
Monday 8 September 2008

The Simple Woman's Day Book . . .


Outside My Window . . .
It's still dark, the sun not yet risen. Just a few weeks ago I was waking up in sunlight and now . . . the days are drawing in. Autumn it seems is in a hurry to arrive. I am coming home from work in the twilight now . . .

I am thinking . . .
about what a wonderful sacrament meeting we had yesterday in church. It was Fast and Testimony and there were so many wonderful testimonies shared and such a beautiful spirit present. There was a Baptism on Saturday past and the person was also confirmed yesterday and they stood up to give their testimony which is quite unusual for a new member, but so lovely to hear. I just love my Sunday's at church. It is a time of renewal and refreshment for me, and that never changes . . .

I am thankful for . . .
My own testimony of the Gospel and what Christ did for us. It is my strength and the one constant in a world that's ever changing, and not always for the better. Truth never changes. You can rely on truth. It's always there. The Gospel speaks truth to my heart and renews my soul. It is my lifeline . . .

From the kitchen . . .
Cookies are cooling on the Counter for my challenge tomorrow. It's a yummy one and I can't wait to reveal the results!

I am wearing . . .
A pretty turquoise nightie. It has lovely pin tucks down the bodice and some embroidery, purple violets. It's one of my favourites. I may wear trousers most days to work, but I do love feminine nightwear. Oh how I wish we could wear pajamas or nighties all the time . . . it's my favourite mode of dress!

I am creating . . .
I am working on my illustrations for the LFB and also at getting some of my work ready for a talent show at the church on Saturday night coming up. I am wondering if it is appropriate to show them in one breath and then thinking why not in the next . . . they are a talent and it is a talent night, but it's not singing or making a fool of myself, so perhaps nobody will be interested. Is that self doubt creeping in? I sure hope not!

I am going . . .
We are going to take a half day off today as part of my holiday time that still remains and go see the film, "The Duchesse" starring Kiera Knightly. The trailer looks amazing and I have heard she does a marvelous job in it. It's a film based on the life of Princess Diana's great great great great great Aunt Georgiana Spencer. (I hope I got enough greats in there!) Todd and I both love drama's based on historical people and we will really enjoy this! (fingers crossed!)

I am reading . . .
Still working on that thick book, Dawn Breaking by Stephanie Meyers, (that will be for some weeks, it is so thick) but I am also reading a small book by Hilary Weeks, called Believe in What You're Doing, Believe in What You Are. It's pretty good! Of course I am a true believer in both those things and it's great to read a little inspiration on the topic, and get another wonderful insight into life as we should all be living it!

I am hoping . . .
That the film is worth the price we will pay for admission. They charge so much to get into a film these days and so very often the film disappoints as it's been really over rated, or they show all the good bits in the trailer and there are no surprises when you get to the actual film. Or they are full of sex and violence and foul language. I wonder why movie makers think that we all want to hear and see that. I like a bit of realism, but it's really gone overboard these days. What ever happened to nice. Lack of nice and standards in our viewing habits is destroying the fabric of our society . . .

I am hearing . . .
It's strangely quiet this morning. For the past week we have had lots of wind and rain. This morning there are no raindrops hitting the skylight at the top of the stairs and the rose bushes by the kitchen window aren't scratching against the glass. The only sound is the hum of the refrigerator and Jess softly snoring away under the circular staircase . . .

Around the house . . .
I am surrounded by pictures of the people I love, and small trinkets and remembrances of the same . . . small gifts given from much loved friends and family. There is a lovely feeling of comfort, peace and warmth in our home and an undercurrent of joy, true joy. This is how life was meant to be . . .

One of my favorite things . . .
is sitting here each morning putting my thoughts and reflections in print and sharing them with all of you. This blogging has added such a beautiful dimension into my life and has led me to meeting quite a few wonderful people and making some new and beautiful friendships. Invisible friends or not, they are some of the closest and best ones ever, and I truly hope that one day some of us will be able to meet in person. Spirit always speaks to spirit and I have met some of the most beautiful ones of all time on here . . .

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week . . .
I have an appointment with the chiropodist tomorrow afternoon and I can't wait. My feet always feel like a million bucks after a visit to him. When you are on your feet as much as I am for work, your feet need to be pampered once in a while. I haven't been since before our holiday away so I am really looking forward to it!

Wednesday night our Ward Relief Society is having our Quarterly Enrichment Evening. It is going to be a special supper and celebration of the anniversary of the RS. (A little late I know, but they always say better late than never!) I am not sure I will be able to go. I always have to work Wednesday nights. It all depends on whether I finish early enough or not. I most often miss out on these evenings, so it would be really nice to be able to go, especially where it is a special celebration.

Thursday night at Young Women's we are playing on a Nintendo Wii game. Not sure which game we will be playing but there will be enough controllers for us all to get in on the action! I have wanted one of these myself for a while, mostly the Wii fit one. It looks like it would be a great way of getting exercise within the confines of your own home!

Saturday night is the talent night I spoke of earlier. Even if I don't put in my artwork I am really looking forward to seeing some of the other talents that will be shared. There are some really beautiful singers and musical people in our Ward and I will really enjoy listening to them.

Whew!!! I am tired already!

Here is picture thought I am sharing . . .

Autumn in Nova Scotia. What could be more beautiful. I really miss the brilliant colours of autumn from back home. The leaves do change here, and I do enjoy them, but they are not near as pretty as the ones back home. Not enough maples over here I guess!!!

I finally managed to get my Make Me Bake Challenge completed for last week. Sorry for the delay folks! I promise to get the new one up by the end of today as well! That is also late. I guess I was so busy with work last week and then getting ready for Todd's birthday! BY the way he thanks you all very much for your Happy Birthday wishes. They meant the world to him, and he really appreciated them. Someone gave him a special card at church yesterday. He is now an official member of our Ward's over 70 club! The card even came with a cute little button for him to wear and was signed by all the over 70's. He really enjoyed that card. He enjoyed all the cards he received of course, but that one was extra special! He kept saying yesterday though that 70's today is like the 60's of yesterday! I do believe he's right!! After all it falls to reason then that the 60's are like the 50's and the 50's are like the 40's and I'm all for that line of thought!

*Meat Pie Scrolls*
Makes 12

These may take a little time but they are really tasty and a good thing to have in the freezer. You can pop a couple out anytime you want a snack or a light lunch. They're kind of like little pizza rolls only much better coz you make them yourself. Homemade is always infinitely better, don't you think?

1 TBS olive oil
1 small onion, peeled and chopped finely
1 fat clove of garlic, peeled and crushed
3 rashers of streaky bacon, minced
(I freeze mine and it's ever so much easier to chop it then!)
300g extra lean ground beef
400g tin of chopped tomatoes
1 TBS tomato paste
2 TBS Worcestershire sauce
1/2 cup beef stock
1/4 cup coarsely chopped fresh flat leaf parsley
2 cups self raising flour
1 TBS sugar
50g butter, chopped coarsely
3/4 cup milk
1/4 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese
1 cup mozzarella cheese, grated

Heat a large skillet and place the oil in it to heat. Add the onion, garlic and minced bacon. Cook, stirring, until the onion softens. Add the ground beef and brown it nicely all over. Stir in the tomatoes (undrained), tomato paste, Worcestershire sauce and the stock. Mix well and bring to the boil. Reduce the heat and then allow it so simmer, stirring occasionally until the sauce thickens quite a bit, about 20 minutes. Stir in the flat leaf parsley and set aside to cool.

Pre-heat the oven to 180*C/350*F. Lightly grease two six hole Texas muffin cup pans. Set aside.

Sift the flour and sugar into a bowl. Rub the butter into the mixture with your fingertips until crumbly. Stir in the milk and mix it into a soft, sticky dough. Turn it out onto a floured board and knead it a few times before rolling it out to a 12 by 16 inch rectangle. Spread the beef mixture evenly over top and then sprinkle evenly with both cheeses. Roll up tightly from one long side just like you are making cinnamon rolls. Cut into 12 even slices. Place one slice in each of the muffin pan holes.

Bake in the pre-heated oven for about 25 minutes until nicely done and browned on top. Serve hot, topside up.

The kids will love these!!! (both the small and the big kids!!)


  1. Am I first - am I first!!!!!! Nah, someone will get there before me, they always do.

    So, Todd is the new kid in the over 70's? Can he still be in the over 60's too?

    Whenever you mention Pyjamas a picture comes before my eyes. It's a roaring fire to make toast on, the smell of clothes airing on the side of the fireguard and me in long nightie and my nose in a good book. Lovely! Do you mind mentioning pyjamas every day please?

    Invisible Friends - hmm, that's interesting. I believe that inside of each of us is the child we once were and the child we will one day be in another life. Every child should have an invisible friend and we are in the happy position of being able to have lots of them.

    I do love reading your Simple Woman thoughts. Oh, and by the way, isn't there also something about not hiding your light under a bushel? Let your talents shine out - you know when enough is enough.

  2. Marie, what a lovely post! I love reading your daybooks, they are so full of interesting tidbits! I am so happy for Todd. Meat scrolls look wonderful, I am sure that DS would snarf them right up! Me too! Much love, Raquel XO

    Definitely enter your artwork - I never thought my baking would win anything at our little fair - I came home with a Grand Champion! Let your light shine!

  3. I love your mondays talk you know. The mondfays I try to think and hope and PRAY!!! Is the begin of other week and we never knows! I hope M.Esperanza will be better, I hope not to walk a lot how the last week! (I hate the subway sometimes!!) I hope Gerardo Jr, dont have a cold this morning I herad cough him and have soccer this week. And I hope gerardo Dad is well with all his proyect at office, and Mam and Dad that are here know while Im in the PC they sleep still, Mom work a lot yesterday help me at home always I hope they will be really OK.
    Im so rthanksfull by the friends, the love and God, I had work last weekend I have to make 200 little sandwchis to aboy's birtheday!!! I made some of meat and some of chicken, Worked a lot but really the money is welcome!! Thanks to you Marie, to Lura and all this lovely persons I know here that give me love and peace. I hope all of you have a lovely week! and send a hug to you Marie and Todd!! xxxGloria

  4. Mmm. these look yummy! We made something like this last week! We will have to try this version.

  5. I forget to say you my favorite time is Atuymn!!! and the pictures is absolutely lovely!! I love it. here comes the spring and the trees are blossom but really love Autumm.

    Im with Todd I think the 70 is how the 60, ppsst!! I said you He is a boy!!! xxxGloria

  6. What a beautiful daybook. As always you are an inspiration with all that you do.

  7. Beautiful daybook Marie :)

    Love the recipe and I LOVE that photo of Nova Scotia, I truly miss the changing leaves when I lived back in Idaho, now being in Arizona we don't get that.

    Can't wait to hear what you thought of the movie.

    Have a wonderful day,

  8. Hi Marie
    I just love coming to visit and reading your thoughts on life and faith. I also love to drool over the photos of food!!
    I've been really busy lately and have missed coming by to visit.
    Hugs, Rhondi


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