
Saturday 6 September 2008

Small and Simple Things . . .

"God bless us to do those small and simple things that need to be done by our hands and to do them all with a cheerful heart."
~Marjorie Pay Hinckley

I just love this quote by Mrs Hinckley. It's so easy in this busy world that we live in to want to grumble about the various duties that come our way. There never seems to be enough hours in the day and there always seems to be more and more things that need to get done. So much to do . . . never enough time to do it in . . . I think perhaps we have gotten a bit lazy. We have too many gadgets to help us to get our work done, gadgets our Great Grandmother's could never have dreamed of having, and sometimes I wonder if they aren't creating more work for us in the long run then they actually save us from!!!

I am a putterer. It seems whenever I sit still for too long I begin to fall asleep so I have to keep getting up and puttering if only to stay awake! I think it sometimes drives Todd up the wall. He'll say to me, when we are watching a television program, "Are you going to actually sit and watch this, or are you going to keep bobbing up and down?" haha

It would be easy at work sometimes to get lost in the tedium of some of the menial tasks I have to get done. Especially when I am having to clean and polish the same things over and over again. I usually bring my i-pod with me and I plug in one ear, tuck the rest into my apron and I go about my work while I listen to music I love, and it helps to get me through it. It helps to make what might be considered boring and blah, a little more pleasant. It cheers my heart.

When I worked at the old people's home I began as a Care Assistant. I had been a nanny in the past, and taken care of a lad with Muscular Dystrophy, but I had never been a Care Assistant. I only got to be one for a few weeks though before being demoted to a cleaner. (I cared too much it would seem) Anyways that's a story for another time. It would have been easy to quit the job in frustration, but I really needed to work. I had not long since moved over here. It was not a very pleasant job at times, although I really did love the residents and talking to them and seeing if they needed anything or if I could help them in any way, but the cleaning . . . well, it sometimes got to me. To get through it I would sing hymns to myself. It always helped to lift my spirits.

My mama always told me that any job worth doing, was worth doing well. I try to do my best at whatever I set my hands to, and I try hard to be pleasant when I am doing it. It's ever so much easier to get through the worst things in life, if you do them with a song in your heart.

"The reward of a thing well done, is to have done it."
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

I have ever such a lot to get done here at the cottage today. We are having a little Birthday Celebration here tonight in honor of Todd's 70th birthday. The last time I had a little do for him he was turning 65! I figure 70 is a real milestone. I did a few things yesterday afternoon, but I have sandwiches to make and cakes and cookies to bake, not to mention those meat scrolls from my Make Me Bake challenge. (I'll be putting another one up today, I've gotten rather behind on that!) I am going to make my famous Hot Artichoke Dip and my Salmon Pate and a big tray of crudites and dip, and then tidy up before every one arrives. I was going to decorate a bit, but I forgot to get the balloons and such when I was at the store and so it will be a balloon less party I'm afraid! It will just be nice being together with good friends, and being able to celebrate this very special time with my soul mate eternal companion! It should be a lot of fun! Does anyone know any party games? (Other than musical chairs and pin the tail on the donkey, haha)

It has been so rainy and wet here this summer. I'm afraid the corn I planted has hardly done anything at all, which is such a disappointment. I have had to pick it before it got as large as I had wanted it to, but never mind you know what they say . . . when life hands you tiny corns on the cobs, make . . .

*Corn Fritters*
Serves 4

These are very easy to make and even easier to eat! I could eat the whole recipe myself, but I restrain myself and share them with Todd!

one whole corn on the cob
(or a 330g tin of corn, drained well)
2 large eggs
5 TBS whole milk
25g butter, melted
85g self raising flour
pinch of salt
2 spring onions, finely chopped
4 TBS sunflower oil to fry them in

If using fresh corn, peel and remove the husk and corn silk and discard. Taking a sharp knife cut all the kernels from off of the cob and place them in a pan of boiling water. Cook for 3 to 5 minutes or until done. Drain well and cool.

Whisk the eggs, milk and butter together. Whisk in the flour along with a pinch of salt. Whisk the batter until smooth. Stir in the well drained corn and the chopped spring onions.

Heat the sunflower oil in a large non-stick frying pan. When the oil begins to shimmer drop the batter into the pan by large spoonfuls. Fry for about 2 minutes, until the fritters are puffed up and golden brown, before flipping them over to brown on the other side. Drain on some kitchen paper towelling and keep warm in a warm oven while you cook the rest. You should get about 8 altogether.

Serve warm with some crispy fried bacon and Canadian Maple Syrup on the side. These are a real treat!

*Note - if you are a little bit more adventurous, try serving them with some sweet chili sauce!


  1. Happy, Happy birthday to your Todd. I hope that you both have a wonderful day. I know that you will be the perfect hostess. How I wish that I could be there to celebrate with you.

    The corn fritters look wonderful.

    Have a fantastic day. (((hugs))) to both of you. Love, Lura

  2. Happy Birthday to Todd! Have a great time tonight you too!
    Love those corn fritters Marie!

  3. Mmmm those corn fritters look scrumptious. Happy Birthday to Todd, I hope the party is great fun!

  4. Happy Birthday to Todd! You won an award, come to my blog!

  5. I don't know, but I've been told, someone here is getting old! Happy birthday to Todd! Hope this year is his best ever, as I'm sure it will be with you to care for him! I'm loving the corn fritters! Don't work too hard and wear yourself out! Much love, Raquel XO

  6. What is the name of the song on your blog? And who is it by? I came here via AMY in AOL. I love that song. Please share it and I hope to use your corn fritters on our camping trip with hubs family. Please send the recipe to Just put in subject line song from oak cottage lol so I ll know.

  7. Happy Birthday Todd. I love hearing about all the things that you have been up to in your life. You have done so many interesting things. Now, I need one of those corn fritters, marie. I made corn muffins this week and now I must ahve a fritter too.

  8. Happy Birthday to your hubby :)

    I just know the party will be perfect balloons or no balloons, especially with all that yummy food you're making :)

    Those corn fritters look so so good.

    Have a wonderful day,

  9. i hope todd has a wonderful birthday-sounds like the perfect celebration!

    you sound like my mom with your "puttering":) she has a hard time sitting for more than a few minutes, she likes to be busy and get things done!

  10. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO TODD!!! No raucous partying, now! hee hee...

    Corn fritters! I know Jesse would love them! He loves corn and would probably eat it every day if I made it.

  11. Sometimes I'm too busy complaining to remember to sing :P. You said quite a few things that I need to remember when I feel overworked :). Lovely fritters, too :). Hope you all had a fun celebration.

  12. Happy Birthday Todd, hope you're having a great birthday. Enjoy your party lucky man, having all that lovely food prepared by Marie.

  13. happy Birthday to Todd from Florida!!

  14. Yummm! corn fritters! Yours look wonderful. Thanks for the recipe.

  15. What a darling website you have. And I can't believe the "cottage" - breathtaking! Since you were on to fritters, thought you might like to try my zucchini fritters recipe. Hope to be back for a visit soon! Kind Regards.

  16. Gorgeous! I can't wait to try these.


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