
Saturday 26 November 2022

All things nice . . .



Wherever women gather,
They will brew them pots of tea,
And chatter of a hundred things
From here to Normandy.
White hands will flutter o'er the cups
To pour the tea and cream,
And Talk will flow in sparkling waves
Swift as a country stream.

Wherever women gather,
They will talk about their maids,
A running summary of life
Of church and ladies aids,
With nods and smiles enough to set
Their dizzy hats agog,
They'll talk of husbands, sisters, sons,
The antics of a dog.

Wherever women gather,
In little rooms apart,
They'll talk in little broken words
Of things close to the heart.
Of dreaded sickness, pain and fear,
Anxiety and doubt,
Finding a strange begotten peace
In having talked them out.

Wherever women gather,
They will find a comfort there,
For friendship is a gracious thing,
Lovely as a prayer,
A bond of comfort strong and true --
Thank God that this may be
That they can chat and share their thoughts
Above a cup of tea.
~Edna Jaques, Cup of Tea
Back Door Neighbors, 1946

I saw this poem this morning and it kind of made me think about blogging.  It is one of the more modern versions or ways that women gathering together.  I don't know about you, but I often visit my friends' blogs, with a nice drink in hand, settling back to read what they have to say, perhaps to pen a response in the way of my own thoughts in return. A pleasant way to spend some time together with friends which are like-minded, even though we may be miles apart, tied together by heart strings.

I am not sure what is up with blogger lately. It seems to be more and more difficult, if not impossible, to leave comments, especially if you are reading on the iPad, which is usually what I am doing. 


When I was a very young woman, how very nice it would have been to have an outlet such as this.  A gathering place of likeminded souls, a place to share with each other the things of our hearts and minds. 

I was all too often alone, with just my children to keep me company. My husband was a very career-minded army man and was frequently away from home. Most of the time I lived thousands of miles away from family and kin.  There was not a lot of money for phone calls and such. They were reserved for special occasions such as holidays or Birthdays.

I remember how excited I would be if a letter arrived from my mother or my sister. I would read them over and over again.  They were often like little rays of sunshine.

Oh, don't get me wrong.  My days were busy and full, but there was nobody to share the inner workings of my heart and soul with . . . to share.  A burden shared is a burden halved and a joy shared is doubled.


I have lived pretty much all over Canada. Amongst the foothills of the beautiful Rocky Mountains, on the Western plains, in the beautiful Southwestern area of Ontario, on the banks of the stunning Georgian Bay, on the edge of a wild marsh in New Brunswick, here in the beautiful Annapolis Valley of Nova Scotia . . . we moved often while I was married to my army man. It helped to make me adaptable and resilient. Being on my own so much, taught me how to enjoy my own company.  I don't get lonely. Not really. I am never bored. I can always find something to do.

I am a lover of nature and bird watching, people watching, etc. If I have nothing to occupy my hands or my brain, I do enjoy taking in the things which are happening outside my window. Listening to the crows and bluejays.  I throw them crusts of bread and stale cake. They are always most appreciative.

I love to watch the changing seasons; each one brings a special joy.  Yesterday men were going around driving stakes into the ground to mark the edges of our lawns in anticipation of the Winter snows we have yet to look forward to. I need to dig out my snow scraper and shovel.

The canoodling months will soon be upon us.


As mom would say, there's lots of money in those cups.  That what she always said when there was bubbles or foam on top of a cup of tea. Money to come.

I am drinking a ginger tea as I write this morning. Slivers of fresh gingerroot steeped in boiling water. It is something I really enjoy. I think ginger is one of my favorite flavors.  I love it in every way shape or form. In the UK you could get ginger and lemon curd. Oh my but it was some good spread on a piece of toast or a scone or between the buttery layers of a simple cake.  I have some ginger preserves I bought online that I am saving for Christmas, along with some dark chocolate coated ginger biscuits.


Someone left a comment on here once, years ago, that I was going to end my years alone, lonely, and unloved.  It was a bit unkind to say the least. I may be alone, but I am not lonely, nor am I unloved.  I have plenty to keep my hands and my mind busy.  I am surrounded by family, both near and far, who care about me and who love me.  I have my cats for company and cuddles.  I have a cosy little home filled with things which bring me joy. I am very content with this life that I have built for myself. 

Sure there are times that I wish I had someone "special" to share it with, but that is not always the be-all and end-all of what makes a life full and worth living. I have had that in the past. I do not have that now. Life is different than I had imagined it would ever be, but it is still a very good life, and I get to have all of the covers to myself. 

I can eat when I want to eat and what I want to eat. I can watch whatever I want to watch on the television. I can read, craft, bake, cook to my heart's content.  I can do whatever I want to do whenever I want to do it. There is nobody to tell me I can't.

I am really blessed in loving my own company and being content with it. I know not all people are.


Yesterday I watched the FIFA football match between the US and England. It was not the most exciting match I have ever seen. Both teams were very evenly matched skillwise, are so good that it ended up a draw and there were not a lot of close calls to get the blood riled.

I watched a film last evening, or I started one anyways, that I will likely finish tonight. Called The Wonder on Netflix. Unsettling and compelling it is the story of an English Nurse who has been sent to watch a 'fasting' girl in the Irish midlands of Ireland just after the Crimean War. It is not a true story; however, it is based on the true stories of this phenomena which was very true and very common subject of popular concern in the 19th century.  In any case it is a good movie.

I am not sure what I will get up to today. I do have some gifts to wrap, cards to write. I got my first Christmas Card yesterday, all the way from Alberta. I still don't have any decorations on my tree.  I may never put any decorations on my tree. It's pretty colorful just as it is. I am happy I chose the one with all the colored lights, it delights even without anything on its branches.

And with that I will leave you with a thought for the day . . .

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
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 *And in the end, it's not 
the years in your life that count.
It's the life in your years.
~Abraham Lincoln•。★★ 。* 。

In The English Kitchen today . . .  Best Bisquick Cinnamon Rolls. So tasty!  Quick and easy too!

I hope your Saturday is filled with lots of love, luck and happiness!  Don't forget!

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And I do too!       


  1. I usually have a cup of peppermint tea while I read your blog in the morning. I always use my laptop as no matter how many times I try blogger will not let me sign in with my ipad. It's been that way fo ages. I did enjoy your poem today. One saying I like is "Women are like teabags. You don't know their strength till they are in hot water" by Eleanor Roosevelt I have a collection of them on my website with some cute ideas for making tea cards, tea bags etc which are great to tuck into cards. Happy weekend.

  2. Well, seems life is full of sour apples...if we having lived this long, remember them all. Amazing sometimes how many seem to think they can foretell the future as if they were GOD...glad things have gone much better than the naysayer knew. You do have an advantage over many: you can do as you please, every single day and every single minute of the day!! THAT IS FREEDOM!! Obviously you have sacrificed greatly for others, some who have never appreciated it, and now it is YOUR turn to live among your beloved kin who are so happy to have you nearby!! Something to be said for that too!!
    Hugs, Elizabeth xoxo

  3. I agree blogland is wonderful but changing..My desktop and laptop no problem IPad ugh..But you fixed my temp dilemma.Marie I find your life so much richer here.Spiritually and comforts wise.You have a very dear home..a car..a cute one at that..little minous but more importantly family!You get out so much more too..So happy for you..Monique

  4. I am sitting here with a lovely warming cup of Chai . Have you tried this ? I have only recently discovered it myself .You make it with all milk . I have taken to having it as my bedtime drink , you can add a little honey but I find it fine without . I love my solitude .I love the words of the poem you began with . How exciting to be expecting snow . you take care and keep warm now .x

  5. It works Marie, able to comment from my ipad too. Thanks so much.


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!