
Tuesday 24 October 2023

A Day Book



The first frost of the season. Its just starting to get light out and so it's not really clear, but there has been a frost overnight. The thermometer is saying -1C (30F). The cats are busy sitting in the window checking out all of the goings on in the neighborhood. Not a lot at the moment, but they are on the case!

When I came out of church on Sunday, it was lightly misting and I could smell the smell of my childhood. Damp pine needles. Its funny how a smell can transport you back and forth through time.


I was asked yesterday if I would cook a meal for an older couple in my church congregation who both have Covid at the moment. I said I would, but someone else would have to deliver it. And I felt bad for saying so . . . that I wouldn't deliver it . . . my reasons are two fold.  One, I finally have an appointment to get my next booster and my flu shot and I don't want to risk getting Covid before that, and two, my lung condition (again don't want to risk it) and three, my family (a sister with COPD and a very elderly father) again, don't want to risk them catching it.  Someone is going to deliver it for me, thankfully. I hate that we live in a world where such things have to be taken under consideration.  Normally I would be first in line and on their doorstep with a cooked meal.



I was studying in the books of Timothy last night. 1 Timothy 4:14 "Neglect not the gift that is given thee."  I was thinking about gifts.  We all have them. Our Heavenly Father did not send us to this earth totally helpless. He sent us armed with gifts.  It is up to us to embrace them, meditate upon them, use them.  I was thinking about what my gifts might be. Perhaps encouragement?  Do I use it?  I like to think that I do.  My sister has the gifts of empathy and caring.  These gifts just come naturally to her. They always have done. She feels and cares for others deeply  . . .  people, animals, the planet. It is not something she has to try to do, it is just how she is. I wish I was more like her, that it came more naturally to me.


Nutmeg sleeping on the carpet underneath the dining room table, or just at the edge of it anyways.  His white bits are so white. Dad always remarks on how white they are. It is not like he goes anywhere ever to get them dirty.  He is never far from me.  Nutmeg. Always close by.  I love that about him.  I think Cinnamon is sleeping on my bed under the covers at the moment.  I am airing it out as I do every morning. I make it a bit later on after I have washed and dressed.



Black cats are considered a superstition. In some places they are good luck, in others they are said to be bad luck. I am not a really superstitious person.  Not that I think I am anyways.  To me black cats are just  . . . black cats.  My sister has a particularly beautiful black cat named Jazzie.  Jazzie was found abandoned underneath a bush in their garden a little over three years ago now.  (Hard to believe that much time has passed.)  She is  a really pretty cat and was such a cute kitten.  They have no idea where she came from. They just heard her cries and discovered her and she has been with them ever since.



A week from today will be Halloween.  All the spooks will be out an about. I get quite a few children here.  I look forward to seeing them in their costumes.  Their parents seem to dress up also. It is such an exciting time for children. I can remember as a child fretting that all the candy would be gone before I would be allowed to go out and trick or treat.  Mom always made us sit and have our supper first.  And it wasn't given to us early. It was given at the same time as always. And we had to eat all of it.  Most of our childhood was spent living on Airforce bases. Lots of houses and lots of children.  In fact, people would come in onto the base from outside because there were so many houses and it was easy to trick or treat.  It was always highly likely that by the time we got out to trick or treat a lot of the candy would be gone. There were hundreds and hundreds of trick or treaters.  Much more than I get here.  Although I do get a lot.  It is a safe place to trick or treat. Not a main road, off the beaten path so to speak. No traffic, and the houses are close together.



Sometimes I am overwhelmed with grief at all the loss of the last 5 years.  Mom, Ben . . . my old life, Mitzie,  Todd  . . .  tears come to my eyes and my heart literally aches with pain.  Mom and Ben I am allowed to grieve, Mitzie also  . . .  but it is more complicated when it comes to Todd. I am not allowed to grieve him, and if I do it is a sorrow I must keep to myself.  But it is a loss all the same.  And a very painful loss. I am like a widow without a body to cry over  . . . whether he is worth the tears or not.  I still grieve the man I thought I had and he is gone.  And it is a loss nevertheless.



The thoughts of things to come. Doug visiting in November. Christmas in December.  Every year I say I am going to be better prepared for Christmas, and every year I am not. Could this be the year that I surprise myself and I am totally on board and well ahead of time?  Will I be scrambling at the last minute to get cards done and sent, etc.?  I wonder.  I hope not!



I am supposed to go out to lunch I think  with my friend Christine.  I am not sure. She was supposed to call me and she hasn't. I could still hear from her yet.  We shall see.


Not from the spot. He's just curled up more and Cinnamon has come from wherever she was and is curled up on the carpet beneath the heat pump drinking it all in.  Despite their fur coats, they get cold too. 


The Super Models on Apple tv.  I find this fascinating.  Most of these models that we see in advertising and fashion are 15 year old girls. Flawless. We can never aspire to look like them.  My niece Crystal could have been a model. She was tall and slim and so pretty with striking good looks I always thought.  Our lives are what they are meant to be I think. Anyways, this is a very interesting documentary on these four super models.


This Autumn Wild Rice Soup from Gimme Some Oven.  It loos awfully good! This is the time of year I start craving food like this.


Once Upon A Time There Was You, by Elizabeth Berg 

 Even on their wedding day, John and Irene sensed that they were about to make a mistake. Years later, divorced, dating other people, and living in different parts of the country, they seem to have nothing in common—nothing except the most important person in each of their lives: Sadie, their spirited eighteen-year-old daughter. 

Feeling smothered by Irene and distanced from John, Sadie is growing more and more attached to her new boyfriend, Ron. When tragedy strikes, Irene and John come together to support the daughter they love so dearly. What takes longer is to remember how they really feel about each other. 

Elizabeth Berg’s immense talent shines in this unforgettable novel about the power of love, the unshakeable bonds of family, and the beauty of second chances. 

 As you know I am a real fan of Elizabeth Berg. I just love all of her books and this one is no exception. I am loving this one too!!



Days filled with love and peace. Calm. Cats. Faith. Cozy. Contentment. Life is good. Probably better than I had ever anticipated it being.  I am almost afraid to be too happy.  Do you ever feel that way?



° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
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˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★
•。★★ 。* 。•。
 *.˛.Sometimes the way •。★★ 。* 。
to be in touch with the world •。★★ 。* 。
is to be out of touch.•。★★ 。* 。
~Anon•。★★ 。* 。
•。★★ 。* 。 


My Vintage Menu Madness with  a Fisherman's special. Pan Fried Fish with Cottage Fried Potatoes, peas and corn, buttered bread, Perfection Salad and Singed Angel's Wings.  All delicious of course!

And that's my Daybook for this week!  I hope that you enjoyed it. Whatever you get up to, be filled with love and light, and don't forget!

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And I do too!    



  1. Great you have covid and flu shots booked, best to be safe, cook the meal and have someone deliver it. We are having Covid shots tomorrow, and after 6.5 months wait I have date for my knee surgery on Nov 16, so this year I need to get prepared for Christmas early as recovery time is at least 6 weeks. A reason to be prepared. Frost for you this morning, we had ours yesterday. Our granddaughter was born on Hallowe'en so for us Oct 31 is her birthday, and Hallowe'en an extra. Have a lovely day.

  2. That soup looks awesome!! And for your friends, I hope you make up some very medicinal chicken soup. I lived on it when I had covid. Made a huge pot and that is all I ate for days, until I felt ok again. There is no need to feel badly you cannot deliver it in person. I am sure everyone our age at least, understands having health issues or that of others we associate with.
    All griefs are grief...just we are all impacted differently depending on the circumstances. Those griefs that intertwine someway with our faith path are the worst, in my opinion. It's too bad those defective people don't come with some kind of outward warning to their victims. Some grief we must grieve alone it seems...
    Hugs, Elizabeth


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