
Saturday 27 July 2024

The Goodness of God . . .



You are probably thinking, two posts in one day!  What's up with that. It has been a long time since I have had time enough to two posts in one day, so I am grateful for this little bit of extra time I have to share my thoughts with you.

I know that I am very generous in sharing with you when things go wrong, as they often do. No life is immune. I hope that I am equally generous in sharing with you about the special things that happen in my life.  In any case I wanted to document this day just so that I have it.

As you know I was feeling pretty despondent earlier today.  I could barely hold my mind together.  And so I did what I always do when I start feeling that way, I went to work.  I cleaned the fridge in the garage, took compost down to the bins at the end of the road. I vacuumed.  Played with the cats.

My sister, dad and Dan are coming for supper tonight so I thought I should go to the store. I needed bread and a few small bits, so I took myself out of the house and went to the store.  I only got a few things but I had a good wander through the shop. It was good to get out, change my scenery and stretch my legs.  Blow the cobwebs out.

My Journal
I started it when I was still living
in the U.K.

When I got back I thought I would sit down and write in my journal. I had not done so in a week or two.  I like to write in my journal.  Often it is just quotes and thoughts that I have gathered and saved on Instagram, or from other places. Things that are uplifting, inspiring, etc.

When I went to open it, this fell out.  It was a card that I got when I was still staying in the motel right after I came back from England.  My Relief Society President from church stopped by one day with some flowers and this card.  I kept it in my journal. It was such a lovely gesture.

This is what she had written inside.  Yes, it is Glenna who lives across the street from me and who I have become good friends with and who I love.  We have also discovered that we are cousins having a common ancestor who is actually the man who founded our town.

A reminder that I was carried and loved then and I am being carried and loved now.  Sometimes you can feel so low you need a reminder and I did. Hello God.  I see you there.

But that is not all . . . 

I went onto my Instagram account to check out anything that I might have saved into my inspiration folder and I was blown away by just the first few things I had saved, probably a week or so back before all of this latest drama started. 

I had to write them down in my journal. God was speaking to me. Telling me what I needed to know right when I needed to know it.

Thank you God, for being where I needed you to be, just when I needed you to be there. For reminding me that I am never truly alone, even if I may feel like I am for a few moments.

I can get through this. I will get through this. Patience is a virtue.  And if this is it as far as the EK goes, something else will take its place. Faith is a virtue also.

I also wanted to share with you the paintings that Cindy and I did on Thursday night.

It was of flowers.  This was Cindy's.  I like it much more than mine. She is so talented.

This was mine. I liked it much more the morning after than I did at the time.

It was fun to do, however crappy the brushes were that we had to work with (next time we will bring our own), and it was nice to get out. I don't go out and do fun things near often enough. And my cousin's daughter was one of the workers at the event. So I got to see some more family as well.

Not quite a hummingbird.  A bit on the large side.  A little woodpecker stopped at my hummingbird feeder last night and stayed for quite a while.

And I took this photo just a few minutes ago of Cinnamon laying in her tunnel.  She was napping and I disturbed her. She often sleeps inside it. So cute.


And my little man  . . . 

Not to be ignored  . . . 

The best way to dispel the rain, is to sprinkle a bit of sunshine on your day. Ahhh . . .  the goodness of God.  Thank you God for being where I need you to be.

And thanks to all of you as well.  You are such a lovely bunch of invisible friends What would I ever do without you to talk to  . . . 


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And I do too! 


  1. Praying this will soon be sorted out as to your paying blog Marie. So sorry we cannot be of help in sorting it. I do think the internet has been having anyway. Comes and goes. Some say those who are trying to maintain control of this country are behind some of this...maybe so. Guess time will tell. Hope the techs get to you soon and get your site up and going again soon!!
    Glad you found some things you had written down to re-encourage you again. I have lost many things online, so if one does not print or write things out somewhere, you cannot depend on it staying where you have access, that is for sure.
    HUGS, love, Elizabeth xoxo

    1. Thanks Elizabeth! I hope one day that my journals will be helpful to someone else who may read them. Or maybe not. They are helpful to me anyways, so that's good! love and hugs, xoxo

  2. Reading about a restaurant critic...hmm, can't think of anyone who has more experience and with a wide variety of food types who could do that, (and who I any way, would trust their opinion)...of course, you might need to travel some as it sounds like your town is small...any rate...just a thought. I had an aunt who was a food tester for Sees Candies...can you imagine? She tried out recipes for them in her kitchen at home and I guess it helped them know which ones to use in their candies...and of course, we got a couple of recipes from her...haha
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. Oh, how lovely you have secret recipes from Sees Candies! I have had the candies before and I know how good they are! I am thinking about various options. And of course very much trusting on the Lord! xoxo

  3. If ever you need your recipes, and they somehow got lost through this website thing, I have at least 3 very large 3-ring binders of only your recipes printed out, going back plus or minus 14 years. Just post on your blog here that you need them, and I will post them to you in the mail. They are not all of your recipes, but they are your early ones and later on too. Hundreds of recipes, printed out, just let me know. Big hug sent to you, Marie.

    1. P.S. If you decide that you need the copies I have of your recipes, just post on your blog here to email you. Please don't post your mailing address on the blog. I'll email you at your address to get your mailing address.

    2. Thank you so much! That is so kind of you! I will let you know. I am not giving up totally just yet! Hope springs eternal! xoxo PS- I am impressed that you have kept them! I have been doing this pretty much 24/7 for about 15 years now so that's a lot!

  4. Whenever stuff goes south, I always figure there are lots of people in war zones who have it a lot worse than I do. Hezbollah just bombed the heck out of a soccer game in the occupied Golan heights Israel side, killed a bunch of soccer players. Now another war is about to pop off in the ME, so in comparison the issues of us mere mortals are solvable and small.

    1. I do feel for those in War Zones of course. I am not immune to it nor ignorant enough as to compare my concerns with theirs. They are in my prayers every day. But keeping a roof over my head is very important to me also and that is the reality of my situation right now as well. No blog, no income, no roof.

  5. What a beautiful card, and uplifting post.
    (I am working my way backwards as I play catch up, so I haven't read your earlier post yet, but am about to do so now.)

    1. Thanks so much Sandra! I know you are a praying Grandma so I appreciate! xoxo

  6. Good for you for keeping busy, getting out a bit, and writing in your journal. Things will sort themselves out soon. Your paint night results look great, and what a fun way to spend time with Cindy.

  7. Hello Marie! I’ve been away this week and am just now catching up with my favorite posts and people. ♥️What a worry for you, having these issues with your livelihood…I would be a wreck! Seems these web/internet/techy things are subject to major problems…I don’t even begin to understand all workings and information and ramifications…I do think perhaps we all have ‘all our eggs in one
    basket’ these days. I do not know what the fix would be, except to say your journal had inspired thoughts and quotes to help you feel calm and patient. I too am inspired by your post…patience IS a virtue, we all need to work towards that virtue (especially when it comes to our families💕). It’s lovely that you shared your painting experience with Cindy and family and your fun with your fur buddies, there is always good in a day, if you look for it! So, I wish you a speedy correction to this problem and a very happy day! Your posts always encourage me to do better, to think better and to enjoy and remember goodness and faith. xo, V.
    Wow, long comment…sorry. 🙂

    1. Never apologize for a long comment V! I love them and thank you so much! xoxo

  8. Does your ward/branch have a FB page? If so, could you post there asking for help with your blog? There's some smart folks out there. I said a prayer for you. Hugs!

    1. We do have a FB page, but this glitch is from the server end and not mine. I need them to pay attention first. Until they do, there is nothing I can do from my end. My patience is surely being tested. Thank you so much! Your prayers are appreciated! xoxo

  9. Hang in there Marie. It will be resolved. You can always buy your domain back or post recipes on this site. Many people are willing to provide you with past recipes. Sending my prayers that this situation gets fixed. Mentally, I would be handling this far worse than you, so I admire you for posting a second post that was more positive. This is your livelihood and it is very important to you, regardless of what is happening to the world. You need to look out for number one, which is you!

    1. Thank you so much Diane. I am so appreciative of those who are keeping me in their positive thoughts and prayers. It is my livelihood and quite a scary position to be in, but I am doing my best to remain upbeat about it. This too shall pass! God is good! xoxo


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!