
Tuesday 9 September 2008

Would you like to fly in my Malteser Balloon . . .

One of the things I love most of all in this world, is a little round and chocolate covered malt-flavoured crunchy candy ball called maltesers. When I buy a packet of Revels (that lovely little mix of surprises) those are the ones which bring a smile to my face . . . every time. When I get a tin of Celebrations Chocolates, the malteser ones are mine . . . no arguments. I just love Maltesers! Always have done . . . always will. Mind you, in Canada, they were always called whoppers. My children each got a box of them from Santa one year for Christmas, and my eldest fell sick afterwards. He always blamed the whoppers, but that's a whole 'nother story . . .

Welcome to Tuesdays with Dorie, a bunch of fantastic bakinista's who get together one day a week as a group and bake the same recipe from the same lovely book by the Grande Dame Bakingnista, Ms Dorie Greenspan . . . yes . . . . Baking, From My Home To Yours. This weeks recipe was Chocolate Whopper Malted Drops on page 85, as chosen by Rachel of Confessions of a Tangerine Tart .

I was thrilled to see this as the choice for this week, even though we had made cookies just the week before. It was a recipe I had been eyeballing for a while and just hoping that someone would pick, for I love cookies, and I love, Love, LOVE whopper maltesers! I can't get enough of them! Thanks Rachel!

From the outset, I decided that I was going to use a combination of the white and the dark Maltesers for these lovely cookies. I thought they would both look really pretty and delicious in the mix and I was right. They did. The biggest problem I had was crushing the darn things! Maltesers do not crush gladly! I was afraid that if I used my food processor I would get powder, so I tried putting them in big zip lock baggie and then bashing them with a rolling pin, but the darn things rolled around too much and then broke right through the bag anyways! I thought about just biting each one in half . . . eating one half and then just using the leftover halves . . . but then thought to myself . . . who wants to eat cookies full of half bitten maltesers . . . so quickly relegated that idea to the rubbish pile, although . . . it did bring a smile to my face. In the end I decided that using some of them whole and some of them crushed would and could only make for a more interesting cookie!

It was Todd's birthday on Saturday past and so I thought these cookies would be the perfect addition to the celebration table in addition to his birthday cake and so I baked them on Saturday morning. After I had beaten the third egg into the mix I realized the recipe only called for two eggs . . . oh woe is me . . . what to do . . . I gritted my teeth and decided that I would leave out the milk, cross my fingers and go for it anyways! (Secretly I was really worried that they would not turn out or taste awful . . . )


These turned out to be delicious cookies! They did spread out a rather lot and I'm not sure if that is due to the fact that I used an extra egg or not. But they were/are lovely. Three days later and I am still eating them. Just as compelling as a malteser (you can't eat just one) these cookies are now on my list of favourite compulsions and I will be making them again soon . . . only this time with the proper amount of eggs.

I followed the recipe exactly, with the exception of using an extra egg, leaving out the milk, using a combination of white and milk chocolate maltesers and using chopped up Bourbon dark chocolate bars for the chocolate bits.

Nothing could get any better except . . . after looking at them for a few minutes I thought to myself . . .

Those would make darn good whoopie pies!
And so I did . . . make whoopie pies with some of them . . .
and they were . . .
exceedingly, splendiferous, absolutely, darn good!

Next week's recipe is Chocolate Chunkers on page 70, as chosen by Claudia of Fool for Food . Mmmm . . . just the title does it for me . . . Can't wait!

In the meantime, why don't y'all hop on over to the blog roll and check out all the other lovely creations. For the recipe check out Rachel's page. The recipe's up now!

mmmmmmm . . . just . . . one . . . more . . . mouth . . . full . . .


  1. yummy yummy yummy I need some of those!

    Have a great day. Love, Lura

  2. Mine spread too and I didn't use an extra egg. The batter was not stiff at all - but they were delicious! I love the photo of the whopper on the lips!

  3. I haven't tried Maltesers yet. I'm been gorging (much to my shame) on Smarties -- a completely different creature than M'n'Ms. But you certainly have piqued my interest. We'll see what sort of treat the candy fairy brings to my house after our next run to Tesco Express.

    BTW, thank you for the prayers that I would love England. This morning I was thinking about how incredible it is that I _live_ in England. It's really not that different from living in the States, because I'm me wherever I am. But I am charmed by it and still a bit giddy over the fact that I get to be here everyday.

  4. Those look great! I'd be like a dog around your house, sniffing around to catch whatever crumbs you drop while cooking!

  5. Those whoppie pies look yummy! I'm glad they turned out even with that extra egg:)

  6. Those are some pretty outrageous cookies! Great job, I am pretty sure that the extra egg means that they are suitable breakfast food.

  7. Wait, it's three days later and they're not gone yet? Something's wrong here...

  8. I didn't even know there was such a thing as white Maltesers. They look delicious in your cookies. And the whoopie pies look so amazing!

  9. Nummy! I love Whoppers, but especially the ones that are kinda hollow and chewy - I know, I'm weird! Much love, Raquel XO

  10. That picture with the malt ball poised on someone's (yours?) lips was a cool shot! And the whoopie pies look mighty amazing.

  11. I am a fellow Tuesdays With Dorie baker and came here through the TWD site. I love your idea to make whoopie pies with these cookies! I bet those were ridiculously yummy. Enjoyed your post!

  12. Whoopie pies.....

    Now I can get into that!

  13. absolutely yummy,tasty,delicious,rico,rico,rico (is delicious in spanish)how ever dear!! xxGloria

  14. these look so good and you did them one better by making whoopie pies! I've been eyeballing recipes for chocolate whoopers too! I'm gonna have to bake these!

  15. OH yumma yumma. I'd love the whoopie pie. I like your idea of eating half of all the whoppers.

  16. They look like winners.
    If you like Maltesers so much you must have tried Nigella's malteser cake from Feast, yes? My daughter made that for my birthday and oh my, it was rich and delicious with a great malted flavour.

  17. I love your whoopie pies! What a great idea. Your pictures are lovely!

  18. Oh those look so good! I so love whoppie pies!

  19. Wow, your whoppie pies look fantastic! Next time I make these I'll try white maltesers, I couldn't find any this time. :)

  20. Mmmmm - hmm! Dare I buy Maltesers ofr this or will I eat them before they even get in the house? It's a hard life!
    love, Angie, xx

  21. As usual, your cookies are beautiful. And the pictures, well,..... Great Job!!!

    BTW I gave you an award. It will be posted later this week. Love your site.....

  22. LOVE the whoopie pie idea! So decadent and delicious! I did a similar thing last week with the oatmeal cookies... isn't it AMAZING?!

  23. I definitely love the idea of making these into a whoopie pie, yum, the gooeyness. I love that you added an extra egg and they still turned out. how fun!

  24. I wonder if these are what we Americans call malt balls, or whoppers...

  25. awesome job on these, they look delicious (especially the whoopie pies!!!! mmm:) ) the lips photo is so cute :)

  26. I love the photos, especially the whoopie pies.

  27. whoopie pies! Delightful!!!! your cookies look so nice and fluffy!

  28. Whoopie pies would have been great with these. What did you use for the filling?

  29. With that cake-y consistency, they would be great whoopie pies. Glad you liked them so much.

  30. Oooohhhh my goodness!! I am going to packing on so much weight from all your amazing recipes, Marie!! LOL!!

    Delicious! And I love the pic of the balancing whopper! :)

    Bless you today!


  31. Good idea on the whoopie pies! They look great!

  32. Wow Marie, it's been a while and look what you've been up to - these look/sound splendiferous indeed.. Love maltesers. Never had a whoopie pie but may have to make the journey to the next county and call in on you to try some.

  33. whopper whoppie pies--awesome!! your cookies look delish...and sounds like they were!

  34. oh my....the whoopie pie looks delicious!

  35. Those whoopie Pies look yummy And my doctor has just put me on a diet for health reasons but my mouth is watering.all you other girls can enjoy them for me yum yum.
    hugs Mary.

  36. Wow, that looks darn good. Can I have one?

  37. Whoopie pies -- brilliant!! I'm amazed that these are still around three whole days after baking them -- that is some admirable willpower in your house! Your cookies and your pictures are gorgeous!

  38. What a fabulous idea! Whoopie Pies. Now I have to go make more to try them this way.

  39. Those cookies look wonderful Marie. Now, if only someone would come up with a cookie made out of Mild Duds. I would be in heaven!

  40. These cookies are the perfect cakey cookie to make Whoppie Pies from, what a great and thigh-expanding idea...LOL! ;-)

  41. It's probably best that I don't go look at this recipe! Oh my stars, I love malted milk balls!!!!!! The pictures had me drooling.

  42. ooh, white choco malt balls? They look yummy!

  43. These look so perfect as whoopie pies! You did a great job!


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