
Friday 22 March 2024

My Friday Finds . . .


I've done knitted ones.   These ones are crochet.   Crochet Dishcloths.  Simple.   From Little House Living.

I love this beautiful crochet collar I found on Lulu Loves.

Homemade Beeswax Balm, from Homemade Unrefined.

Homemade watercolours for the kiddies.   From All Parenting.

These Needlebooks are just beautiful.   Found on Gentlework.

 From All Things Katie,  frozen smoothie packs.  If you are into smoothies, this could be a real time and money saver for you.   She made 57 smoothies at the cost of approximately $1.30 each.  Not bad.

How to transfer images onto wood, using your printer and ordinary wax paper.   Genius.  From The Art of Doing Stuff.

Creative Window Treatments.   Some of these are really nice.   From Up To Date Interiors.

Spring in a Mason Jar. Some really cute ideas from Yesterday on Tuesday.

How To Make Blackout Curtains.  From Two Twenty One.

Loving the Teapot Birdhouse.   From Robin's Nesting Place.

This is a FABULOUS idea!  Add some little legs to any cutting board and you have an instant stand for cakes, cheeseboards, etc.  Found on  Ms Smartie Pants.

What a simple idea and yet so effective!  Use a curtain rod inside your cupboard doors to hold the lids to your pots and pans.  I love it!  From Instructables.

I just love this sampler afghan.  Perhaps not the colours.  I think I would do it in brighter colours.  It might be a great way to get rid of some yarn.  Found On Ravelry.

I love the idea of a small bowl of stones that are inspiring.   You could do them one at a time as the spirit inspires.   Very meaningful.   Found on Home and Garden.

New edges for old blankets.  I love these.   They're so pretty.   From Flickr.

This is pure genius.  How to keep things fresh by reusing the tops of your plastic soda bottles.   Brilliant!  

Who could not use this.   From Two Twenty One.  Such a cute blog.

Rocks/stones painted as little cottages. Wouldn't a bunch of these look lovely scattered in a garden. No source that I could find.

Little Fabric House Tutorial.  It is in Russian but you can translate it.  Found HERE.   It's so cute!

And those are my finds for this week. I hope that you saw something of interest!

Had a great outing with my sister yesterday although the weather was a bit crazy mad.  There were flurries the whole time.  We went to dad's and gave him his shower/bath.  Love my father so much. He is always in a good humor and takes it all in his stride.  I know that he really appreciates us doing this for him.  I don't do much really, Cindy does most of it. I am just the towel handler, and support.  Dad is so easy going.  I love being able to do whatever I can for him, which admittedly isn't much, but I do what I am able to do.  Sometimes it is just to talk.  His hearing is not very good and I know that frustrates him. We just keep repeating ourselves until he gets it. 

After we finished there we went to the Super Store to pick up dad's prescriptions. The pharmacy is not open at the weekend so we need to do it before the weekend and he needed them for Sunday. We were not sure with the weather if we would be able to get up today (Friday). I did go into the Super Store, but with my knee the way it is I mostly just sit in the car. Its hard to get in and out.  I don't mind sitting in the car. I just like being with my sister and getting out. Always a plus.  It won't be long now before they get their kittens.  Exciting!

Its very cold this morning at -6 and the ground is snow covered.  It is not supposed to warm up to more than 0 today (32*F). So a cold day.  I have my heat turned up this morning as I am rather cold.  

And with that I will leave you with a thought for the day  . . . 

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˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★

 *.˛.If we had no winter, the spring would
not be so pleasant; if we did not
sometimes taste adversity, prosperity
would not be so welcome.
° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
~Anne Bradstreet
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° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Peanut Butter Cookie Dough Energy Bites. I tasted one of these at my sister's last week and just had to make some for myself. They are fabulous!  Simple to make and quite healthy, filled with fiber and only natural sugars.

I hope you have a wonderful day. Whatever you get up to, stay safe, be happy and don't forget!

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And I do too!    



  1. I have painted rock houses in one area of my garden, fun to make. I love the inspirational stones, just might have to do a basketful of them this year.

    I learned lots from yesterdays discussion about different injections for knees, thanks to those that gave the answers. I had an appointment with surgeon that did my knee surgery this morning, he is really pleased with my progress and I've now been discharged unless a problem comes up.

    Supposed to be a big snow storm heading our way later this afternoon and into tomorrow.

    Enjoy Friday, rest that knee.

    1. I am so pleased you have had such success with your knee surgery Linda! I love the rock houses and inspirational stones also! xoxo

  2. What a great idea for the lids.

  3. Your Friday finds are interesting as usual. Loved the idea of being able to transfer a picture onto wood using wax paper. We are getting snow here now. Winter is a bit like Trump. No peaceful transition of power. Did you hear the sad news that Kate is being treated for cancer. I hope all the crazy people will leave her alone. Brave girl to tell everyone. Love and hugs, Elaine (in Toronto)

    1. That was indeed very sad news Elaine, and very brave for her to share it with the world. I hope they will leave her alone now and let her get on with her treatments and taking care of her family. I agree with your thoughts on winter, lol. So true! Love and hugs, xoxo


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