
Tuesday 10 October 2023

A Day Book . . .



Eileen, Tim and their friend Calvin helped to clean up my garden yesterday.  Everything has been cut back and carried away to the compost bins at the end of the street. My window boxes are empty. It looks bare. I fed them all supper afterwards. Well, a late lunch, early supper.  I think they really enjoyed being here.  The cats enjoyed the extra company I think. I expect they get bored with just me at times.

They actually had a very busy day yesterday because my sister and Dan came over in the morning and Dan put my bookcases together and Cindy helped. 

I am so grateful for all the good people in my life.



About how glad I am that there is an October.  Just like Anne, I love this month, with its Thanksgiving Feast and Halloween Treats and all of the goodness in between.  With changing leaves and cooling temperatures, the nights drawing in.  I love it all.  What a great blessing to live in the country that I live in and to be in Nova Scotia, well . . . some people dream about  living where I get to live.



I am not very political but the politics of the world do my head in at times. With all of the wars and rumors of wars, all the famine and people in need, terrorism, cruelty, climate change, homelessness, etc. I don't understand why people can't just get along and care for each other in a humane and loving manner. Why does anyone have to be right. Why do children go to bed hungry, or afraid . . . sad. I sometimes with a bit hand would come down and just wipe all of the negativity from the planet.  But then, would we really need faith.  What would hope become?  How about joy?  Joy is what it is because it is balanced by sorrow. We do need opposition in all things in order to experience some of the best and most treasured things in life.  But still  . . .  I could do without a lot of the negativity.



Organizing  more of my books today. Doing a bit of cooking. I am going to cook my Vintage Menu meal today. I always enjoy that. A bit of cleaning, etc.  I am looking forward to having a busy day.  Busy days are good days.


I am loving the colors in my newest blanket. Its still too early here this  morning to take a really good photograph of it. The colors are not coming out just right. They are much more subtle than they are showing here.  Lovely all the same.


Loving Diadamy in her new dress and sweater.  So cute.  She is a fan of cookbooks, just like me.  And she is rocking the pink hair. Who says pink and red don't go together!  She is a beautiful picture in red! I bought a pattern to make some more dresses, but boy the pieces are tiny. haha  I am not sure I am up to that but I can try anyways! What have I got to lose!



The quote on today's calendar says, "Be conscious of your treasures."   I try to be.  God says, Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. 



Old wood furniture and key holes.  

I was saying to Cindy yesterday, a hundred years from now, will there be anything from today's day that is still around? Everything that is manufactured today seems to be disposable.  There is very little of antiquity value produced.  What will our legacy be?  Everything seems to be made of press-wood and plastic. Its kind of sad when you think about it.



All of these things make me happy.   October makes me happy.


"Beckham" on Netflix.  What a fascinating life and career.  I have really enjoyed this. I was sorry when I had watched the last episode that I was done!  He is a really nice man.  I think so at any rate.



This Sour Cream Raisin Pie from Jo and Sue looks mighty tasty.  I just  might bake one of those before the week is through.  Or at least a small version of it.


Once Upon A Time There Was You, by Elizabeth Berg 

 Even on their wedding day, John and Irene sensed that they were about to make a mistake. Years later, divorced, dating other people, and living in different parts of the country, they seem to have nothing in common—nothing except the most important person in each of their lives: Sadie, their spirited eighteen-year-old daughter. 

Feeling smothered by Irene and distanced from John, Sadie is growing more and more attached to her new boyfriend, Ron. When tragedy strikes, Irene and John come together to support the daughter they love so dearly. What takes longer is to remember how they really feel about each other. 

Elizabeth Berg’s immense talent shines in this unforgettable novel about the power of love, the unshakeable bonds of family, and the beauty of second chances. 

 As you know I am a real fan of Elizabeth Berg. I just love all of her books and this one is no exception. I am loving this one too!! 


Where do I begin. My life is filled with abundance.  I have enough and then some. Enough to eat. A roof over my head.  Family to love and to love me back. Friends. Faith. Health . . .  l am truly blessed.



° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
° 。 ° ˛˚˛ * _Π_____*。*˚
˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛
˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★

 *.˛.Nothing feeds the center of being
so much as creative work.•。★★ 。* 。
The curtain of mechanization has•。★★ 。* 。
come down between the mind •。★★ 。* 。
& the hand. •。★★ 。* 。•。★★ 。* 。
~Anne Morrow Lindbergh•。★★ 。* 。
•。★★ 。* 。•。★★ 。* 。


Teriyaki Spam & Pineapple. This was really delicious.  Roasted in the oven in a tasty combination of ingredients, the meat gets all crispy edged, the pineapple all moreishly sticky. This is an incredibly tasty mix of flavors and textures.  I enjoyed it with some coconut rice.  It was fabulous!

And that is my day book for this week! I hope that you have a beautiful day today, filled with love and light. Whatever you get up to, don't forget!

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And I do too!    



  1. I started Beckham in bed on my own..he reminds me of my Littles..always a football in their hands since toddlers..I've only watched a bit..She's always bugged me lol.. I'll have to wait and see if she is the same in this.
    Your new blanket looks lovely..Your home too..Dreading my garden clean up.
    Have a good week!

    1. He was just a baby when he started and was taken away from his home and parents to play for Manchester United. 15 years old only. She can bug me too from time to time, but I liked her in this. xoxo

    2. Me again having watched it all.I LOVED it.And I applaud her now.And I love him.

    3. I know! I was very impressed with both of them. I think they are two very good people who have managed to keep their marriage intact despite amazing obstacles and have raised some lovely children. xo

  2. Good to have the garden clean up done. Chilly here, furnace time. Bright and cheery colours in your new blanket. Tree colours are gorgeous right now. Ooooh, bookshelves to fill, have fun. Enjoy the day.

    1. Thanks Linda! It was a relief to get it all done. Now I can rest without it being a concern. I hope you enjoy your day also! xoxo

  3. Enjoyed reading your day book, Marie. Diadamy looks so sweet in her pretty red checked dress. Where did you buy it? It was her soft pink hair that attracted me, too. That shade could even be called "strawberry blond". Always fun to play dolls. We got our Covid boosters this afternoon. The flu shots should be available late this month. Love and hugs, Elaine ( in Toronto).


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