
Tuesday 11 October 2022

This was Thanksgiving 2022



Thanksgiving Day 
by Lydia Maria Child

 Over the river, and through the wood 
Trot fast, my dapple-gray! 
Spring over the ground, 
Like a hunting-hound! 
For this is Thanksgiving Day. 

Over the river, and through the wood, 
And straight through the barn-yard gate. 
We seem to go 
Extremely slow,
It is so hard to wait! 

Over the river and through the wood
Now grandmother's cap I spy! 
Hurrah for the fun! 
Is the pudding done? 
Hurrah for the pumpkin-pie 

What a wonderful weekend we have had here at Bountiful!  I was in heaven all of this Thanksgiving weekend.  It had been of course over 24 years since I had a Thanksgiving to celebrate with any of my children, and over 10 1/2 years since I have seen my son and his family.  There was a lot to celebrate! 

Anne, Gabe, Anthony, Luke

They got here late Friday night, so they just booked into the motel, but they were here at the homestead bright and early Saturday morning.  Hugs, hugs, hugs, and plenty of joy filled tears!  The cats were a bit spooked, but they soon warmed up to everyone and Luke kept them very busy the whole weekend!  They made fast friends and played and played and played!

We enjoyed a big breakfast of bacon, waffles, scrambled eggs, hashbrowns, etc. Look at how many double yolkers there were in the eggs!  It was amazing. I have never seen that many at once. We had to take a photo of it for proof because nobody would have believed us if we hadn't!  Three in that bowl alone!

We spent most of Saturday chatting and planning and just enjoying each other's company. They popped over to Tim Horton's to see Eileen and Tim midday. Eileen had plans both days for other stuff, so that was the only opportunity for them to really see her.  They picked up the turkey and a few bits I had forgotten. (Darn my foggy old age brain.)  Dad came over early to spend time with them, and we feasted on burgers and fries for supper.  While they were out, I had baked the boys some brownies as well. I thought, I am not having my grandsons come over and not bake them something, so brownies it was.  I had wanted to make sure that I knew what they would like first.


Oh, how I love my son.  He has never changed. He is still that little boy who brought me so much joy when he was just a toddler.  Full of life and laughter.  Always.  Here he is getting the bag ready for cooking the turkey in.  We had our turkey dinner on the Sunday. 

He brought me over lots of spices that I can't get here for cooking Indian and Mexican food, and he had everything for cooking the turkey and the stuffing. He was in charge of cooking the bird, and his special stuffing. 

We did the vegetables together. My sister did my mom's stuffing and her most delicious sweet potatoes.  We feasted like kings. It was all really wonderful! 

I wish I had gotten a photograph of us all around the table when it came to the feasting. Alas, I did not.  We were all just enjoying being together so much.  Between not having been able to get together because of Covid and time and distance, this was truly a most wonderful reunion for us all. 

Luke wearing his dragon smooshie

There was the traditional viewing of Planes, Trains and Automobiles.   Laughter, plenty of food and treats, dragons . . . 

Sock monkeys and sock monkey repairs.  I had made both the boys sock monkeys when they were toddlers. Luke's was a bit worse for the wear, so we fixed that all up.  Gabes was made from proper sock monkey socks so his has worn a lot better.  Both are very loved sock monkeys.

We just had a lovely, lovely, LOVELY weekend! 

I learned all about snap chat.   How did I not ever know about snap chat?  This must be the King Charles filter, lol.


When did my hair get so grey?

We laughed and we laughed, and we laughed.  We just plain old had a great time together. All of us. It was over far too soon, far too soon.  But we have plans to do it again at Christmas.  We have all of those years to make up for!  I can't wait!

We are so thankful for family and health and friendships and most especially for love.  Because as the Savior rightly said, the greatest of these is love.

I hope you all were blessed with great weekends also!  The cats were exhausted last night. They are not used to so much play time and excitement!

A thought to carry with you . . .

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 *Each new day is a blessing,.
Let go of all the worries and
be grateful for all the positive
in your life.   •。★★ 。* 。

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  How to Poach Chicken and what to do with it. It never hurts to learn a new technique!

I hope you have a wonderful day.  I am having my Winter tires put on today. Be happy and blessed and don't forget!

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And I do too!


  1. So pleased you had a fantastic weekend with your son & family, dad, and sister. So many memories shared and made. It isn't that long till Christmas.

    1. It was wonderful. I hope that you had a fantastic Thanksgiving also Linda! xoxo

  2. 101/2 years is a long time without your son! So glad you got to enjoy your Thanksgving and glad there are plans for more.

  3. glad they made the trip and all was well!! The food sounds stupendous too!! I am so glad that they are coming again soon!! It is a treasure they will no doubt always remember, being with both you and your dad and sister etc.
    Loved that poem/song...from grade school on...especially the part about over the river and thru the woods...cause there was no place I loved like my grandparents home!! And the home of my great grandparents as well!! Those were the places of "belonging" to me!!
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. I hope some happy memories were made for my two grandsons! My grandparents were all passed away by the time we moved back East to Nova Scotia so I never got to make any grandparent/thanksgiving memories! Such is the life of a transient armed forces brat! xoxo

  4. How wonderful that you got to spend Thanksgiving with your family and have such an amazing time. Family are truly a blessing.

  5. You certainly had a Happy Thanksgiving. How wonderful your son and his family were there! You have so much to be thankful for. I'm looking forward to our Thanksgiving in November when I'll get to see my family!

    1. We had a wonderful time Pam! I am sure you will have just as wonderful a time in November! xoxo

  6. What a wonderful Thanksgiving you all had. Your dinner looks so delicious. Oh, so much to be thankful for! Yes, Christmas will be here before we blink an eye. You deserve to take it easy today and bask in the afterglow. Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. Thanks so much Elaine! I hope that you and Larry had a lovely day! Oh, I am so thankful as you know. I have been blessed many times over and over! Love you my sweet friend, love and hugs, xoxo

  7. Sounds like you all had a very blessed day.
    Did you write that poem? Love it, as well as the funny Snap Chat photos of you.

  8. Hi Marie! Happy you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Do you think you could publish your Son's recipe for Stuffing and Cindy's stuffing recipe? That would be wonderful. I could live off of stuffing. Thanks Dale

    1. Hi there Dale. Here is Cindy's/my mom's stuffing.

      *Potato and Bread Stuffing*

      This was my ex mother in law's recipe for stuffing. I always doubled and tripled the recipe as the stuffing was always my family's favourite part of the meal. You can use it to stuff a chicken or a small turkey, or you can do as I normally did and bake it in a casserole dish.

      2 cups fine dry bread crumbs (245g)
      1 1/2 cups mashed potatoes (use no butter or milk) (about 4 large potatoes, peeled, cooked and mashed)
      1/4 cup melted butter (60g)
      1 small onion, peeled and chopped finely
      1 stalk of celery, chopped finely
      1 tsp poultry seasoning (see side column for recipe)
      1 tsp summer savoury (can use a mix of sage, parsley and marjoram)
      salt and black pepper to taste

      Place the butter, onion and celery in a plastic container. Cover with cling film and then cook on high in the microwave for 1 1/2 minutes. Place the mashed potatoes in a bowl. Stir in the onion/butter mixture and the bread crumbs, along with the poultry seasoning, summer savoury and some salt and pepper. Taste and adjust as necessary. You may need more of the herbs or seasoning according to your own individual taste. The dressing is now done and ready to cook as you wish.

      If you wish to, you may use it to stuff a large chicken or a small turkey, cooking as per the instructions for cooking a chicken or turkey. If you wish to cook it separately then do as follows.

      Butter a casserole dish well. Crumble the stuffing into the casserole. Spoon a little warm chicken broth over top and dot with butter. Cover and bake in a moderate oven (160*C/350*F) for 30 to 40 minutes. You can uncover the last 10 minutes of baking if you want some crunchy bits.

      The only difference between mom and my mother in law's stuffing is mom did not use dry bread crumbs, she used crumbled bread, a mix of largish and smallish chunks.

      When my son made his stuffing, he took one loaf of white bread, spread it out onto my oven racks and let it air dry in the cold oven overnight. Then in the morning, he finely chopped a large peeled onion, and about four stalks celery. Melted 1/2 cup of butter in a skillet and added the onion and celery, cooking it until softened. Then he added dry summer savory and sage to taste along with salt and black pepper. He cut the bread into cubes and put it into a bowl and poured the butter/vegetable/herb mixture over top. Tossed it all together to combine. This he popped into a stuffing bag and put it into the turkey where it cooked while it roasted. If you were cooking it outside I would add a bit of chicken stock to the bowl of bread crumbs/veg/herbs. Just to moisten and then pop it into a buttered dish, dot butter on top and then bake along side the turkey for about half an hour or so. Hope this helps. I love/adore stuffing also! xoxo

  9. That little family is beautiful … know you had a happy happy visit and made wonderful memories for all…
    This post makes me smile! xo, V.


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