
Saturday 24 September 2022

Today . . .



Just briefly checking in to let you all know I am okay.  Much of the Maritime Provinces has been very badly affected by the storm with loss of power, downed trees, etc. This is my little back yard with a branch having been broken from the Maple tree there. As you can see from about midway up the tree. It is still very windy out but not raining at the moment.  The power flicked off and on again about 5:30 a.m. So far it has stayed on, but a lot of people in the province have no power and some areas they are saying will not have any until at least the 28th of September. 

PEI has been very badly affected with 95% of the province being without power. Here in Nova Scotia, it is the Eastern side and Cape Breton which has been affected the worst. 

It is still very windy here however, so it not entirely over yet. We will see how the day progresses. I think the worst of it is over though. I hope you all have a wonderful day.  Don't forget! 

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And I do too!       


  1. I'm so glad you are ok. I'm praying for all in harm's way. Take care and stay safe !

  2. Glad to hear you are safe, Marie. Fingers crossed that the worst is over, as you say. Love and hugs, Elaine

  3. Glad you are safe and still with power!! Hope that continues!!
    Elizabeth xoxo

  4. Happy to hear you’re okay, Marie. Stay well. xo, V.

  5. Good to see a post from you, I did check the weather and saw the worst of it was in Cape Breton area, plus so many people without hydro. Hoping the worst is over. Thinking of you and all in the Maritimes. Take care and stay safe.

    1. Thanks very much Linda! Yes Cape Breton, PEI, Newfoundland. Much devastation! xoxo

  6. Hi Marie~ So glad to know that you are safe! You will be in my prayers. Stay safe! Hugs and Love, Barb

  7. Hope all is well with you today Marie - Sunday 25th. Keep thinking of you and your family not forgetting the fur babies too xx


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