
Thursday 1 September 2022

My Favorite Things . . .



A few of the things in life that make my heart go pitter pat. Maybe they will do the same thing for yours. ♥♥♥    I'm pretty sure however, that these things mainly make my own heart sing.  


I love, Love, LOVE the month of September.  The transition month. You still get brilliant warm sunny days, but the nights start to get a bit cooler and more comfortable for sleeping.  The kids go back to school.  Most of my life I have lived near schools and I have enjoyed the summer's silence being replaced with the sounds of happy children at play during recess and break time.  It was such an exciting time for me when I was a child.  This back to school time. Getting to see my friends that I had not seen all summer, new scribblers and pencils, crayons, etc. New clothes. My mother always made sure we had something new to wear the first day of school.  It was just a very exciting time.


September means apple season begin in earnest!  Apple pies, apple cakes, apple cobblers, apple crisp, apple cider! You name it. I love apples, and I especially love cooking with them!  I might make some apple butter this year. It has been years since I have made apple butter, and I love, LOVE apple butter!


Its also fresh pear season. Of all the fruits that you can eat fresh, pears are my favorite.  Ripe and juicy.  I love them.


Everything goes to seed, things start to get ready for the great slumber, the leaves start changing.  There is beauty in all of these things. I love seed pods.  I love the brilliant colors of the leaves.  The smell in the air. The sound of acorns crunching beneath your feet.  I love it all. 


The season of gathering-in begins . . .  I love this season. I love the act of gathering-in. We are no different than the chipmunks and the squirrels, we just "gather-in" in a different sort of way.  The time of harvest begins. We enjoy in earnest the fruits of our summer's labors. Well, not me per se, but if I had a garden I would!     


Three sisters  . . .  corn, beans and squash. A triune of beautiful flavors that go so well together.   I love, LOVE the hard skinned squashes.  Bring them on!  There is such a huge variety of them to enjoy as well! 


Herbal tea and honey. I can start to enjoy the cooler temperatures and hot drinks.  I had a delicious herbal tea with Ginny the other day. We treated ourselves to Orange and cinnamon spice. Oh but it was lovely and made all the more so for the great company!


Late summer pies  . . .  blueberry, apple, pear, apple and blackberry, blackberry . . .  love me some pie and these are real favorites.


Autumn wreaths  . . .  I love them.  I got a new book the other day which is filled with crochet wreaths for every season.  I am being cautiously optimistic. Will I get one done?  Watch this space!


We can look forward to breaking out the woolies again!  I have bought myself a wool jacket, not lined, just for autumn. It was on sale. I only have two coats. The thin blue cotton one which I have had for about 15 years that I have replaced the buttons on several times, and the grey winter stuffy coat that I have had for at least 10 years. I thought an in between coat was long due.


Call me crazy but I like the shorter days. I love that it is dark now when I go to bed. It feels natural. I love being able light candles in the evening and fairy lights and see them. Enjoy them. 

I don't like driving in the dark however . . . 


Freshly baked bread, buttered with jam or honey . . .  I love honey . . .  I love jam . . .  I love bread and butter  . . . 


Acorns . . .  I wish I knew how to knit them!  That would be sweet!  Add that to my want to learn list! 


Changing light . . .  changing colors . . . 


Yes  . . .  love brown eyed Susans . . .  one of my neighbors has beautiful ones growing in front of her place.  I wish I was a better gardener. 


Misty mornings.  Mom always said they foretold a sunny day . . . 


Red doors  . . .  I do so love a red door. I painted the front door on our house in New Brunswick read.  I was so in love with that house  . . . so in love  . . . I could have lived in that house forever  . . . 

I have run out of time this morning. I have a Doctors appointment later on at the clinic to discuss my blood tests this morning so must dash.  I popped something into the slow cooker first thing this morning. I didn't sleep too overly well last night, but some nights are just like that!

Also Dad is doing well. He has a rental car. No more pains or aches and is buying himself a new older car, so he's happy. He wanted one with all the bells and whistles like the car he crashed. It told him if he was going too near the center line, etc. This one will too. In fact I think it is the same year as the one he crashed.  Apparently there is a difficult time getting new cars now and old ones due to what's going on in the Ukraine, Covid, etc.

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
° 。 ° ˛˚˛ * _Π_____*。*˚
˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛
˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★
*When you focus on the good
the good increases.•。★★ 。* 

In The English Kitchen today   . . .  Oven Baked Fried Rice.  Seriously tasty and oh so easy to make. The small batch.

I hope that you have a beautiful day ahead of you. Looks like the sun is going to shine brilliantly here.  We got some much needed rain yesterday!  Whatever you end up doing, don't forget!

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And I do too!  


  1. Happy September, Marie. It got down to 14 degrees last night - sweater weather. Hope you get good news about your blood tests. Enjoy your day. Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. Happy September Elaine! Thank you! Love and hugs, xoxo

  2. I just wanted a few more August days:) Good luck today!

  3. I welcome some FALL weather, when it gets here...sometimes that season in these parts is VERY short...those coolish WINDY that!!
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. Its been hurricane season for a while here, but thus far none. The weather is all so strange! I love the cooler autumn days for sure! xoxo

  4. I loved seeing all your 'fall in love' pictures. I enjoy fall, too. Not much of a summer person!

    1. I don't do well with heat and humidity Latane! I much prefer the cooler temperatures! xoxo

  5. Have a good Dr visit! Hate to say farewell to summer, August…but I love love September and all that comes along with this glorious month. Enjoy every single minute! xox, V

  6. September, the first of the 'ber' months, as the temperatures gets cooler, especially overnight. I love this time of the year. Best of luck at the appointment,

    1. Thanks Linda! Like you I love these early 'ber' months! xoxo


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