
Tuesday 21 October 2008

Oh, do you know the muffin man?

Oh, do you know the muffin man,
The muffin man, the muffin man,
Oh, do you know the muffin man,
Who lives in Drury Lane?

Oh, yes, I know the muffin man,
The muffin man, the muffin man,
Oh, yes, I know the muffin man,
But he don't live in no Drury Lane???
He lives at Oak Cottage!

Welcome to Tuesdays With Dorie, the one day a week I get together with a lot of scumdiddlyumptious bakers all over the world, and bake one delicious recipe. the same delicious recipe from that splendiferous baking book, Baking, from my home to yours, by the lovely Ms Dorie Greenspan!

I was thrilled this week to learn that the recipe would be Pumpkin Muffins on page 13, as chosen by Kelly of Sounding My Barbaric Gulp !

I love muffins and I love pumpkin, and what's more I have my very own muffin man living right here with me at Oak Cottage. Todd loves muffins too!

What is a muffin, but a scrumptious little delight . . . breakfast or teatime, all packed up in a delicious little handful. Food on the run, if you wish . . . or something to cosy up to in your big fat chair and enjoy along with a nice hot cuppa whatever strikes your fancy.

I could have gone hogwild with this recipe and made any multitude of variations . . . adding white chocolate chunks, or even milk chocolate chunks . . . or dried cranberries or blueberries or whatsa, but I kept it simple and stuck to the recipe for a change. Nothing could be finer than a delicious pumpkin muffin, stogged full of lovely sultana raisins and toasted pecans!

What can I say? It's a muffin, a most delicious muffin! Easy to execute. Easy to bake and . . .

YUMMO! Most easy to eat! Mmmmm . . . warm and toasty from the oven, broken in half and all slathered with butter . . . I was going to make a pumpkin muffin bread pudding with the leftovers . . . but guess what? NO LEFTOVERS!

If you'd like this delicious recipe hop on over to Kelly's page, where she'll be posting it at some point today. Even better, buy the book! It will be the best money you've ever invested in a cookbook, and that's no lie! Make sure you pop on over to the blog roll as well and check out all the other delicious entries for today!

Next week's recipe is Chocolate-Chocolate Cupcakes on pages 215-217 as chosen by Clara of I Heart Food4Thought . . . now me, I love me some chocolate . . . but Todd, as you know by now, he doesn't . . . so I may have to rethink this one a bit. Should be fun!!

(Know what? I wish I hadn't thought of that muffin man song now . . . I'll be singing it all day in my head! Blah!)

Pssst!!! If you were wanting to join this wonderful baking group, you better do it now, as it's being capped on October 31st! After that you'll have to wait until someone dies or gives up their spot in order to join!


  1. Aren't these just the most scrumptious little muffins? I loved making them and really enjoyed eating them.

  2. Now, I will have that muffin man song in my mind for days.....I'll torture my daughters with it in the morning as well :o)
    Those look wonderful~~

  3. Sounds like these were a winner - I guess you'll have to make them again if you want bread pudding :)

  4. I'm slipping...I'm not the first to say hello today... Well, I hope that you have a wonderful day.

    The muffins look so good. Wish I had one.


  5. These muffins were delicious! I stuck to the recipe also and totally loved them! Yours look great-especially the one with the top broke off and the butter on it...Yum!

  6. Those muffins look gorgeous Marie....can you email me one?! No? Oh well I'll just pop off and see if I can find the recipe!

  7. Your pictures are amazing!! I absolutely loved these muffins as well!!

  8. pumpkin. muffin. bread. pudding. what an amazing idea!

  9. I have never made anything with pumpkin so I don't know what it's like - these muffins look good though. Wll they freeze do you think?

    Know what? I wouldn't change those choc-choc cupcakes, not for a king's ransom I wouldn't!

    love, Angie, xx

  10. Your muffins look delicious! I loved this recipe and will definitely be making it again. I did substitute the nuts with milk chocolate chips and they were soooo good. I thought about making my cinnamon butter but that wouldn't have worked well with the chocolate.

  11. MMMM....I could use one or two of those this morning! Your song does wake up the tune in my head and heart...I too shall be singing it today.

  12. How cute was this post with the little muffin man headlining it? You are so creative. The muffins look fantastic...all that melty goodness...yum! No wonder Todd likes muffins, if they look like this, who wouldn't!!

  13. I love the idea of your cookbook challenge...and I know what you mean about falling in love with a cookbook.

  14. Those muffins look fantastic! We love muffins here, will be making some cranberry ones this weekend! Much love, Raquel XO

  15. Yes, thanks for getting that song stuck in my head! jk- I hadn't even thought of that. These muffins were great and yours look yummy!

  16. Oh, did the muffin man ever take my mind back to when I was around 4or 5 parents bought us a set of children's books called 'My Bookhouse.' There was this hugh dollhouse like case that the books came in! The illustrations were wonderful! And yes, this poem about the muffin man was in one of the books. Thanks for retrieving pleasant memories for me! I will be looking up muffin recipe to use later cause right now I'm 'SLIMMING' as you say! I'm thinking these would be great for our Thanksgiving dinner along with sweet potato rolls! BTW, I still have those books!

  17. Now I'll be singing the muffin man all day long too! Thanks so much. :) They were great muffins and yours look really delicious.

  18. If you ever have enough leftovers to make pumpkin muffin bread pudding, Marie, I'd LOVE to have the recipe! Cut in half and slathered in butter, indeed. Glad you both enjoyed them; I know that I'll be making these again!

  19. your domes are sky high! they look wonderful, great job and glad you liked them :)

  20. Would you look at the crown on your muffins!!! They look fab, and I LOVE the idea of pumpkin bread pudding - I'll have to investigate that one further. Great idea!

  21. Marie these muffins look absolutely nice !!!! xGloria

  22. The bread pudding idea would have been really good. I don't have any leftover either so I guess I will have to make some more!

  23. Do you know the muffin man, the muffin man, the muffin man....

    I was just thinking about making pumpkin muffins this weekend! You beat me to it!

  24. Thanks a bunch for getting that durn song stuck in my head. Your muffins look delish!

  25. Your muffins look great, especially the one with butter slathered on it.

  26. Lovely looking muffins. Can you believe, I still have never made muffins! I must give them a go soon.

  27. Those look wonderful - and I think the pumpkin bread pudding idea is very, very tempting. But that would require having some leftovers!

  28. I'm a huge fan of muffins, too! I like to make mini muffins, so I can have several and not feel like a big piggo! Yours are beautiful.

    I bought an old cookbook, and made a "pudding" from it, which is really cake. This led me to speculate on my blog that English pudding is not at all what we Americans think of as pudding, which is custard. The Blond Duck suggested I ask you what makes British pudding, if this convoluted question makes any sense. It was quite good, but I'm still confused. Ah, well, I think I'll go make muffins to become un-confused.

  29. Yes, I know the muffin man quite well actually. The notion of bread pudding is making my tummy growl. Oh, where is that muffin man when you need him?

  30. Funny!! I was humming the same song - and it is still in my head, too. Your muffins look so moist and delicious. And since they aren't real sweet they would be perfect with a cuppa. Maybe Pumpkin spice... Anyway, great job. Yummy!!

  31. I do know the muffin man, he's mu best friend! =)..your muffins look wonderful.

  32. oh my. so yummy. these recipes are not good for a diet!!!

  33. Oh would you look at all that butter melting in that muffin, I want it!!

  34. Hi Marie
    Those pumpkin muffins look delicious and just the perfect treat for a fall day with a cup of tea.
    Hugs, Rhondi

  35. I'm not surprised there were no leftovers for a pudding. Most excellent looking muffins.

  36. I love all the inspiration on your blog. And yes it sounds like you are living a lovely life. I do not know what a sultana raisin is, my grandparents made them from manugan(?) grapes which were wonderful. Guess what will be in my head tomorrow at work? Yes, the muffin man song.

  37. We just made some banana muffins on our site. Do you do banana muffins?

  38. Arrrgghhh! Now you have that song stuck in my head!! Do you know the Muffin man? muffin man...? Interesting. I like bluberry muffins. I wonder what blueberry and pumpkin would taste like. Glad you enjoyed this recipe!
    Clara @ iheartfood4thought


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