
Sunday 7 September 2008

Destiny . . .

"Somewhere there waiteth in this world of ours
For one lone soul another lonely soul
Each choosing each through all the weary hours
And meeting strangely at one sudden goal.
Then blend they, like green leaves with golden flowers,
Into one beautiful and perfect whole;
And life's long night is ended, and the way
Lies open onward to eternal day."
~Edwin Arnold

70 years ago today, in the East End of London, my dear husband Todd was coming into this world. It was just before the beginning of World War 2, and his parents had only been married a year or so. It wasn't long before the War would separate them as a family, and his father would go off to fight for his kin and country . . . and Todd and his mum moved out to Harold Wood, which was then in the rural countryside. They went to live with his nan and grand dad, as they felt it would be a lot safer out there. This is a picture of Todd with his nan when he was about 2 1/2 years old. He was a chubby little thing wasn't he??

They lived with his nan for the duration of the war, a long 7 years. That's how long his parents were apart and I suppose his dad must have seemed somewhat of a stranger when he got back home, although Todd tells me that right after Dunkirk, when the British troops had been rescued from France and brought back to England to re-group, his mom did take him as a babe in arms up to Scotland to see his dad as a surprise . . . but of course, he would have been too young to really remember that.

After the war was finished, and they set home together as a family, a younger brother came along, John. This is a picture of Todd with his mom and dad and younger brother. I think he was about 15 in this picture and had probably, or was near to, finishing school. Back in those days you could go out to work at 15, and so that's what Todd did, just like many others. On the day of his fifteenth birthday his mum took him downtown to Burton's Tailors and found him a job as a clerk. It was in the "Are You Being Served" days and very much like the television show, with the jammy jobs and commissions going to the older fellas. I don't imagine it was all that interesting or profitable for Todd back then, but I suppose it was a start, and of course it helped the family out.

Things were quite harsh over here after the war. Rationing was still in place for quite a long while, and people had to work really hard to make ends meet. His father was a window washer for many years. There were no luxuries such as a refrigerator or television, although I think they did have a wireless to listen to. Todd dreamt of visiting foreign shores and having grande adventures. It's hard to believe that I wasn't even born yet, and was still very much a twinkle in my daddy's eyes.

There was conscription back then in England. All young men had to serve several years in the military for their country. Before he got called up into Service, Todd decided to go in as a regular forces soldier when he was 19. Finally he would get to see some of the world. I think he's about 23 in this photo and it was somewhere here in England. He could probably tell you better where it was.

He was a member of the Royal Signals and a married man by then. His adventurous soul would soon be winging it's way around the world, back and forth to Germany several times, and then on to the exotic East . . . I would have been around 4 years old and playing with my dollies , although at the time we were not very far apart, as we were living in Germany ourselves, as my dad was also in the Armed Forces . . . little did we know . . . so close and yet so far . . .

Todd was soon to realize his dreams of travelling to far off and exotic places . . .

Yes, he and his family spent several years in Singapore with the military. He loved it there and was finally getting to see a part of the world he had only ever dreamed of seeing. He is at some special Gardens in this photo and is around 25 years old. He did tell me the name of them yesterday, but I have forgotten it. (The name of the gardens is the Tiger Balm Gardens) He speaks fondly of his life in Singapore and the adventures he had while there. He and his compatriots got lost in the jungles of Malaya while on scheme one time. They followed the river back to civilization, and he says he could hear tigers in the trees and was quite afraid that they would get eaten by one. I can only imagine . . .

He was fighting Tiger's in Singapore and I was learning my ABC's in school out in Manitoba, Canada. I dreamt of one day living in England and wanted to be Haley Mills . . .

This photo takes a big jump, as he's about 39 in this one and was in Austria visiting with his family. He was working on a farm in Germany at this time, having taken early retirement out of the military, which is quite obvious from the long hair and the beard. His hippy days . . . This is about 1977 and I was a young bride myself at the time, busy over in Canada beginning on my own family and married life.

Many years passed. We both went through some very bleak and unhappy times. We both divorced and were lonely and longing to find that one special person in life that could bring us joy and happiness . . . and then one day . . . we met each other on the computer and it all clicked.

8 years ago today, yes on his 62nd birthday, we were able to meet in person, so this is not only his Birthday, but also the anniversary of our first meeting. I was probably the best Birthday Present he ever received! haha

I know that I cannot imagine a life without him in it for an instant . . .

He's mighty fly for a white guy . . . I think I'll keep him!

This is our happily ever after. Two souls destined to meet and be together forever. We go together like peas and carrots . . . and bread and butter. He makes me happy and I make him happy. He is the leaves and I am the flowers . . . Destiny fulfilled.

Do you believe in Destiny? I do . . .

Happy Birthday Todd!

Here's one of my favourite ways to cook chicken breasts. They always end up tender and juicy and quite flavourful. Breast meat can often be dry and flavourless so you know this recipe is a real gem!

*Marie's Buttery Chicken*
Serves 4

Chicken breasts are dipped in beaten eggs and cracker crumbs, then baked with butter. This chicken is really tender, moist and delicious! A real favorite in my household. It's probably not all that good for you, but for a once in a while treat . . . it does the trick! I like to eat it with some sweet Chili sauce!

2 eggs, beaten
1 cup crushed buttery round crackers
(Ritz is what I use)
1/2 tsp garlic salt
freshly ground black pepper to taste
4 boneless, skinless chicken breast portions
1/2 cup chilled butter (4 ounces) cut into bits

Pre-heat the oven to 190*C/375*F.

Beat the eggs together in a shallow dish. Crush the crackers into another shallow dish and then combine with the garlic salt and black pepper. (If you wanted to you could add some dried herbs here. )

Take your chicken breasts, one at a time, and dip them first into the egg and then roll them into the crumbs, coating them completely. Place each one into a shallow casserole dish, leaving a bit of space between each one.

Drop the pieces of butter on and around each piece.

Bake for 20 to 25 minutes until crispy brown on the outside and meltingly tender on the inside and the juices run clear when pricked with a fork. Remove from the oven and serve. These are great with potatoes and a green vegetable.


  1. Yes I believe in destiny...I am so glad that you and Todd found each other... I am sure that meeting you 8 years ago was the best birthday he ever had.

    I'm sure that the hard times you've both been through makes you appreciate each other even more.

    Happy Happy birthday again to Todd and Happy anniversary of the day you met to both of you.

    Of course I believe in destiny... I found you didn't I my sweet blog friend.... Hugs, Lura

    lots of love and best wishes..! hope you guys have a LONGGGG and HAPPY life together...!

  3. Glad Todd had a good birthday - what a lovely meal Marie! I love the look of that chicken and the sweet chili sauce - YUMO!

  4. Happy Birthday to your Todd!
    Marie, I love how you spend the time to write so beautifully about important subjects..and history. This is what blogging is all about!
    Your blog is a treasure and Todd has a wonderful wife! You were his best present yet, I'm sure of it :)

  5. Happy Birthday to your Todd and thank you for a great post. I enjoy personal memoirs.

    I will be using your chicken recipe for sure. I think being a good cook is a gift and you use your talents well.

    Always a pleasure to vist you.

  6. Happy birthday Todd! That chicken looks great!

    Destiny is just one of those things we can't explain, but are glad it exists.

  7. Beautiful post. I know what I'm fixing for supper tonight! thanks for sharing your recipe looks yummy!

  8. Marie, I am so happy for you and Todd! Happy Birthday to him again and many more! That chicken looks fantastic! Much love, Raquel XO

  9. Marie:
    This is one of my favorite reads on your blog. Todd was such an adorable child. Those pictures were precious, and what an exciting life he has led. I love how you included where you were when he was living his life out. I do believe in destiny and I'm so glad that you and your perfect partner have the eternities to spend together. Happy Birthday!

  10. wow, he had a very interesting life! i loved seeing all of the old photographs. my life seems so blah and boring compared to you guys.

    how wonderful that you two found each other. its amazing how two lives can come together after being apart for so long. it was destiny for sure!

    happy birthday to fly guy todd!)

  11. what a beautiful tribute to your man! Happy Birthday Todd. Isn't it amazing how the Lord sees where we need to be and when to connect with those whos lives we are to be in. Be it short or for Eternity. So thrilled you have each other!

  12. I believe absolutely in destiny..and God, is so misterious how our lives crossing and we find each other. I always said( don't be jelaous) but I really love Todd I lve how is, a gentleman, a lovely man etc. I whish him a very nice and lovely birthay and blessigs to him dera Marie!! and said him ppsst!! 70 is nothig!! you are aboy!!Hugss and love to you my dear friend!! xxxxxGloria
    Really you are one to other!!!

  13. Happy Birthday to your honey!! That is such a honoring blog you wrote about him! What a wonderful man!

    Going to try your chicken recipe too! I have one that is a little similar, but I love trying new ways to cook chicken! Mine you melt butter and dip the chicken in butter and then coat with the cracker crumbs and then cook. Love that you put the butter on the top and on the side...oooo my goodness!! yummy! Bless you this Sunday!

  14. What a wonderful story....loved the pictures, too! You are so blessed to have found each other. A belated "Happy Birthday" to Todd from Arizona!


  15. Happy Birthday Todd! Hope it was a good one!

  16. Happiest of Birthdays to Todd! Happiest of Love Anniversaries to you both!

    What a wonderful story of love. What a wonderful day.

    You gave me a laugh with your "pretty fly" comment as well!

  17. What great love story Marie. I believe in destiny too, though at times I wonder which way next??

    Happy Birthday Todd.

    Great recipe, that chicken looks yummy.

  18. We have chosen you for a blog award! Check out our blog to see what you have to do! BTW that chili sauce looks awesome!

  19. A very happy birthday to Todd! Thanks for sharing your wonderful life story with us :)!
    So happy both of you found your destiny in each other.

  20. What a wonderful story Marie, yes I to believe in destiny. I'm so happy that you found someone that fits you like a glove and is your partner in life. I'm going to make this chicken recipe probably tomorrow! You are such a fantastic cook!! Marie I can taste this right now and can't wait to make it! THANK YOU!!!!

  21. I believe in destiny (God's plan)! What wonderful pics. What a handsome young devil he was!!

    This chicken is going in my file!


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