
Thursday 9 May 2024

My favorite things . . .


These are some of the things in life that I enjoy and which make me happy, inspire me, or put a smile on my face. Maybe some of them are yours too.  Lets share! 

Sometimes we need a reminder.  Knowing that He is always with me, no matter what, is one of my absolute favorite things.


I love this little bird feeder (and European robins!). It reminds me of several that we had in our garden in the U.K. I wonder if I could get something similar here.  I also had a cast iron dinner bell, which I loved, also with two birds sitting on the top. Such pretty things  . . . 


Daisies  . . .  soon, soon.  I love Daisy season!


Seeing all of the leaves breaking out and unfurling on the trees. I love the greening  . . .  the freshness of Spring.


Crochet blankets  . . .  love them  . . .


Pie . . .  I love pie . . .  savory, sweet, big, small . . .  I just love pie.  My favorite pie is whichever one which is sitting in front of me.  Yes. I love pie.


This  . . .  everything about this.  The furniture. The bedding. The wallpaper . ..  that window. I can tell there are wooden shutters. I love wooden shutters. It reminds me of the place we stayed at in the south of France.


Laundry rooms . . .  I had a laundry room in the house we built in New Brunswick. It was a beautiful home.


An entry way that says  . . . Come in  . . .  you are welcome here.


Pretty little touches that make things unique and beautiful  . . . 


Clothespin holders  . . .  bags, aprons, etc.  They are so homey  . . .


Tea towels  . . .  especially homespun ones  . . . 


Hollyhocks by the back door  . . . 


Family  . . . 


That plant holder  . . .  adorable  . . . 


Morning Doves and the way they coo  . . .  gentle . . .  sweet  . . . 


Canals  . . .  they dot the length and breadth of the U.K. often bordered by walkways and pubs  . . .  such a lovely thing  . . . 


The art of making things pretty  . . . 


Felines  . . .  this could be Gus if I didn't know better  . . . 


A simple repast of quality things  . . .  good bread toasted and spread with sweet butter  . . .  a good cheese  . . . nice olives  . . . a farm fresh egg  . . . 


This  . . .  so pretty  . . .  simple  . . .  ordinary, but at the same time anything but ordinary.


A pocket full of posies  . . . 


Love and trust.  This was Cinnamon last evening wanting me to give her a brushing.  She was purring the whole time.  Love her so much . . .  I have the best companions on this journey of mine.

And those are my favorite things for this week. 

A thought to carry with you . . . 

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 *.˛.Those who find beauty in all of
nature will find themselves at one
with the secrets of life itself.
~L. Wolfe Gilbert° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •° * 。 


In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Homemade Golden Syrup. So yummy!

Sorry for my absence yesterday. Cindy and I had to go see Dad. He hadn't slept all night.  Do you remember the accident he had two years ago where he hit someone at the lights in town and wrote off his car?  The person is suing him. He was very upset about that.  We had to go and look at the papers he'd been served and take him to his insurance people to make sure of what was going on.  He was quite distraught about it. Anyways, all sorted.  The Insurance is paying out.  Not him. They were able to reassure him and he feels much better about it now. 

We are going out again early today.  We want to hit the Superstore and pick up reduced free from chicken (fingers crossed) and then we are going to dad's to work on some of his reducing. We hope to have him into Cindy's within two weeks, but it is a slow slog. A huge transition  . . .  and hard for him to let go of things.  That is hard for anyone.

No hummingbirds yet, not that I have seen although I did watch the chipmunk chase away a Nuthatch yesterday afternoon, lol  They are bolshie little beasties!

In any case, I hope you have a beautiful day!  Be happy, be blessed, be safe and don't forget!

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And I do too!



  1. Love spring and all the shades of green as the leaves emerge. What a worry for your Dad. It must be a huge job for your and Cindy getting him moved. Hope the Superstore has what you want. I see milk went up in Ontario today, don't know about other places.

  2. Cinnamon looks a little fat and oily here. One of my cats loves table scraps, and when he overdoes it he gets greasy looking.

  3. Lots of lovely favorites….as usual! I would love to be sitting at that pub by the canal….one can dream, can’t she? Glad your Dad is less worried…and it IS so tough to part with ‘things’….i keep telling myself …”they are JUST things”… still….very hard to downsize after a long life of gathering! Wishing you and your family a very happy weekend. XOXO, V.

  4. Cinnamon looks ok to me


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