
Sunday 19 October 2008

My Cards

A lot of you have expressed interest in my cards. Thanks so much!

I think they are quite lovely myself, but again, I am a bit biased! The cards themselves measure 6 inches by 4 inches. On each is a print of my own original artwork, printed out on watercolour paper and mounted on coloured card and then onto the linen textured card. They are blank inside so that a person may make their own statement of greeting. They may also be used as note cards and each comes with it's own envelope and sealed in a cello bag for protection. I can make as many as you like and using whichever print you like in any combination you like.

I am charging £2.50 for each and £1 for postage each, so a total of £3.50 per card, which I think is roughly $6.05 American give or take a few pence. In Canadian dollars they are $7.18 Canadian, including postage. I suppose that's not much when you take into consideration they are hand made and pieces of art. Anyways, if you are interested in any you can e-mail me and we can talk about it. The more you want of course, the less they will cost, say 5 for £10, plus postage. (that means one is free!) I also have more Christmas pieces that I am working on for Christmas, but for now just have these two.

In any case if you are interested send me an e-mail and we'll talk. I take paypal as a form of payment. I hope you are all having a lovely Sunday. The sun is shining here although it's very breezy!!


  1. The one with the girl looking out her window at the flowers is very pretty :)

  2. Marie those cards are lovely - you are sooooo talented!

  3. You are a very talented lady Marie hope you do very well with your project. Love Joan.

  4. I love all the cards! they are indeed pieces of art.

  5. I love the cards Marie!! xxGloria

  6. The cards are lovely and I can tell how much work went in to them.
    I make a lot of my cards.... at least I use to. I paid a lot for the stamps and supplies to make them...then it takes a lot of time to put them together...I often wonder if those I send them to appreciate the work and cost that goes in to them...or if they think I am being cheap by making my cards instead of buying them??? I hope they know they are made with love.

    I can tell yours are made with love. As I said in my comment on your last post...YOU ARE SO TALENTED!!!! Good luck selling them... I hope that they will be very profitable for you. You deserve it.

  7. Marie:
    I just love them! They're so pretty! I'd love to order a set so I will email you today.

  8. I didn't see you email address? Did I miss it?

  9. I have a collection of these and you will not be disappointed. They are beautiful. Marie you are very talented and the cards look like you could frame them once the recipient enjoys reading the greeting. Thanks for letting us know you have them as cards as well.

  10. I love your cards! They're so cute! I don't know if I dream in colors. I know I dream in images, but I tend to think in a mixture of words and images. Is that weird?

    The surgery got moved again. Now I think we're leaving Thursday.

  11. they are beautiful! you are so so talented marie!

  12. Is there no end to your talents ?the cards are beautiful ,and your pie looks delicious ,so sorry to hear you feet are giving you problems ,what a dear Man Todd is ,to do all your chores when you are at work Jan xx


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!