
Wednesday 11 October 2023

Wednesday Witterings . . .


 I tried to book my next Covid booster, but it was impossible. It kept getting all the way to choosing the clinic and then it wouldn't go any further.  They must not have any here in Nova Scotia yet.  That's what I am assuming.  In the meantime, I have started wearing  my mask again in crowded public areas just to be safe.  It is what it is.

This is my dad's arm and only one of his scrapes.  Cindy and I went shopping yesterday and my phone rang. It was dad. He had decided to buy himself some chicken for his lunch. On Tuesdays the KFC around the corner from him has Tooney Tuesdays. You can get a two piece chicken box for $2.  You do have to pay extra to get fries with it,  Anyways, he had gone to get himself one.  When he was leaving the KFC to go to his car, he fell over the unmarked curb in the parking lot, right near the door (as he is disabled and parks there.) 

NOBODY came to help him.  He could not get up. He had to drag himself to his car and then try to lift himself up by grabbing his side mirror. He scraped his arm badly through his clothing and his knee on the same side as well.  Fortunately he did not break anything.  NOBODY did a thing. No-one from the restaurant, no passers by. Nobody.  He is 89 years old.  Who knows how long he would have laid there before somebody did anything.  I was appalled at this. Surely the restaurant has CCTV near the entrance. This is in a very busy area of the community. Lots of cars and people going by. 

We drove from the store right to his house. He had got himself into bed. We saw to his cuts and bruises and made sure he was okay.  I was quite upset about it all. Cindy too.  


I went to Dollarama yesterday, hoping to get some of those stick in the ground scarecrows to put in the front garden. It looks so empty.  Just a few weeks ago they had loads of them. There was lots of Halloween stuff and Christmas stuff, but no scarecrows that I could see.   I picked up a few Halloween things. Metal stakes to push into the dirt. I guess I will get a few pumpkins also.  Just to dress it up a bit as it looks quite bare now.

I am having a difficult time locking my front door. I will have to call the landlord.  I have to really slam it before I can turn the lock over. Generally not a problem as I can go out my garage door, but sometimes if someone comes to the front door I do have to open it and I am worried that one of these times  I won't be able to lock it again.


Oh my  . . .  it does seem all doom and gloom this morning doesn't it.  Sorry about that!  On a positive note I had a knock on my door yesterday and it was the lady from #3 one street over with my mail.  This is the second time she has had my mail delivered to her.  How nice that she took the time to bring it over to me. It was just a Mary Maxim Catalogue this time. The last time it was a few books I had ordered from Thrift Books.

I can remember ordering from Mary Maxim when my children were very young.  Mostly Christmas ornament kits, etc. I got all of their stocking kits from Mary Maxim. Felt stocking kits which needed a lot of embroidery and sequin trim added. I loved doing those, and the ornaments as well. I remember doing little knitted panda bears and plastic canvas red and white striped peppermint sticks.  Also little red and white drums with plastic canvas.  I had so much fun doing those things.  My ex husband used to be away a lot (with the army) and so once I had the children all tucked in for the night I would work with my hands doing needlework, etc. 

I expect that is why I don't really mind being on my own that much in the evenings now. I am used to being on my own. I did it for many, many years, and learned to enjoy my own company. I don't really get lonely.

I used to love getting catalogues back in the day.  Of course the Eaton's and Sears catalogues were the best of the lot.  I got catalogues from Gooseberry Patch, seed catalogues, Mary Maxim, Lehman's Non-Electric, Vermont Country Store, etc.  I could happily spend hours poring over them, dreaming and wishing. 

I used to plan elaborate gardens and make sketches of them, coloring everything in.  All a fantasy of course.  It was the same with house furnishings. I could spend hours planning and picking out furnishings, etc. knowing that I would never be able to get any of it, but I did so love the planning and dreaming.

I don't do that much these days.  I am pretty content with what I have, and I worry a bit about what its going to mean when I am gone.  Someone is going to have to get rid of it all. I don't wish to leave too great a burden on those left behind. They will have enough to think about.


It feels a bit nippy out there this morning.  I have had to put on my robe to keep warm. I haven't turned my heat on yet, but it won't be long before I am going to have to I am sure.  In a few weeks it will be three years that I moved back to Canada.  It is hard to believe that so much time has passed.  I left England on the 6th of November 2020.  That was quite the journey.  I felt as if I would never really be happy again, but look at me now. I am quite content with this new life that I have built for myself.

It is filled with peace and a multitude of joys.

The thing that I am enjoying most of all is getting to spend time with my family . . .  my sister, Dan, Dad, Eileen and my two oldest sons and their families when they can make it over.  

I am also enjoying the freedom of being able to drive myself about. I had stopped driving in the UK. I didn't have enough confidence and it was scary. I have much more independence here.

I love my little home and my cats.  Its all good.

And with that I best leave you with a thought for the day! 

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
° 。 ° ˛˚˛ * _Π_____*。*˚
˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛
˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★
*Believe in yourself, learn
& never stop wanting•。★★ 。* 。
to build a better world.•。★★ 。* 。
~Mary McLeod Bethune•。★★ 。* 。
•。★★ 。* 。•。★★ 。* 。

Its my Vintage Menu Madness in The English Kitchen today with a Cozy Family Favorites Menu.  There is Scalloped Tuna and Peas, Carrot Salad, Boiled potatoes and Baked Stuffed Apples. All very delicious!  I am really having fun planning and executing these menus!  It takes me back to when I worked at the Manor and was having to plan and execute Dinner parties.  Mind you these menus are a lot simpler and on a much smaller scale!

I hope that you have a lovely day!  Its Big Scoop Night for me with my dad and Hazel tonight! Looking forward to that. Whatever you get up to today, stay safe and be happy!  Don't forget!

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And I do too!       


  1. Hope your Dad recovers quickly, such a shame no one helped him. Covid boosters aren't here yet, except for immune compromised. Flu shots not here yet either. I signed up for notifications from Shoppers Drug Mart. Wow, 3 years already, time flies. Get that front door fixed, you don't want any more sleepless nights. Perhaps moved something heavy in front of it at night time (if you can) Chilly here, had furnace on overnight, switched to fleece sheets. The Wish Book was so much fun to get, girls argued over who would get it first. Enjoy the day.

    1. If I slam the door really hard I can get it locked. I need to find a day when I am going to be home all day so that I can call and get them to come and sort it out! Oh, we used to wear our Wish Book out to pieces! xoxo

  2. I am shocked that no one helped your dad.Shocked.I could not stand by and watch.Of that I am sure and I would be calling others to help.Shame on them.The state of the world is so sad..we must continue to try and make things kind here.
    Christmas is out.I stopped by Homesense for a gift and it's all falalalala.TOO early folks.Your life to an seems tenfold lovelier here notwithstanding what brought you here which we just won't talk about..Not because we have forgotten.Im like an elephant for certain things.

    1. Its crazy the way they start pushing Christmas on us as early as they do. I think November is plenty early enough! I think my sister is going to be pursuing a complaint as far as my dad goes! It is appalling that he was left on his own to get to his car so he could pull himself up! I do have a beautiful life now and I am very grateful for that! xoxo

  3. PS today we get the new vax and influenza..double whammy.

  4. We got our RSV, Flu one week, then the COVID just this past weekend. Hubbie got the Moderna as he got them in the past. I have had Pfizer and signed up for it, but when I got there, they only had Moderna. Said there were no problems in mixing, so I went ahead. Just like before, just a sore arm for a couple of days. Hope you get and check into the RSV (respiratory syncytial virus).

    What a disgrace with KFC? You have to go out there and say something about how disrespectful and really careless, as you could bring a lawsuit, unless you don't like eating chicken every day, haha!

    I'll leave it at that, as I don't even know if this gets through with you as I forgot my google pw. Mary in Georgia says hey and have a great day!

    1. Hey Mary! I am still trying to get mine. I am going to have to call the clinic and ask about the RSV virus shot. I think its the KFC is disgusting. Their chicken isn't even that good! xoxo

  5. So sorry to hear about your Dad's fall. It's pretty disgraceful that no one came to his aid. Even if they didn't want to get involved they could have called 911. So glad he didn't break any bones. We got our Covid booster yesterday. Even though you need an appointment, the clinic wasn't busy, so they told us to come on in. And we did. Feeling tired today and arm is tender to the touch. Enjoy your dinner with dad. Love and hugs, Elaine (in Toronto)

    1. I don't know what is wrong with people! I am glad you and Larry both got your boosters. I will keep trying! I enjoyed my dinner with dad a lot! Cindy came as well! Love and hugs, xoxo

  6. That makes me so angry what happened to your dad. I hope you and Cindy go over to that KFC and complain. I guess it's possible they couldn't see from inside, but they at least need to be aware. On the bright side, though, isn't fall wonderful? I just love both fall and spring. And I must also say, Marie, that I am so proud of you for how you've handled this amazing life transition that you did not ask for or expect. I also live alone at age 69, having not been very lucky in love, but like you, I live close to family, and feel quite happy and content.

    1. My sister and I were incredibly upset over it. She is going to write a letter to the head honchos. We have photos to back it up. Thank you so much! Unlucky in love, but what a great family. Like you, I am very happy and content! xoxo

  7. I hope your father is okay. My 84 yr old mother fell recently, I had warned her repeatedly that it would happen. As she is 600 miles from me and my sister, my brothers live just as far away, it is a constant worry. She broke her arm, had to drag herself through her house to get to a phone. Finally after 5 weeks in rehab she is going home tomorrow. But what a worry and headache to get her hooked up with home health assistance. Your father is so fortunate to have you and your sister nearby. Its odd how roles reverse. I am glad he is alk right. Best thoughts.

    1. We were so relieved that he did not break anything. He did squash his chicken, lol. Maybe it broke his fall somewhat. I am sorry to read about your mother. I hope it all works out with her returning home. This is the second time our father has fallen. Thankfully nothing broken yet. The first time was at a local petrol station and in that case someone did help him up and back to his car. Thank you! xoxo


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