
Saturday 23 March 2024

All Things Nice . . .


Spring has such gracious hands! . .  She brings
The essence of all lovely things,
New petalled gorse . . the flame of broom,
Warm sunlight in a quiet room,
Small leaves unfolding every hour,
The still, sweet opening of a flower.

Spring has such lovely hands! . . She yields
Her warmth and beauty to the fields,
Wooing the Earth with wind and rain,
Clothing the hills with green again.
New lambs with wee unsteady feet
New grass in pastures warm and sweet.

Spring has such willing hands! . . She weaves
Her magic tapestry of leaves,
Like a thatched roof above my head,
And for my feet a carpet spread
With woof of scarlet, warp of brown,
Woven of moss as soft as down.

Spring in the quickening . . the birth,
The resurrection of the earth.
There is no death . . of anything --
Life walks triumphant through the Spring,
Trailing her glory like a cloak
Above the heads of common folk.
~Edna Jacques, Spring Comes
My Kitchen Window, 1935

Early this year, the only sign I have seen of Spring thus far is the chipmunk who had started to visit again. The temperatures have been cold and we have had sleet and snow, but nothing that has really lasted or lay for long on the ground. Gardening hands are itching to get into the dirt, I know  . . . but it is a bit early yet I think.  Cindy was telling me about March of 2015 when they got more snow here than they had had all Winter and how the banks along the sides of the roads made it seem as if you were driving through a white tunnel.  March is a month of transition, leading the way into April Showers. At least here where I live.  March swings back and forth between Winter and Spring.  And most days a taste of each. This too shall pass  . . . 


We, Cindy and I, went to dad's earlier this week to help to give him a bath.  He is so unsteady on his feet now that he is fearful of getting in and out of the tub. I was thinking what a great blessing it is for us, even though it doesn't always feel as such, to be able to do this service for this man who gave us life and who provided us with a wonderfully comfortable and safe childhood.  I do not do much, just pass towels and toe washers, etc. get his clean clothes set out for him to put on, etc. but I am there and I am ministering as well. It is a privilege to be able to do this for him. I never thought I would see my father alive again.  Stuck over there in the U.K. I never thought that I would make it back to Canada in time to be able to spend time with my father such as I have enjoyed over these past few years.  What a tender mercy this has been. A real gift for me.  I do not take it for granted and I give thanks for this privilege every night.  Sometimes it breaks my heart to see this man who was once so strong and a leader in our household, having to step back and now be taken care of instead of taking care of  . . .  but he takes it all in good stride with a sense of humor and a smile. It makes me appreciate him all the more. It is not an easy thing  . . .  this giving away of your independence, bit by bit  . . .  but he does it with grace. I love him so very much.

It is not often that I get to see the two of them sleeping together peacefully like this.  They did when they were kittens of course, but somehow as they have grown older, peaceful sleeps like this have become fewer and farther between. They do sleep peacefully, of course, but usually in different spots, hardly ever together.  They were so content I could not help but snap a photo of them together. It made me smile. 

Cindy is getting her two kittens today.  Gus and Sully.  They will be great company for each other. Brothers.  They are lovely cats and I know they are going to the best of homes. They will be loved and treasured.

Like many, I was saddened yesterday to hear that the Princess of Wales is battling cancer and at such a young age and with such a young family. My heart and prayers are with the royals who are undergoing a season of great challenge, with the King also battling the dreaded disease. And yet, there is William, going about and performing his duties all the same. It must be hard, but it shows you the level of service to his people and his country.  Maybe now the furor will die down.  May they be left alone for a season as this fight is fought and may the outcome be positive.  Many prayers hold them both aloft. I know.

I spent some time talking with my middle son Doug yesterday afternoon, well a few times yesterday. He is the one who had a heart attack several years ago.  He has been having issues with his heart again this past week, with what started off as a bad cold, and is now feeling like more than that.  He was able to get in to see a Doctor yesterday (not easy as they had slated him to see the Doctor at the end of April being the soonest).  I am so grateful that at least one Doctor stepped up to see him sooner.  He has adjusted his meds and on Monday Doug will be going for more tests and then further tests after that. God willing they will get to the bottom of what is going on and be able to sort it.  I pray for all of my children several times a day, but my prayers are now doubled for him. He is so young (42) and has a young family to care for.  I would that he would be able to see all of his own children grown and settled and happy and that he would be able to enjoy the blessing of spending time with his grandchildren one day. He is a kind and gentle man.  I have put it all into God's hands, which is the best place to put it.


I have always been a great lover of things which bring with them a positive message. That is why I chose very carefully the things I wanted to fill my home with. Everything that I have brings with it a message, or the love of someone dear to me. This is the one great luxury of having been able to begin again from scratch and to now live all by myself, bar my furry companions. I am surrounded by and covered with things that bring me peace and joy.  I guess you could call it making lemonade from lemons. 

I do wish sometimes that I had more time to participate in pleasures such as drawing, painting, sewing, etc.  But that is my own folly. I need to make the time, and I easily could. I do not really need to work as hard as I do.  I suppose there is a fear in me that this might come to an end one day, and probably will. I am not getting any younger. I need to be prepared for if and when it does. I need to have a financial cushion to fall back on when it does.  Financial security.   At times I fear I live in a house of cards that could all come tumbling down around my ears, but that is where my faith comes in to play.

He has not dropped me yet. I have been carried through some pretty tough times. I really have. Some may find it hard to understand, but through it all I have been able to see the hands of God working and my faith in Him has helped to guide me through all of the difficulties thus far in my life. I don't know where I would have ended up without it.

There is no such thing as a charmed life. Trials come to us all. How we handle them is what matters most. I handle mine with faith.  My faith has always been a great source of peace and strength for me.  I am able to give thanks for the trials because they have helped me to grow in ways I would not have been able to grow otherwise, and they have brought me into a deeper communion with my God.  My faith has helped me to see roses instead of thorns. My faith is what has helped me to keep moving forward instead of standing still.


I love to watch a girl called Hannah Ricketts on YouTube. Yesterday I watched she, her sister and her two nieces have afternoon tea at The Lanesborough Hotel in London. It cost over 300 pounds (over $500 cad) for the four of them, which seems quite obscene.  I could feel their disappointment as I watched.  There was not even a tablecloth on the table, and no real service like some of the other places I have seen them take tea at.  For that they got a glass of champagne (the adults) a cup of tea (and it was bagged tea not loose tea),  a few finger sandwiches, some fancy cakes that were all mouse types of things in one guise or another, not a sponge cake amongst them, and a scone a piece with some cream, jam and lemon curd. The nieces had hot chocolate and their sandwiches were actually very simplistic and quite hard and dry. I was disappointed for them.  Personally I would have expected a lot more for that kind of money.  I think at the end they rated them a 6 out of 10.  I think that was a bit generous in all honesty.  Some of the places that I have watched them take tea at that were not near as expensive were much grander, gave much nicer options, and paid much more attention to every detail.  I think a tablecloth is the very least you should expect for that high of a price tag.

I would expect a table cloth with real china and real tea, leaves, not bags, and pots of hot water to water it down when it gets too strong.  Nice finger sandwiches, all beautifully cut and decorated with fresh and delicious fillings. (At least four per person.) I would want several choices of sweets, not all being the same style and type (a tart (perhaps jam) with at least one type of "cake" being on offer).  Two kinds of scones, a fruited scone and a plain scone for each with real clotted cream, and fruity jam.  Not bothered if there is lemon curd or not.  And I would expect the waiters to return with each course, and offer seconds. (even if you couldn't eat them) And at the very least I would expect a beautiful cardboard box in a pretty paper bag to take the leftovers home that you could not finish.  For that kind of money.  That is the very least I would expect.  Am I asking for too much?

Darn, now I am wanting to make myself an afternoon tea, lol  A well done afternoon tea is a very nice thing.

And with that I best leave you with a thought for the day before I get too carried away!

A thought to carry with you  . . .

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*Money can buy you a fine dog,
but only love can make it wag its tail.
~Richard Friedman  
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In the English Kitchen today a fine cookie for Spring.  Sunny and light.  Lemon Splits.  A spiced crisp gingerbread sugar cookie base, topped a ribbon of lemon curd, a tangy lemon glaze and fresh lemon zest. 

I hope that your weekend is filled with lots of nice things. Be happy and feel loved.  Count your blessings not once but twice, and don't forget! 

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And I do too!     



  1. Winter returned yesterday with a dumping of snow. Time for spring to return on a permanent basis. Hoping Doug is okay. Yes, sad news about Kate, and for anyone with the cancer diagnosis. Cindy and Dan will love those new kitties to bits. Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the family time that comes with it.

    1. We have had snow as well. I think March is going out like a Lion. I hope you are having a lovely weekend also! xoxo

  2. Looks like Cindy and you need tom open a weekend or Saturday tearoom in your spare time. Know between the two of you, you could pull it off! Hve a great chilly weekend. Going to be 39 min the morning here. We have cherry blossoms all over everything. Know the neighbors hate it being in their yards, street, decks, etc.! Oh, well. They are beautiful trees! Ole GA Mary here!

    1. Oh that we had spare time Mary! I am thinking the cherry blossoms look breathtakingly beautiful! xoxo

  3. So sorry to hear Doug is having more problems!! Will be praying for all of you in this time!! Nothing harder than seeing one's children suffer!!
    Elizabeth xo

    1. Thanks so much Elizabeth. Your prayers are very much appreciated! xoxo

  4. I follow Hannah Ricketts too. She is so cute. The prices in London are ridiculous. She’s doing the rounds of Easter chocolates in the posh stores now ,wow! She thinks she’ll get hers from Aldi,lol.
    Do we have Aldi in Canada?

    1. No Aldi where I live in Canada. More's the pity. I love Aldi! Their goods are every bit as good as the name brands! xoxo


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