
Monday 20 October 2008

The Simple Woman's Day Book . . .

FOR TODAY, OCTOBER 20, 2008 ...

Outside My Window...
The wind is just a howling. It started yesterday. This will really bring the leaves off of the trees now. They will be looking quite bare after this I expect. We really have had a fairly nice autumn, much nicer weather wise than the summer was.

I am thinking...
About my friend Margaret. She is leaving to go on a trip to Egypt today. I hope that she has a lovely and a safe time. I think she's very brave. I have long wanted to go there and to the Holy Land. It must be exciting to see the Pyramids and walk on the Sahara Desert and see and do all those things I've only ever seen pictures of in books. I can't wait to hear about everything she saw and did when she gets back!

I am thankful for...
I truly am thankful for my Todd. I was thinking about that in church yesterday. Most women, when they work full time like I do, still have to come home and clean their houses and have a whole host of other chores waiting for them. I come home and I can put my feet up because my Todd has done all the dusting, the hoovering, the ironing . . . you name it, he does it. He even does windows! I know I'm very lucky. The only thing he really doesn't do is cook, and I don't mind doing that at all.

From the kitchen...
There is a delicious apple crisp sitting on the counter that I made for Todd yesterday. He loves apples and apple pie very much. I don't always feel like going to all the trouble to bake a pie though and so this is my compromise for him. He enjoys it and I expect he dreams of apple pie when he's eating it!

I am wearing...
Once again here, no surprise, pajamas! I could wear them 24/7. I wonder what they'd think if I turned up to work in them? I have decided that my crocs are making my foot problem worse. I need to get a pair of slippers. I have a pair of trainers I wear to work all the time and most of the time when I am not at work, but on Saturday I wore my crocs all day and by Saturday evening my problem foot was just as sore as can be. I hadn't even been on it all day like I normally am. It has to be the crocs . . . I guess they just aren't good for my feet!

I am creating...
I wish I could show you all the stacks of pencil sketches I have waiting to turn into pictures. I always have a picture rolling around in my head, or a verse. I dream in colour too. Do you?

I am going...
Nothing in my plans this week except for work, Seminary, Young Women's Mutual Activity and then we have our bi-annual Stake Conference for the church this Saturday and Sunday coming up. I love Stake Conference. We have some really awesome leaders in this stake and I really love listening to them speak. They have asked us to ponder on the Atonement of the Saviour during this week leading up to the conference. Thinking of the atonement always touches me to the core. It is the greatest gift we were ever given and I am so very grateful for it.

I am reading...
I started a book the other night that I have read umpteen times before. It's called Emmeline by Judith Rossner. It's my all time favourite book and is a true story about a young girl named Emmeline who is from a very poor Maine family back in the early 1800's. She gets sent to the cotton mills in Massachusetts to help support her family when she is 13. It's the story of that experience and what happens after, and it's a true story. She's a very pretty and innocent girl and I won't tell you the whole story as I don't want to spoil it for you in case you would like to read it yourself. I highly recommend it though. It must be good if I can read it over and over again . . .

I am hoping...
That I have a good week this week and don't eat too many of the things I shouldn't eat. I have good days and bad days. I try to eat healthily and then I am tempted, and while I can withstand it most of the time, I have my weak moments where I cave and I eat things I know are bad for me, and fattening. Then I feel guilty afterwards. It doesn't seem fair that some people can eat seemingly anything they want to eat and never gain an ounce and then the rest of us . . . well, it seems sometimes we only have to sniff it. (I know, I do more than sniff!!!)

I am hearing...
The music from my play list is softly playing and the rose bushes are scratching against the glass of my kitchen window. The wind is blowing through the trees and Jess is snoring next to my feet. All is right with the world, with my world . . .

Around the house...
Todd is sleeping, all tucked up in our bed upstairs and the heating registers are starting to creak as they warm up the house after having been off all night. I can hear the water trickling through them. We have not had to use a lot of heat during the day so far this autumn, or even in the evenings, but we do have it on first thing in the morning just to take the night's chill off. I can remember as a child when we would turn the furnace on for the first time each autumn when the days got colder and the smell that would accompany it. Kind of like heat and dust, musty. On cold winter days, we three children would sit around the heating vent in the kitchen in the morning and warm our toes in the hot air blasting out. It always felt so nice . . .

One of my favorite things...
is coming home from church on Sunday and smelling dinner cooking in the crock pot. Yesterday morning I popped a little round pot roast into it, just big enough for two, and some carrots, swede and onion. Then I sprinkled it with some herbs and poured some apple juice around. It smelled so good when we came in. All I had to do was cook a few potatoes and dinner was ready. It was delicious!

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week...
I have scriptures to study and a lesson to prepare for Seminary. I just love getting closer to the Saviour. Tomorrow night we are having the missionaries over for supper. I love having the missionaries over and feeding them. I like to spoil them if I can. I really appreciate all that they do, and how much they give, and I just love to be able to give them something back. They are a praying mother's sons and I just can't do enough for them. In another life, maybe my sons would have gone on missions, and I like to think that they would be treated with kindness and caring. Even if you don't want to hear the message they are sharing, a few kind words would never go amiss . . .

Here is picture thought I am sharing...

Yes, that's Todd's apple crisp there. It is called a lot of things I suppose, apple crumble, apple candy pie . . . although it's not a pie at all. When I was a girl I loved it when my mother made this for dessert. Served up warm from the oven with some vanilla ice cream melting on top it truly was heaven on earth . . .

*Mom's Apple Crisp*
Serves 4-6

This is so simple, but oh so very tasty. I have always loved the contrast between the crunchy buttery crumbs on top and the soft delicious apples underneath. Ice cream is the perfect accompaniment and maybe a slice of good cheddar, although these days we are more likely to have custard with it as that is the British way with any good dessert . . . served up warm and with lashings of custard.

4 large granny smith apples, peel, core and slice
3/4 cup packed soft light brown sugar
1/2 cup flour
1/2 cup rolled oats (not quick oats!)
3/4 tsp cinnamon
3/4 tsp freshly ground nutmeg
1/4 tsp salt
1/3 cup butter, softened

Pre-heat the oven to 190*C/375*F. Place the sliced apples into a shallow baking dish, about 8 or 9 inches square.

combine the sugar, flour, oats, cinnamon, nutmeg and salt in a bowl. Mix all together well. Rub the butter in with your fingertips until the mixture is all crumbly. Sprinkle this evenly over the apples.

Bake in the heated oven for about 35 minutes until the apples are soft and bubbling and the crumbs are nicely browned. Let cool for a bit before serving. Serve warm and spooned out into individual bowls with your preferred accompaniment.

PSSST!! Don't forget to hop on over to The Simple Woman to see all the other day book entries for today!


  1. Good Morning dear Marie,
    I was just winding up my blogging time a few minutes ago... and then...I decided to stay up a little longer to get this post before I tucked myself in for the night.

    Some how, I really enjoy being able to greet you as you start your day rather than being at the bottom of your comment list.

    I always enjoy your Monday Day Book. I feel like I am there with you as you describe the things going on around you. I wish that I really were....well maybe one day I will be.

    Austin has fallen asleep next to me. I must carry him off to his bed and tuck myself in....No matter what time I get to sleep my little Austin alarm goes off around 6:00 am.

    Have a good week. I send love, Lura

  2. Hello again dear,
    John just carried Austin to his own bed and I got him all tucked in for the night....I brushed my teeth...we said our prayers and as I was climbing into bed I saw that you had left me a sweet comment.

    What a nice way to end my Sunday. You certainly do make me smile...and that is for sure...

    Thank you for being such a constant and dear friend. Your friendship means so much to me. I can hardly wait each time I post to hear from you...and you never, ever let me down. I feel your love as I am tucking myslf into bed...maybe tonight I will dream about a beautiful place called Oak Cottage and the angel that lives there.
    Have a good day dear friend.

  3. Marie I had to quit wearing crocs too. I switched to birkenstocks and had no more feet problems! blessings, marlene

  4. Hi, Marie! It's blowing and raining here this's wool jumper time again! I always greatly enjoy this way you start the week, such fun to read! The Emmeline book sounds such a good read--I'll be adding it to my list. Your mom's apple crisp is pure delight...mmm...some would down good on this chilly, rainy afternoon with a fresh cuppa...Happy week, dear friend. Hope we get a chance to chat one day! Love & ((BIG HUGS))

  5. I love the simple woman posts. Life sounds so perfect. Todd at home cleaning, you in your Pjs with a good book. I'm going to try and find that book today. I'm already sucked in. The apple crisp looks so yummy. I just made one and we ate it all in about 10 seconds.

  6. First of all, thanks for putting To Sir With Love on your play list. I'm no great fan of Lulu but I do like that song.

    I remember the first time I had aspple crumble as a child. A woman up the street made it to show my mum how and I can taste that taste even now. I don't know what she did to make it just that bit more delish than any other. but she did. Molly, her name was, and for years we called it Molly Pudding.

    love, Angie, xx

  7. I love the day book. I've started doing it on my blog too. The girls want me to make Apple Crisp now!

  8. Loved reading that Marie - I'm liking the sound of your pot roast yesterday!

  9. I could meander through your day book any day, it sounds divine.

  10. I love reading your blog daily. I too made a pot roast hey, what can I say great minds think alike. I must admit yours sounded different I would have never thougth to add apple juice sounds delish. On your crocs. I persoanlly find them more comforting when I have to be on my feet alday but I use the slipper kind not enclosed. Also, if you were those booty socks with them that helps to cushion your feet. I think it's the hard floors we stand on that cause the pain. I have arthritis in my feet and so far that's what has helped maybe it will for you. Take care sweet friend.

  11. Hi Marie, Birkenstocks are good but the best thing for your feet is just to keep them bare or wear socks with no-slip paint or designs on the bottom. It may take a month or so but once your feet muscles get strong and flexed, from being bare, your feet will feel so good!
    Another good thing to try is to get small, round, firm balls, like a lacrosse ball and keep a few under your desk. Roll them around with your feet while you blog or write. Pass them from foot to foot and play with them. Your feet will thank you for all of the exercise!

  12. That was very interesting today and the baking yum yum.Love Joan

  13. Again I enjoyed your daybook and that apple crisp looks SO good. YUM!

    My Menu Plan

    My Daybook

  14. Woooow. . . .
    U'r blog are really great n cool to. . . .

  15. hi dear marie
    I felt like i was sitting there with u listening to the rose bushes rustle agianst the house etc.hope u are doing well my friend.

  16. i'm a little under the weather so i am behind reading your posts. i have missed them! :) this nasty cold is NO fun! anyways, i too love to come home from church to the smell of dinner in the crockpot. i love my crockpot!! i use it all the time. it is my friend. :)

  17. Hello dear Maries, here is 8:PM mor 5 hours normally you are sleeping. Well I cant`coming in the morning, the childs are here (little sick witha cold) and Mom is here an she has too a Fribroalgia Did you know?? Is a muscular pain, many time by stress.Well I love your Monday I was thinking how lovely is Todd, mmmm! a man that make some things ya is a treasure I think!! but he iron, clean, lovely!!!!
    Well, well is the life dear and I know hubby has a lot of work out and he arrived so late at home, that is the problem.
    I love your cards I told you yesterday I was think how I can buy someones!!
    The apple dessert look absolutely yummy!! Tell Todd I love apples too, I was thinking to cook some apples that I have or make something. Kisses and huggs to you my lovely friend!!! See you tomorrow if God will!!

  18. That sounds like the perfect weather for me! That kind of weather and a big bowl of apple crisp?! BLISS!

  19. You sound very peaceful and happy Marie, that's wonderful. I love apple crisp. It has everything I like. The sweet apples and then the cruchy crisp, doesn't get any better than that!

  20. Mmmm, apple crisp. Yum! You mentioned having stacks of pencil sketches waiting for you to turn into drawings... I have that. I'll get an idea for a drawing, and sketch it, which might lead to a poem, or a story, or even a song... but getting around to the finished drawing requires real people to pose for me, and I feel awkward asking people to stand a certain way, in a certain light, for the image in my mind. I need to get over that, I suppose. I'll never finish any serious drawings at this rate.


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!