
Friday 5 July 2024

My Friday Finds . . .


A few of the things  I find each week that pique my interest, bring me joy, inspire me to learn, create, do, become . . . maybe they will do the same for you!

Love these ruffled gingham pillow cases. No instructions, but how hard could they be?

Also loving these ones, but again, no instructions.

For sale and expensive, but so cute.

Threads Magazine. Understanding thread tension.

Makayla Creates. 10 free dress patterns.

Melly Sews. Five sewing secrets.  You learn something new every day!

Frog Doll Tutorial. Free. Anne Wood.

Love Crafts.  Such a pretty shawl.

Dadas Place. Vintage crochet blankets.

Your Place. Irish Crochet Blanket.

Thrift Store Crafter. A sweet little reindeer ornament.

Just for fun. No source, but how cute is this!

Fairyland of Dolls on Instagram. A little wool frog. So cute.

Source   Denim Pennant with YoYo's.  I love YoYo's.

Jan Olson   Like this. Love it. 

Well, I don't really have much else to share with you this morning.  I am not really feeling it today. I am not sure why.  I feel quite restless for some reason and can't seem to settle down.

Nutmeg is restless also. He keeps meowing at me and I go to see what he wants and it is nothing.  He has been licking plastic bags again. I don't know why he does that?  Any ideas?

The brakes are going on my car. I started hearing a noise a few days ago, and yesterday it was hard to ignore.  I went with Cindy to pick up the cats (they did great!) at the vets and then by the time I got back to my house it was really making noise.  The earliest I can get it in to where I usually take my car is the 22nd.  It is what it is. I don't want to take it anywhere else. They know me and my car there and have always treated me very fairly.  I think my wings have been truly clipped for a few weeks anyways, because my car is not going anywhere.

It seems very oppressive out there this morning. The sky is grey but there is a strange light hanging over everything.  Its weird.

Congrats to the new Prime Minister of the U.K. Kier Starmer of the Labour party. Its been fourteen years since they have had a Labour Government.

And with that I will leave you with a thought for the day  . . . 

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 *It is our attitude at the beginning of a
difficult task which, more than anything else, 
will affect its successful outcome.
~William James
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In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Leftover Boiled Potato Casserole. Sized for two people. This is delicious and very simple to make.

I hope you have a wonderful day!  Whatever you get up to keep your cool and stay safe! Don't forget!

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And I do too! 

Thursday 4 July 2024

My Favorite Things . . .


These are some of the things in life that I enjoy and which make me happy, inspire me, or put a smile on my face. Maybe some of them are yours too.  Lets share! 


Cone flowers.  I don't know the proper name for these. Similar in looks and color to a daisy, but not a daisy. Love them.


Clay Pots  . . . 


Fresh Tomatoes  . . . 


Hanging Plants  . . .  love them.


Barns that look like they have something to say  . . . love barns anyways, but this one looks like a face!


Turrets  . . .  Rapunzel, Rapunzel,  let down your hair  . . . 


Big, beautiful windows  . . . 


Flags and patriotism  . . . 


Winding country roads  . . .  see the sheep?  There is a straggler.


Pretty sunsets  . . . 


Flower Sprigged dresses  . . . 


Fabric covered buttons  . . .  so pretty  . . .  and daisies  . . .


So pretty  . . . .


Flower sprigged pillow cases  . . . 


Flower baskets  . . . 


Pie and ice cream . . .  especially apple pie. Mom made the best apple pies  . . . 


A chair to curl up in  . . . would you remove the pillows to curl up?


Europe  . . .  window boxes . . .  flowers  . . . 


Such a pretty alcove  . . .  love the colors  . . . 


Donkeys  . . . 


Forget me not  . . . 


A wagon full of flowers  . . . 


Pretty rings  . . . 


Lace trimmed shelves  . . . 


Little Jenny Wrens  . . . 


Pretty earrings  . . . 

Lets just face it. I love pretty things  . . . 

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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 *Back on its golden hinges
the gate of memory swings -
And my heart goes in the garden
and walks with olden things.
~Ella Wheeler Wilcox° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
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Happy Fourth of July to all my American family and friends!  Hope your day is a great one!  Stay safe!

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Oatmeal Chocolate Chip S'More Cookies.  Decadent. Delicious. Moreish.

I hope that you have a beautiful day wherever you are!  Cindy's two kittens are going in for neutering today.  Such a nerve wracking thing, but it has to be done. Whatever you get up to today, I hope you enjoy a few of your favorite things.  Stay safe and don't forget! 

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And I do too! 

Wednesday 3 July 2024

Wednesday Witterings . . .



Here in the Maritimes, June ripens into July so easily that it takes a really keen eye to notice the difference. We get beautiful warm sunny days, ripe with sunshine and the sound of fledgling birds leaving the nests, and yet, the nights are not yet so hot and humid as to hamper comfortable sleep.  There is a breathless dazzle in the yard and garden, with slow and dreamy afternoons.

And if the day gets too hot to be bearable, you are never very far away from the delights of the seaside. From where we live, less than half an hour by car.


These are not the busy seaside's of the larger urban centers with loads of trappings and idolatry, but simple spots to park the car,  and walk . . .  with stony shores filled with seaweed left by the tide going out, colorful  fishing shacks,  and the sound of gulls soaring overhead.  The air is noticeably cooler here and contains the noticeable tang of salt and  ocean.   It is euphoric.

I could sit and watch the water for hours. It is so peaceful there. You might catch a few fishermen sitting on the dock, poles in the water, or the odd person walking their dog along the shore . . . really the only sounds are the waves and the gulls. I love it there . . . if I had the money I would buy a small cottage and live there year round.


I stopped to talk to my next door neighbor Sheila yesterday. I had been taking my compost down to the compost bins.  She  was wondering if I had seen the news on the television and seemed shocked when I told her that I do not watch the news.  Even  now, I cannot tell you if anything has happened because I am that much in the dark about the affairs of the world.  It is not worth the breaking of my contented heart to chance a listen.  I figure if I need to know anything important, it will come to me, I do not need to be seeking it out.  Perhaps that makes me uninformed, but I am not bothered. Uninformed or not, I am content.  I have experienced enough drama in my life so as not to want to invite it in.

There is life outside of the news, and it is quite peaceable.  If the world is ending, I do not need to spoil my last few  moments of life here with things I can do nothing about. Why choose to have my heart broken anew every morning by things I have  no control over.  My only news is on a "need to know" basis and that is how I like to keep it.


In my previous married life we would always spend a few weeks on the Island visiting family in July.  The "girls" as we called them would be up from the states and staying at the cottage in Malpeque.  The old Aunts . . . sisters  . . .  had moved down to Boston after the war and gotten married, but always returned each summer to the Island where they would set themselves up and hold court at the cottage. 

Aunt Rita would also spend her days there keeping everyone happy and fed. You would often find her at the counter in the kitchen area putting together oat and cheese Bannocks while everyone else sat around the table playing cards, the air ringing with the sound of hands hammering down onto the table as someone shouts out "thirty for sixty!"

I am not a card player. I was always only ever an observer to these delights and going's-on. Sometimes I would take the children and we would go out and walk along the shore next to the cottage  picking the wild rhubarb that grew there.

It was not a fancy cottage  . . .  simple and put together before building codes might have hampered its being built  . . .  filled with old castoffs and comfy chairs. Cold and alone in the winter months, it came alive in July and August  . . . its rafters ringing with life and laughter.


I have always loved to picnic. When I was a child it would be a simple repast carried in a paper bag holding a peanut butter sandwich and a jar filled with Cool-aid.  Nothing tasted better on a hot day after a sweaty bike ride up the mountain.  Eaten in the grass overlooking the valley below.  Fits and giggles. Good times.

Picnic is a magic word. It conjures up the images of genteel ladies in flower sprigged bonnets sitting on gingham cloths spread out onto the grass as they  watch gentlemen in straw hats with sleeves rolled up tossing balls back and forth . . .  it is much, much more than merely eating out of doors.  A picnic is an exercise in serenity and simple pleasures.  

A peaceable calm and respite from the furor and allure of everyday busy-ness. Boiled eggs, wrapped in wax paper, robust sandwiches with the crusts cut off and filled with slices of ripe chilled tomato, sticks of crisp cucumber, and  chunks of salty cheese.  Pressed paper punnets filled with sweet fresh berries, lightly dusted with sugar and ready for eating. Glass bottles, beaded with sweat and filled with ice cold lemonade . . .  the hum of flies and bees, perhaps the smell of hotdogs and marshmallows being roasted over an open fire in the distance floating through the air.

Picnics and summer go together like peas and carrots  . . . 

Oh I have waxed on this morning . . . 

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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 *.˛.°I am no longer accepting the
things I cannot change,
I am changing the things
I cannot accept.
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On my ME desk calendar this morning  . . . 

In The English Kitchen this morning . . . Blueberry & Lemon Drop Scones.  Simple, quick, easy to make and delicious. A small batch of only four, sugar glaze crusted sweet scones.

I hope you have a wonderful Wednesday. I have to bake some biscuits this morning to take to a family whose mother is in hospital.  I also have some cookies to bring.  I will take them to my friend Jackie's and she will drop them off.  It is called a Relief Society food train I believe.  I could be wrong. An opportunity to help out in any case!  Whatever you get up to stay safe and be happy!  Don't forget!

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And I do too!