. Not because I want to make one, handicrafts has never been my strong point, but just because I don't know what one looks like!

    love, Angie, xx

  16. What a great post! This is such a great reminder. Every day is a gift and we need to treat is as such.

    I love your new little picture! She is adorable! You are so talented!

    And the chicken?? Heavenly!

  17. Loved your posting and reading such insprirational words Marie.I carn't wait to see your sock Monkey he-he.The drawing as usual so cute.I Love the picture of Son and Grandson bless him..Yes time goes by so quickly they are young men and woman before we know it.Have a lovely Thursday.The chicken dish looks good, but I am not a lover of chicken as you will have gathered by now.Take Care God Bless.

  18. Ooooo-we are thinking the same thoughts Marie! I'm going to make something similar to this tonight for dinner, but do more of a paillard type chicken with mushroom sauce. The milk cake looks so yummy...but my waistline won't forgive me!


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