
Monday 28 November 2022

In the wee Monday morning hours . . .



We all gathered at my sister's place yesterday for Sunday Dinner. I love going there for dinner on Sundays, spending time with my father, Dan and Cindy. We always have a few laughs, eat some really good food and just enjoy each other's company.  Cindy always cooks a lovely dinner, and we all really enjoy it. Yesterday was roast beef, with roasted vegetables and gravy. Everything was delicious.

We are trying to eat earlier these days so that Dad can leave to go home before it gets really dark. We worry about him driving home in the dark and to be honest the headlights from oncoming traffic really bother him. They really bother me as well, and I am a whole lot younger.

Just as he was going out to get in his car yesterday, we noted that someone had hit a deer on the road just past my sister's house.  The car was there with his four ways flashing.  The poor animal was floundering, trying to get away, but clearly its legs were broken.  It was a very distressing situation.

Deer often cross at that point in the roadway.  They often go through my sister's yard.  The river is just across the road and down the bank from her place and they go down there to drink. You will often see them at dawn or dusk crossing over. We have watched them many, many times from the windows of my sister's home. We are all real nature lovers, and we always love to see them.

Yesterday was very upsetting to us all.  The RCMP were called.  Apparently, nobody was allowed to dispatch the deer but them, so the animal had to suffer until they got there. It was very sad. The car had to be towed away and thankfully nobody in the car was hurt, but we were all very upset.

People drive very fast down that road by my sister's house.  Often doing in excess of the speed limit.  Just before my previous marriage broke up, we were living about a kilometer or so further down the same road from my sister's place and I always worried that my children would get hit by a car, and one day our Bruce's friend Jayme did get hit.  Thankfully he was not badly hurt.

I would warn you to be careful when you are driving in a rural and non-urban situation, especially in the early morning hours or at dusk.  There are often deer about, and they are normally in pairs or groups.  Please be aware and watchful.

I left church directly after Sacrament meeting yesterday morning, not hanging around for Relief Society.  Dan and Cindy were going to the Cemetary, and I wanted to go with them. My sister takes such good care of my mother's grave.  She keeps the headstone clean and sparkling. We were going to put the Christmas Flowers on my mother's headstone. We also check the other close family graves that are there. My Aunt Freda's and cousin Johns.  There is not a lot in the way of flowers growing there now of course. My sister leaves peanuts here and there for the chipmunks, crows or bluejays.

It was a particularly beautiful day for it. There was no wind blowing and the sun was shining. It wasn't really cold like it usually is up there this time of year. The ground was covered with horse chestnuts and fallen leaves. It is in a particularly beautiful spot, this cemetary. You can look down over the whole valley across to the North Mountain. There are over seven generations of my maternal family buried here. One day my father, sister and I will also be there, not that any of us are in a hurry to get there, but it is a very peaceful place to rest. 


Dan was busy putting up the outdoor Christmas lights yesterday. My sister dug this Santa out of the box to show me. It was one that I made many years ago. I have brought it home to make a quick pattern from it. It is one of the patterns that I left in the UK. I had been looking to find it online, but to no avail. I used to make these and little angels to sell at craft shows years ago. I should be able to recreate the pattern quite easily and give it back to her today or tomorrow.  We are hoping that next year we will be able to do some craft shows.  We have a year to get ready for them at any rate!  I always loved doing craft shows with my sister. The best part was always getting to spend the time together. Of course, we area both a good 30 years older now,but we can still have lots of fun together.


I think I may have sorted out the problem with the commenting on the blog. At least I hope that I have. I changed something in the settings for comments.  Comments will still require approval, but hopefully it will be easier to leave a comment now. We shall see!

Yesterday was the first Sunday in Advent. This year I am doing this study on Advent from She Reads Truth. Trying to inject as much spirit into the coming weeks as I can.  Yesterday it was to reflect on the song Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus.  Traditionally this carol is sung on the first Sunday of Advent. I found a lovely video of it by the Peterson's on YouTube. It starts with O Come O Come Emmanual and then switches to Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus at 3.23 of the video.  It's a particularly beautiful arrangement.  The anticipation of the Birth of Jesus is the joy of every longing heart.

And with that I will leave you with a thought for the day . . . 

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 *.˛.°Each of us is an Innkeeper
who decides if there
is room enough for Jesus.
~Neil A Maxwell•。★★ 。* 。

In The English Kitchen today . . . Creamy Corned Beef Casserole. A thrifty economical bake that is really delicious and simple to make.

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And I do too!  

I hope you have a wonderful week with loads of special and wonderful things. Be happy, safe and blessed, and don't forget! 


  1. So sad about the deer. I see the changes you made (using my laptop) and can now comment with my website url instead of being directed through blogger. I'll try the ipad next and let you know if it works. How lovely to find the Santa and be able to get the pattern from it. Enjoy Monday.

    1. Yay! so happy it worked! I don't know why blogger has to change these things around on us. I am always playing catch up! xoxo

  2. I too am sad about the poor deer, having to suffer like that. Yes, we must be very mindful and take our time,slowing down.
    I so enjoyed the YouTube of the Petersons. Emmanuel is one of my very favorite songs. Thank you for postiing them. New to me.

    1. We were all so very upset Mary. It has stayed with us this whole week. Hard to shake the images. You are welcome. The Petersons are a lovely group! xoxo

  3. Having lived many years in deer areas, there is a great help to avoiding hitting them. There are deer whistles you install in the grill of your car, and I think you have to be driving 35 mph for them to work, but they make a noise that only animals can my Hubby put 4 in our car grill. You often see the deer with their heads up and alert when you drive past, but it has seemed to work for us. You buy them in pairs...but we figure if 2 made a noise, then 4 would make just that more noise for them to hear!! It is indeed dismaying to kill one that way. It happened to my Hubby one day on the way to work...but someone else had already hit the deer who was stunned, and blundered out in front of Hubby from behind that car so no way to see it even until the instant it was hit...but other than that kind of event those whistles have done well!!

    1. Mom always had those whistles on her car! We will have to look and see if we can find some here. It would be a great safety measure for sure Elizabeth! xoxo

  4. Hi Marie, yeah, I can leave a comment without going through Google. Such a sad, sad story about the deer. So upsetting for all of you. The cemetary where your mom is resting is beautiful. Your visits must be very peaceful. Enjoy your day. Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. That's great about the comments Elaine! Yay, I fixed it! The deer was very upsetting to all of us. What a way to end the weekend! Love and hugs, xoxo

  5. I don’t drive fast but one day maybe 4 yrs ago a deer sprang right in front of me but like a doe a beautiful arc.It shocked second later I would have hit it😢Love how you have family dinners..Monique

    1. They come right out of nowhere. Thankfully there are no moose where we live. Happy you didn't hit the deer. Whew! We enjoy our family dinners! xoxo

  6. So amazing that seven generations of your
    family are buried there. Glad to be able to comment now.


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!