
Friday 23 September 2022

My Friday Finds . . .


A few of the things I find each week that inspire me to want to do better, to create, to become better, to read more, to watch, to just DO something! Things that delight, inspire, and bring me joy.  Maybe they will do the same thing for you! 

How to make handmade paper using recycled materials.  This sounds interesting.  From Paper Slurry.

Make your own Art Bowls using tea bag papers.  These are so pretty.  From Letting in the Light.  No instructions, just eye candy and inspiration.  This woman is an amazing artist

Something just to make you smile.  Its a Cabbit . . .

Painted matching people rocks.   Love this idea and what fun the children would have playing mix and match.  Do you remember those flip cards from when we were kids that you could mix and match heads, middles and bottoms with?  Fun, fun!  This is from You Clever Monkey

Folded paper garlands.  So colourful!  Found on Minieco.

DIY Floral Party Hats.  Found on  Oh Happy Day

The Tip Toe Fairy.  Party Hat Hair Clips.   SWEET!  Complete tutorial.

An adorable Overall Tutu.  I love this.   I couldn't find a source but I couldn't help show you.  It is so sweet.

22 hard to kill plants.  From Decor 8

How to care for introverts.  Very helpful. 

Get your fruit and veg squeaky clean.  From Women's Health Magazine.  This is great.  You never know what is lurking on the outside of your vegetables. Just think about it, if you are buying loose apples, or bananas or whatever, fifty people could have touched that apple or banana before you did. Who knows what their hygiene habits are.

Save money and eat healthy from The Frugal Girls.

I love this French Country Kitchen  . . . source.   Just a bit of eye candy inspiration.

How to get soft feet.  I must try this, although admittedly my feet have never looked like they do on the left.

I love this head wrap.  My idea of a winter hat.  From Frayed Knot

Cable stitch dish clothes.  Love LOVE the colours.  From Look What I Made.  Free pattern. 

From Ravelry.  A free basket pattern. 

I also like these from Maggie's Crochet. I used to do a lot of stuff like this when my children were growing up. I had matching stuff in my bathroom etc.  I would buy the Annie's Attic patterns for crochet.

Roasted Garlic Jelly.  From  Love and Olive Oil.

And that's my finds for this week.  I hope you found something to inspire you to get creating, or just do something better.

A thought to carry through the day . . .

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*The holiest of all holidays are those
Kept by ourselves in silence and apart,
The secret anniversaries of the heart.
~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
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What a run around I had yesterday. I dropped my car off at 10 for the undercoating.  They dropped me off back home and I did everything I needed to do to get the house ready for this big storm we are expecting.  I was thinking I would have the car back at 1 by the latest. It was being detailed after (washed, hoovered, etc.).  By 2 p.m. I had not heard anything.  I couldn't remember the name of the place either. My sister was at work so I couldn't call her.  I found an online chat and was chatting to someone online by 3, they couldn't get any response from anyone.  By 4:15 I was really getting upset. They closed at 5. Finally, at 4:30 I found someone to talk to only to discover they had not even started on my car, but I could have it back by noon today. I said that's unacceptable.  I have sat here waiting all day, I want someone to come pick me up and I'll bring it home. So, I made another appointment for next Thursday.  As it was, nobody picked me up until almost 5.  They had to get someone to bring the car up from their detailing place (the other end of town) and then come to get me.  I was really annoyed. I may find someplace else to do the cleaning because I am not very happy. Its not cheap and I really expect a little bit more consideration than that for what they are asking in price. They're short staffed. Knowing this they shouldn't book people in.  My appointment was for 11 a.m. They must have known by mid-afternoon they weren't going to be getting it done. What's wrong with people???

Anyways, I finally got my car and was able to go to the store before it closed and get home. I had wanted to pick up a few bits just in case we lose our power with that bad storm which is coming. They are telling everyone to be prepared for the long haul just in case.  If we lose our power it could days before it comes back on.  I may go and fill my car with petrol this morning just in case.

In the English Kitchen today, Everything Bagel Bread. I started this bread in the bread machine and finished it in the oven. It turned out really lovely. I was very pleased with it! I highly recommend!

Have a wonderful day. Whatever you get up to stay safe and be happy. Be blessed and don't forget!

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And I do too!       

PS - oops forgot to press publish! Sorry about that!


  1. Good to hear from you, was worried you either didn't feel good or the storm had hit ahead of time. But weather reports said it would probably be tomorrow. What a run around with the car, I wouldn't be going back. Stay safe, hope your area isn't in the worst of the storm. Fingers crossed your power stays on.

    1. I am inclined not to want to go back as well Linda! Thank you! xoxo

  2. I'm worried about you and your family, Marie. Hope Hurrican Fiona will not be as fierce as they predict. Stay safe. Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. It was, but thankfully here in the valley we are often protected Elaine! Thank you! Love and hugs, xoxo

  3. Hi Marie. Prayers for safety of everyone in the way of the hurricane. I thought of you when I heard about it on the news. Let us all know how you come through it.

  4. Stay safe!
    Grrrr…sometimes it’s hard to get good service….frustrating!
    Happy, warm weekend. xo,V

  5. Uncanny same thing just happened to me.I brought my car in for rustproofing and they said two hrs..I had an appointment....luckily J had come..its five minutes away.. and brought me home..we waited until 3,30 to go get it..there twice the amount of time needed..when we got there he had not started..I left it overnight with him.It was not a big imposition for me as iI had a ride there and back with J...when I went the next day the man was very apologetic(From the nice) I said no problem..because it wasn't..but same same..funny eh?

    1. I think for some reason many places are now having a difficult time finding people to work! Its really strange. Especially in the service industry! xoxo

  6. I find it so astounding that communication seems to never have been so bad...and when in our lifetime has it ever been easier, faster, cheaper and most all have a way?? Incredible...hope you find a much better business to deal with for your car!!
    Elizabeth xoxo


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