
Tuesday 23 July 2024

This and That . . .


"For the person that needed to see this today: Your
heart will heal, your tears will dry,
your season will change.
You can rest knowing
the storm will 

I don't have a lot of time to write this morning as the lady who does my toenails is coming at nine and I have miles to walk before then! So today's post is just a catch-up really.  I know you will be okay with that.  I often am far too verbose!  I know there are times when I am in the car with my sister when she must think to herself, "I wonder if she will ever shut up!"  I just have this need to fill the air around me with words!

My car is up and running again.  It was not as bad/expensive as I had feared.  Praise God. It still wasn't cheap, but thank goodness I have some savings to help pay for things like this when they come up.  I am grateful also that I had the luxury of being able to wait until someone I trusted could work on my car and did not have to lay myself bare at the feet of a rip-off merchant.  It was a bit of a pain being without my wings for those few weeks, but it was worth the wait.


Glenna got back safe and sound from visiting her girls and I was able to get to church this week as well. I usually get a lift with Glenna, and of course I wasn't able to get there with  my car being off the road for those few weeks.  It was nice to be able to partake of the sacrament and to fellowship with the Saints. Next week it will be a special meeting as a young woman just returned to our Branch after having served a mission for 18 months. So she will be giving her return home talk and there is a munch and mingle afterwards as a way of the family thanking the branch for supporting her while she was away on her mission.


My chair covers finally came and I will take some photos later to show you. I really like them.  They have lightened things up quite a bit I think. 

Thursday night Cindy and I are going to a paint night in town being held at the Fire Hall. It is only $10 and something to do that we will both enjoy and be able to enjoy together. Something to look forward to.

The people started clearing out dad's place yesterday.  So that is another load off.  Then all we will have to do is get the cleaners in.  All should be sorted by the end of the week. Thank goodness for that!  Now all we have to do is organize his bedroom better.  That may be harder to do than it was to empty his flat, haha!


Glenna expressed to me in the car on the way to church on Sunday that most mornings when she gets up in the morning she wonders what's the point.  She doesn't have much to look forward to during the day, and feels she has no purpose. I know that since she had her stroke, she no longer takes her piano or violin lessons and doesn't go to her exercise classes any longer. I am sure a part of that was just her missing being with her girls out West, and all of her lovely grandchildren that live out there. It did make me feel very grateful however that I do have something to do every day and that I am not reliant on the company of others to make my life feel fulfilling.  I am not lonely.  I keep very busy.  That little foodie job of mine does much more than just keep a roof over my head. It also gives me a purpose. And I am grateful for that. 

Its also garbage day today and wonder of all wonders, it is not raining . . . yet  . . .  they say light rain about 1 pm.

And with that I will leave you with a thought for the day because time  . . . she is marching on and I need to march on with her!

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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 *Every small positive change we make in ourselves
repays us in confidence in the future.
~Alice Walker ° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 
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Grilled Cheese BLT

In The English Kitchen today . . .  A Grilled Cheese BLT.  I had this for my lunch/dinner yesterday when I got home from the garage and it was delicious! I love fresh tomatoes! 

I hope that you have a beautiful day. I  will be back tomorrow with a proper post.  May your day be filled with light and with love.  Whatever you get up to, don't forget!

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And I do too! 


  1. I like your this and that posts, always full of your every day tings.. Are you singing "On the Road Again"? so glad you have your car back. That is also good the cleaning out of your Dad's place has started. A paint night with Cindy sounds fun and just the sort of thing you both enjoy. Have a lovely Tuesday.

  2. Dear Marie, it's wonderful to read how your life events are progressing so well. I'm looking forward to seeing the pictures of the chair covers. Everything falls into place in time. The support and care which comes from you and Cindy for your Dad are inspiring to read about. About your work commitment, it's good to be able to work and have meaningful activities -- good for the body, mind, and Soul. Your inspirational quote today to start off your blog was perfect! I think it would be so much fun to be around you, and listen to you talk all of the time! I don't know why, but words are comforting! xoxo


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