
Wednesday 25 October 2023

Wednesday Witterings . . .


This was the sunrise from my bedroom window a few minutes ago. I was a bit late getting there and so I missed the pretty colors. In the morning I get to see this from the back of the house and then in the evening, I get to watch it set from the front of the house.  These are pleasures that I get to enjoy as the days get shorter.  I don't mind the days shortening.  I feel comfortable in the dark.  Although I do not like to drive in it, I am not afraid of it.


My sister and I were talking the other day about how they are changing things on us and hoping that we don't notice and to be honest, most of the time we don't!  First it was toilet rolls.  They made the cardboard circle in the center larger, so that there was fewer sheets of toilet paper on it, but it stayed the same size on the outside.  Then they started calling what was always only a roll of toilet paper a double roll and telling us we were really getting sixteen rolls for the price of 8 and doubling the price just about. Last time I bought toilet paper, I got it for $3.99 as I have a points card, but without the points card it was $13.99 so wow, I saved $20 by buying two packs!  But its the same 8 rolls of toilet paper we have always been getting, just with larger carboard centers.

Then it was cheese.  You know the big long blocks of cheese. They used to be 900g, twice as thick and a bit wider.  Now they are only 400g, thinner and narrower, but they cost the same.  Did they think we would not notice?

And look  . . . even clothespins have gotten smaller.  What's up with that? How will that even hold something on a clothesline?  You will need twice as many to do the same job.

I managed to get over to Cindy's for a little paint time yesterday afternoon.  I love it when that happens.  I had seen a reel of someone making paint blotches and turning them into trees. I wanted to try it. It is way out of my comfort zone doing things like this.  To my discovery I am a perfectionist and playing fast and loose with my paints really takes an effort on my part.  Losing control with the paint box.  These are not near as nice as the ones in the reel, but it was fun trying to let go, and this morning it doesn't look half as bad to me as it did last night.

What is up with that?  How come when I go back later to look at something I have painted, it always looks better than it did at first?


I have made two batches of cookies over the past couple of days that have both been throwaways. That there you see is Chocolate Chip Marshmallow Cookies (not mine).  Its  a recipe I found on This is Not Diet Food.

This is how mine turned out and they were sickly sweet. Inedible.  The crows enjoyed them. They also enjoyed the batch of Amish Thimble Cookies that I made from this recipe. Also inedible. The baked cookies were sitting on the baking sheet in piles of grease and had no flavor whatsoever.

I hate wasting good ingredients on bad recipes. Butter is not cheap either. Its like throwing money away.

*grumble* *grumble*  Don't make those recipes. They are terrible. Expensive bird food for birds you don't even like feeding.

(could not find the source)

My mind is turning to Christmas these days and all the cute things I could be making to decorate my house.  These little wool cushions with houses and trees on them are so cute. Quite adorable.  There are so many ideas out there.  You could really spend a bomb getting stuff in for the holidays.  My problem is when the stuff first comes out it is too early to even think about decorating and then when you do think about decorating, its all gone.

That is what happened to me and scarecrows for Halloween/Autumn. They were in the dollar store back in July and I thought cute. Then in October when I wanted to buy some, went back and there were none to be found.  Dare I make the same mistake with Christmas?  I don't know  . . . 


 I made my first blog post on Blogger back in 2007. June 14th to be exact.  I had been blogging before that for about two years on AOL Journals, but they shut them down so a lot of them migrated to Blogger. It began for me, as way to document the daily going's on in my life for my children, but because so much more.  It turned out my children were not really all that interested in the goings on in my life, but other people were.  Back in the day I used to get thousands of visitors every day and oodles of comments.  And I did try to respond to each one, although at times it was really difficult time wise. I was working full time at the Manor as well.

So much water under the bridge since then. I made lovely friendships blogging.  Friends from all over the UK and North America, even some from other countries.  A lot of them have disappeared off the radar.  I don't know what happened to them. Blogs I used to love to read just gone.  People lost interest I suppose. 

Some of my friends passed I am sure.  There is no other explanation for their disappearances.

Blogger made it much harder to leave comments. I find these days that unless I am on my PC I cannot make comments.  My iPad, where I do most of my blog reading as it is later in the day, just won't let me comment  on blogger blogs, not even my own.  My comments disappear.  Its quite frustrating to say the least. I read, but in many instances I cannot comment?  I don't know what is up with that?  Can anyone enlighten me?  My back gets sore sitting at the computer for too long.  I do spend hours on my PC creating content for the food blog. Editing photos, writing, etc. In my leisure time I prefer to read on my iPad. I just wish I could comment using it.


Jennie is coming this morning to do my toe nails. It is hard to believe that six week has passed since the last time she was here, but it has. I am always surprised to notice how fast that time is passing. I can remember making this appointment and thinking it sounded so far off and here it is. 

I wish that I could cut my own toenails. My body just doesn't want to bend that way these days. I used to cut them in the bath.  It was an easy thing to do.  Now I am afraid to go into the bath for fear that once down I could not get up again.  I know I made the mistake of getting down on my knees to look under my bed one day for the cats and was afraid I wasn't going to be able to pull myself up again. The pain on my knees was excruciating. I managed, but just barely.

Its no fun getting older. I live in fear of falling.  Those commercials I used to chuckle at on the television about falling and not getting up have come true for me. Maybe it is time to get a medic alert?  But then I would also have to get a house phone. 


Well, I did it. I broke down and have sent for one of these Lomi composters. I have a hate relationship with my green bin.  It is smelly, attracts fruit flies and by the time I have it full enough to take down to the green bin at the end of the street, the bag is weeping. I hate, Hate, HATE it!  This seems like a much better solution.  I have been thinking about it for several months now. I really hope that it is worth all the hype and the money.   One good thing is I will have some nice compost/fertilizer to give to Dan. (hopefully)  I have my fingers crossed in hoping that this is a viable solution to something which I find very frustrating as a single person on my own.

Oh dear it seems all I have done this morning for the most part it complain.  I have wittered on for long enough methinks.   I will try to leave you with a spark of positivity.

This I know to be true. It does not take effort, but it does take time to develop this skill.  I am still working on it!  

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
° 。 ° ˛˚˛ * _Π_____*。*˚
˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛
˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★
•。★★ 。* 。•。
 *.˛.How wonderful it is that nobody•。★★ 。* 。
need wait a single moment•。★★ 。* 。
before starting to improve the world.•。★★ 。* 。
~Anne Frank•。★★ 。* 。•。★★ 。* 。
•。★★ 。* 。•。★★ 。* 。

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Ground Beef & Barley Soup.  Deliciously on the table in about half an hour.  

I hope you have a wonderful Wednesday!  Whatever you get up to, don't forget!

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And I do too!    



  1. We all have to complain sometimes. I noticed the little individual Halloween candy bars are smaller. What's up with that? I love your painting, Marie. You're way more talented than you think. Enjoy your Wednesday. Love and hugs, Elaine (in Toronto).

    1. You are right Elaine! They are smaller! Oh boy, they must think we are blind! Love and hugs, xoxo

  2. Shrink-flation, they thing we won't notice! If you see it now, buy it, as it won't be there when the season comes around. You have more talent that you give yourself credit for. But it is the enjoyment of doing it and the person you create with that is the most important. Off for covid boosters shortly. I'm a Harry Potter fan, and they always prescribe chocolate for problems, so it is a good excuse to have some chocolate today. Have a good day.

    1. I like that terminology Linda. Shrink-flation. It is alive and well! Also love your prescription! xoxo

  3. The painting is really cute...neat idea!!

  4. Weirdly on Jeanie’s blog I can comment on iPad no problem.I have quite a tendonitis so I am being unusually quiet.

    1. ahh. My iPad has not let me comment on any blogs for a long time now. Not even my own! I hope your tendonitis is better soon! xoxo

  5. Good morning… I love your trees! Yes, getting older is not easy…but we are lucky to do just that! …enjoy your day, happy Wednesday, keep painting and blogging…I enjoy visiting you and learning from you…the soup looks delish! xo,V.

    1. Thanks so much V! It is nice to be appreciated! xoxo


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!