
Wednesday 24 July 2024

Wednesday Witterings . . .


Creamy Chicken Pesto Pasta

I posted this older recipe on my EK Facebook page yesterday.  It is for a Creamy Chicken Pesto Pasta. Its quite tasty actually, with tomatoes, and asparagus, pesto, grilled chicken, etc.  Each day I post my newest recipe and then several of my older recipes.  Most of my traffic comes from Facebook and this is really what keeps a roof over my head, my bread and butter as it were.

There is an Italian woman who takes offense every single time I post a pasta recipe. Literally every single time.  And her comments are not nice.  This is what she said yesterday about this recipe:

"Not only you keep posting food that is a cultural appropriation without listening to who belong to that culture, but you keep posting the same things over and over again." (Meaning pasta recipes.) 

I am not sure what to say in response to that. A part of me just wants to tell her to move along and look elsewhere if she doesn't like my recipes.  Another part of me wants to block her, but that is not a step I take very easily, unless it is one of those many scammers who post so obviously looking for a vulnerable woman to scan. (Those get blocked immediately.)  For the most part I just ignore her, but she is really starting to annoy me now.  To be accused of Cultural appropriation is a bit over the top I think!  What do you think?  Are only Italians allowed to cook and eat pasta?


Not a great photograph because it is early morning and the lighting is not great, but here are my new chair covers with the table cloth all in place.  Ignore the cat puzzle and the messy bookcase.  I am really happy with them myself.  I think they look very cottagey. But that is just me. I still have a couple more curtains to make for the bookcases. Then I will be done I think.

Mr. Freckle Face pestering me for something the other night.  He can be quite demanding when he gets it into his  mind that he wants something. He will come and sit in front of me if I am sitting on the sofa and meow and tap my knee.  If I am at the computer, he will jump on my desk and tap my face.    

I wish that I could understand "cat" language so that I could better attend to his needs.   Usually it is something to do with his stomach.  He is a little glutton and could/would eat continuously given the chance.   I do not think I have ever seen him "not" hungry.  He's up for it 24/7!


It ended up raining quite heavily yesterday afternoon.  I was not surprised.  Garbage day.  Precipitation and garbage day go hand in hand it seems. At least in my little corner of the world.   They were actually very late in coming to  pick it up yesterday.  

The depot where they keep their trucks is just down the road from where I live.  They used to come quite early in the morning, before 8 a.m.  but lately it has been much later in the day.   You never know really when they are going to come, so it is best to have it all out the night before, just in case. 

They back their big trucks down the street to the end and work their way up. One day one of the residents was out walking with her walker and she fell over in her haste to get out of the way.  Thankfully she was not hurt.

I never think of sanitation workers without thinking of this girl that my mother got to come in and take care of us when she first went back to work.  I was 11.  The girl's name was Etta.  Her sister was my cousin Ronnie's girlfriend.  Etta shared my bedroom, and she was boy crazy. Whenever the garbage men came around she would be hanging out the bedroom window flirting with them and making eyes at them.   I remember thinking it was quite strange.  

She didn't last too long actually. Mom thought she was too flirtatious. She had two others after her. Another young girl named Brenda, and an older woman named Mrs. Robar.  Neither of them lasted long.  In the end, she decided that I was old enough to do what they were doing at a fraction of the cost.   


Its peach season now I guess.  I am not sure if the local peaches are ready or not, but I am sure they are close to being ready.  I love peaches. They, next to pears, are one of my favorite fruits.  When my children were growing up I used to make a peach relish every year. It had peaches, tomatoes, peppers, onions, some chili, etc. in it and it was really nice.  I promise you it was not as strange as it sounds. It went very well with meat. My husband loved it.  Sometimes I would use a jar of it to make Swiss steak as odd as that sounds. It made a really delicious batch of Swiss Steak.

My family always loved it when Swiss Steak was on the menu.


This is from the Book "This Was Meant To Find You" by Charlotte Freeman.  I have that book and it is filled with loads of inspiration and positivity.  How lucky we are to have people who can put together words for us to read and that uplift us in our lives.

I am sure though, in reading this that we all know someone in our lives who is a generous sunshine soul.  I think I am surrounded by them.  Lots of you spread sunshine with me in your lovely comments.  My sister, she is a great source of light in my life. Sheila next door.  Glenna. Jacquie, Tina  . . .  I could go on and on.  When it comes right down to it, my life is filled with far more light than anything else and I am grateful for that.  Magic people who are not afraid to share of their light, sunshine and love . . .  their heart.   Thank you all!


What a tender, sweet, photograph this is. Of a mother hen and her chicks following closely on her heels. It made my heart smile.  I have always loved being a mother, and never more than when my babies were small.  I loved cuddling them, and playing with them, reading to them, baking them cookies.  I used to love sewing clothes for my girls.  I would make them matching outfits, albeit in different colors.  I delighted in them and I am so proud of the adults they have become, yes, even the ones who have nothing to do with me. They are all good people.  And I believe they have kind hearts.  Even those two. I may probably never know why those two are the way they are, at least not in this lifetime, but that doesn't stop me from knowing and believing that they are good people.  And it doesn't stop me from loving them all equally.

My children are always in my heart and my prayers.  Always.


I've been enjoying watching a few people on YouTube and I thought I might share them with you this morning because you might not have heard of them and you might also enjoy them.

The first one is Gary Eats.  Gary is this British bloke who travels around the UK eating at different restaurants and giving his fair opinion of them.  My favorite video of his so far is the one where he went to the 2024 Fish and Chips Award winning restaurant.  Oh my, but he made me some hungry for good fish and chips in that one!

Another one is Rich and Jen's Adventures.  They are an American couple who eat out once a week at a dining place near where they live near Pigeon Forge. TN.  I love seeing all of the different places that they go to eat, but its not all eating. They do shopping sometimes as well, and Jen will even cook a recipe from time to time.

Anna's Mobile Home Life.  I love Anna's channel.  Some people might find this as fascinating as watching paint dry, but I love Anna and I love her humble and caring spirit. She is just a simple woman, living a simple life.  I enjoy her very much.

I also like watching videos on cat behavior, etc. Oh and the cats love to watch cat tv where they can see all sorts of animals and birds.  It keeps them on their toes.

And with that I will leave you with a thought for the day. We are taking dad to his Doctor's appointment this morning and then visiting a farm market on the way home and I need to get ready.

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
° 。 ° ˛˚˛ * _Π_____*。*˚
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˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★
 *Treasure and cherish every moment
with your family. If you do that, not
a single second will be wasted.
~Melony Buenger   ° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •

That reminds me, I was reading something about David Cassidy the late teen heart throb yesterday and in it his daughter said something to the effect that his last words on his death bed had been, "So much time wasted."

I hope those are never my words  . . . 

Cheesy Chicken Quesadillas

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Cheesy Chicken Quesadillas.  Oh my but these were some good. I had them for my dinner yesterday with some guacamole, sour cream and salsa.  Tres delicious!

I hope that you have a lovely day no matter what you get up to.  Be happy, be blessed, and don't forget!

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And I do too! 


  1. Love your pretty new chair covers and pink gingham tablecloth. So nice for summer. Hope your Dad’s appt goes well. Enjoy the market. I would just ignore the comments left by the lady whenever you post pasta recipes. If you don’t respond she might stop leaving them. Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. She's been doing it for months now and gets all of her Italian friends to chime in as well. Its quite annoying because I really don't like negativity on my page! I am really happy with my chair covers and table cloth Elaine. They are so me! I also love those placemats that you sent me a few years ago. I love, love, LOVE them. You can probably tell as they show up in a lot of my food photos! One of the best rays of sunshine in my life because every time I look at them I think of you! Love and hugs, xoxo

  2. Ive always loved big splashy floral chintz..your chairs are very you with the frill gingham:) Block that girl.Lol.Block.

    1. Thanks so much Monique! I blocked that girl and her terrible friends this morning. Its not something I like to do or do lightly! xoxo

  3. I was going to suggest you block that woman and her rude comments. It seems you have done that. If someone is so intent on making your life miserable there is no need to keep them in your life. So many more pleasant people to be around.

  4. Comments like that don't deserve a reply, Block is what they deserve. Love your new chair covers. Yes rain and garbage day go together for you, we are under thunder storm watch this afternoon. We have been watching a baby squirrel this morning as it runs up the tree a bit, jumps down, attacks a leaf an starts all over again. So much entertainment for the squirrel and us. Enjoy the rest of the day.

  5. Well, some people must be super bored in life...not only to always write nasty remarks but to get their friends to do so as well...that is nuts!! Besides who cares really, if your recipes do not suit? No one likes every single thing on the planet...that is why we are all so different. Your special made sauce sounds delicious...heh, bet that would please your boys as a Christmas gift!! Then they could make some food at home like mom made!!
    Hugs, Elizabeth xoxo

  6. Sounds like an Italian Carina (Karen). We do not live in Italy, so nothing is going to be exactly true Italian. What you do pays
    tribute to Italian cuisine. Maybe that lady should have her own Italian cooking blog if she thinks she can do better.
    All your recipes are delicious no matter what culture they are from.

  7. Good day, Marie. Yeah, good you blocked her. You know what, the whole world makes pasta, not just Italy and we don't have to be Italian to love it made "our way!" Some people, right, irk the daylights out of us...and it doesn't have to be pasta/food.

    Granddaughter just sent a message that one of their cats was quite vocal, trying to get them to follow. She was near the fan in the bedroom and, what, it wasn't on! Mercy, once it was started, she settled down and "shut up!" Haha, they are quite vocal sometimes, but family. Our Binkie knows porch (front porch), out (go outside, not often, but enjoys searching for her chipmunks) and deck (she does what sounds like a loud "NOW" to get us to let her on the deck), and let's us know when it's dinner time! She's so cute sometimes.

    Chatted too much. Have a great rest of today and farmers' market. Wish you were near - the figs are coming in like crazy. Have four (4) gallons already in the freezer for my "winter-time smoothies!" Latertater.

    Mary in GA

  8. Marie, I had a different "take" on the Italian lady who wrote about the pasta. After reading the comment, I noticed that her command of the English language is well sufficient to get the message across, but it lacks the subtleties of the command of the language. I do think she is trying to get your attention about the authenticity of Italian pasta dishes, and it's a heartfelt response made in honesty. Blocking her is a bit much, in my opinion. When you can't stand the heat of the kitchen, it's time to hang up your apron. LOL Having only complimentary comments is very nice; however, it's the comments with the edge on them that maybe has something in them to think about. It's your show, and your right to do your blog as you like, but maybe, just maybe, in this case there might be something to learn. Maybe this Italian lady is wistful, rather than angry, that you don't "honor" the authenticity of her culture, and her comment was affected by her writing in a second language. I loved reading the comments today, and especially Mary in GA, and her cat's language. The figs in GA are beyond description in their taste, almost like candy. Your seat covers and tablecloth have transformed your area. It looks so very quaint and welcoming. It made the room a comfort. xoxo

    1. I think likely Marie is not basing her actions on just one incident. Though it can be hard in dealing with another language and culture...sometimes with time, intent can be well known. One of my kin married someone from another country. We all bent over backwards for her. She was clever, sly and with time, FINALLY I saw that she wanted to destroy us. Finally she succeeded in getting me written off by her husband...and with time I finally saw that it was a blessing. But there are those we can never please, nor be good enough, kind enough, or enough of anything to please them as they simply will not be pleased. I finally understood in my case, that it was not due to language or culture, but simply someone who had something missing upstairs...


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!