
Wednesday 8 May 2024

Today . . .


 Just a heads up as I won't be able to do a regular post today. I have to go and pick up my sister and then we need to attend to my father. He is not sick or anything, but we need to meet him and help him with something, which means that I need to be out of here early. I will be back tomorrow with a regular post.

In the meantime do check out my recipe for the day over in the kitchen.

Jam and Marshmallow Tarts.  The star of any tea party or children's party and so simple to make!  Really tasty too!

I hope you have a wonderful day!  I'll be back bright and early tomorrow with a fresh post.  Whatever you get up to today, stay safe and be happy!  Don't forget! 

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And I do too!    



  1. Hope your day is terrific…xo, V.

  2. Hello, I want to thank you for the wonderful, positive and beautiful blog you publish almost daily! You put a lot of work into it, don't know how you find so many lovely photos! I have been reading for a while, a couple of months I think, and so appreciate your focus on beauty and positivity, as well as spirituality. I also enjoy hearing about your own life and those of your family. I am 67 and live in New Mexico (part of the US!) with my husband. I have three adult children, two married, and five grandsons ages 11 to 4. All but my youngest daughter live in my town and she hopes to move back soon so I am very blessed! Becky


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!