
Monday 8 September 2008

Best Shot Monday

There have been some really interesting fungi, toadstools and mushrooms growing around the Estate because of all the rain we've had lately. This one especially caught my eye. It's almost majestic! Look how it stands so proud and tall amongst the grass. It's only a fungus but it's not ashamed to show the world what it is or stand up for what or who it is. Kind of like how we should be . . . not ashamed and proud to be who we are. Afterall . . . all God's creations have worth and value, and are we not near the top of His list?

"But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows."
~Luke 12:7

It doesn't hurt to remind ourselves of that fact once in a while . . .

This is my entry in this weeks, Best Shot Monday. Now hop on over to Mother May I and see some of the other wonderful entries for this week!


  1. How very true. I love the picture.

    I've asked a new blog friend to come and visit your blog. Her name is Jan. She is dying...she started her blog to leave a record for her little great niece she cares for.

    She is drawing closer to God as she is on this last journey she is taking. I know that she would find your blog a comfort. Her blog is:

    Have a good day. I know that I will because we have Austin until Tues. Good night...upps...good morning sweet friend. As always, I send love, Lura

  2. Great picture! I never thought about looking at fungi. We don't get much around here, being in town, but I'm going to buy myself a truffle pig straight away and head for the woods!!

    I always take great comfort in the knowledge that God loves me, even when I'm being a pain.

    I'm going to visit Jan too as soon as I've finished here. Thanks Lura for letting us know.

    love, Angie, xx

  3. Thanks Marie for going to Jan's blog. I just knew that you would. You are a dear. I must drop in on Angie and thank her too.

    My blog friends are the very best!

    Did you know that Holly's pregnancy ended Fri.? She is having a D&C Tues. I just thought that you would want to know.

    Be good...upps...I didn't need to say that to are always good. Hugs, Lura

  4. I think it looks like a chicken. Only you, my friend, could look at a mushroom and see beauty!

  5. fantastic picture. You should enter it to the River Cottage great mushroom hunt competition.

  6. Good morning....uhh.. afternoon. Thanks for letting me know that I missed your last post. I think that I was just too tired when I was blogging late last night.

    I so enjoyed reading your last post and I know John will love the meat scrolls. He also likes it when I make salmon any good ideas? I usually just wing it. I will send you an email because John wants me to ask you for help using some of our garden fruits.

    Have a good day....enjoy the movie.

    Love, Lura

  7. That's a neat picture Marie. I love how you can look at anything and see God's purpose. You are great. I wanted to nominate you for the blogger award, but you already had one! I just love your blog!!!

  8. Always something special right around the corner on your blog! I love the picture! You are quite the photographer!!
    Blessings! Carolyn

  9. Yes, so majestic. Gorgeous shot :)
    Happy Monday

  10. THis is a great shot marie. I have to tell you that I made the Ritz chickne breast and they were out of this world good!!! Even my husband whose not crazy about chicken loved it!! thanks so much for a recipe that I'll be making alot!!

  11. There really is beauty in every thing around us... you just have to look from the right perspective! Gorgeous!


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