
Wednesday 12 October 2022

Wednesday Witterings . . .



I have never seen myself as being much of a baker.  I always saw my sister as being the baker in the family, but as I have gotten older, I have come to realize that I have always been a baker, and it is a skill that is deeply rooted in this longing I have to bring joy into other people's lives. I bake not so much for myself, as I do to bring pleasure to others.

When visitors are expected, it always makes me feel good to have my home smelling like something I just baked. In my mind nothing says "Welcome" more than the smell of a fresh tray of cookies or the smell of a gingerbread baking in the oven.

The look on people's faces when they walk into the door and know that something special has just been baked for them makes my heart smile in a very special way. For me, the words "I love you" are spelled, "I j-u-s-t b-a-k-e-d."

I am not sure why that is. My mom never baked a lot when we were growing up. We got fresh baked goods at special times of the year. Dessert was not an everyday thing in our home. Perhaps at the weekend.  We got boxed cookies most of the time in our packed lunches and there were no special treats waiting for us when we got home from school. Mom had been an overweight child and she made sure that none of her children were overweight. Every cookie in the tin was counted and accounted for.


I was a voracious reader however and my childhood was richly embroidered by the imaginations of midnight feasts at boarding schools and picnics garnished with cherry cakes and ginger beer.  

When my own children were growing up, I baked just about every day. Mostly just cookies and the occasional cake. The cookie jar was always full of something homemade, and they were always greeted with the smell of something tasty awaiting them when they got home from school.

Our Christmas Celebrations were filled with baked goods that I would begin creating back in September/October. Everything would be carefully frozen in anticipation of the holidays. I used to make cookie trays to give as gifts for friends.  

Nobody came to my home for a visit, at any time of the year, without being offered a hot or cold drink and something tasty and home baked to enjoy with it.

These days I mostly only bake at the weekend.  With there only being myself in the home, there is not much cause for baking at any other time. I usually bake for the blog, and share it with my sister if possible.  Or my next door neighbor, but I tend not to share with her too often these days because she always feels she has to give me something back and that is not my intention. 

I might bake breads and biscuits during the week, but not much else.  Even those are limited. These days I rely on candles to keep my home smelling nice much more than I do cookies!!

So, do you bake?  What are the things you like to bake?  Why do you bake if you do?


It's very foggy and misty out there this morning. The air is as cool as a teaspoon and embroidered with the faint tang of blue woodsmoke. The colors of the Maple trees around us is dazzling, but I know they will not last much longer.  I need to take a trip up the mountain to have a view down on the valley before it is too late.  The maples give forth light like closer suns, and the oaks glow with a garnet fire. The woodlands are ablaze with scarlets, golds and cinnamons, like the music of a trumpet.  Most days the trees flame against a sky as soft as the feathered breast of a dove.

There is still some warmth in the sun, which warms stone ledges . . .  but there is a definite bite in the wind that tells us it won't be like this for too much longer.

I am quite fond of the smell of fallen leaves, with their musty odor. Mingled with the tang of woodsmoke I find it to be quite lovely.  At one time people would gather up their leaves to use for mulch or to bank up the foundations of their homes before piling pine branches over top of them to hold them in place, in preparation for winter.  Screens would be carefully removed and replaced with storm windows in anticipation of the colder temperatures ahead.

Some would burn their leaves in old garbage cans in the back yard along with gathered weeds and dried flower heads. This was the smell of autumn for me. 

There is but one word that describes the month of October for me and that would be splendor. October is the jewel set in the hands of time.


We may not migrate like the birds do at this time of year, but there is a definite change in the rhythm of our lives as the season ebbs.  Nights are cool and dark, whilst our days are embroidered and dreamy with blue haze.  Our blood is quickened by a certain restlessness. Our lives suddenly filled with the advent of projects which need doing right now before Winter has us in her cold bony grasp.  In a way, this is our own form of migration . . . as firewood is stacked nice and handy near the back door, kindling gathered, leaves are raked, and gardens are cleaned up in anticipation of the coming winter months.  

Warm blankets and sweaters come out of the closets and are aired, ready to wrap us up in the warmth of woolen hugs.  The flannel sheets go onto the beds. We are in the early stages of the season of canoodling, as all is safely gathered in . . . 


I am still basking in the warmth of the weekend I have just spent with my family.  Or at least some of it anyways. I was looking back over some of my posts from this time of year in 2020 and I am so grateful to have come through all of that and out the other end intact and as settled as I am.  I just feel so blessed.  I know from whence all my blessings come and I am so very grateful for the winds of Grace which have carried me here to this place that I find myself now.

Yesterday I went to have my Winter tires put onto my car. Afterwards I picked up Cindy and we came back here and loaded the summer ones into the garage together. Then we went to the store for a few bits. I love that I now have my lifelong best friend nearby and that we enjoy each other's company as much as we do.  I love my sister so much.  I don't know if she realizes how very much I missed her for all those years that I was situated so far away. Tomorrow we are going up country. We have put an order into the shop which collects from the Costco in the city, and I think we are also going to Michaels. I suspect we might also stop into the farmers market the other side of Aylesford for some pumpkins and squashes while they are still somewhat abundant.   And even if we don't, it will be a lovely day. I am really looking forward to it!

A thought to carry with you . . . 

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
° 。 ° ˛˚˛ * _Π_____*。*˚
˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛
˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★
*Be the reason someone feels
welcomed, seen, heard, valued,
loved and supported.•。★★ 。* 。

In The English Kitchen today . . .  Garlic Butter Scalloped Sweet Potatoes.   Quite simply delicious!

Have a wonderful day!  Whatever you get up to, don't ever forget! 

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And I do too!


  1. I used to bake lots, but now only every now and then. I love October colours, sounds of rustling leaves, and cozy clothes, sheets and blankets. I don't like the darker evenings and mornings, but they are all part of fall. Enjoy your day.

    1. I don't mind the darker evenings, however I do make sure not to go out at night as I don't like to drive in the dark! Enjoy your day also! xo

  2. Lovely saying today, Marie...have fun shopping with your sister...sounds like a really fun day!!
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. I do really enjoy spending time with my sister Elizabeth! I hope she enjoys me just as much! xoxo

  3. What a beautiful description of this magical season we call fall. Enjoy every minute of it. Have fun on your day trip tomorrow. I bet Cindy is equally happy to have you close by as you are. Sisters have a special relationship. Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. I sure hope so Elaine! We did not go on the trip as planned, but will go next week and have twice the fun! Love and hugs, xoxo

  4. Have a fun day..I just baked a cookie that says I love baking in a way:)

    1. I saw them in Instagram! I loved them. You are so talented Monique! xoxo

  5. What a beautiful post today - how well you expressed the season's wonders.
    I don't bake too much anymore as it's just me, but when I do it's almost always cookies.
    Your Thanksgiving sounded wonderful - so glad for you! And enjoy your time with your sister today. It is precious.

    1. Fresh baked cookies are the best Mary! Thank you! xoxo

  6. Beautiful post, as usual. Have a great day with sister! xo.V


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