
Wednesday 31 August 2022

A Wednesday wittering on . . .



Am I the only one surprised to find us sitting here on the last day of August, 2022?  Say it ain't so! I can't believe that we are already on the precipice of September. Didn't the summer just start?  It has gone ever so quickly.  I have tried to get all that I can out of each day, to savor each moment, but it has still slipped away.

I hate it when that happens and it is happening far too often for my liking!  This slipping away. Oh . . .  if only I could figure out a way to stop it. 


I have had some really beautiful moments this summer. I do believe that I was able to enjoy most of it in a way I had not done in previous years.  I look back and I smile at some of them.  It has been a wonderful summer and I know I have a few weeks to go yet before we are really into autumn, but do humor me while I think back on some of my highlights.

Getting to spend time with my brother was one of my favorite parts.  That day we spent driving his daughter up to Saint Margaret's Bay in the car was fabulous.  We were so lucky to have such a sunny day for the trip and it was so nice to spend some time alone with each other on the way back and just talk. Remember.  Enjoy.

And then I got to have him stay at my place for a few days as well. I had been worried that we wouldn't be able to fill the time, but we filled it admirably. He taught me how to get into a laptop and remove the battery, and  more importantly, how to replace the batter and put it back together! (Never think you are too old to learn new things!) He got me enjoying Manga cartoons.  Something which I never thought I would enjoy! But I am into them now.  I just wish I had more time to enjoy them.  

We had that lovely day up at the seashore in Margaretville. I had longed to go for these past two summers. My days of walking along the beach and enjoying it are gone now, but I did so enjoy sitting on the beach and taking it all in while he explored and then our time together sitting there afterwards.  I have learned that pleasure is relative  . . .  and individual to each of us.  He enjoyed exploring . . .  I enjoyed sitting.  We both enjoyed doing it together.

And we have spoken many times since he returned home. I think that this was a great opportunity for us to connect again, this time we had together.  I am so grateful that we had it. I love my brother.


So, too, I have enjoyed many, many moments with my sister. My favorite times have been the times we have spent sitting outside her home, at the table and taking in all the wildlife that lives in her garden. She has about six or so chipmunks that come to visit her and they each take their turns visiting.  She can tell them all apart and has names for each of them.  Herman the German comes to visit her from across the street.  There is a German family that lives there, hence the name of Herman.  Stubby who is missing a part of his tail. Mama Chippy who probably gave birth to many of them, and so the list goes on.

They come and take peanuts right from her hands.  She can call to them and they come out from their hideaways to visit.

The flock of wood pigeons that seem to live there.  I love to listen to them as they meander to and fro on the grass.  Its such a peaceful sound.

The chickadees, who also take seed from her hands. Cheeky bluejays, crows, red squirrels, etc. Its all such a treasure.

We have laughed and we have cried and we have just enjoyed each others company. I am so grateful for this special relationship which we share together.

I'm grateful for Dan too. I don't want to leave him out. We have some really special conversations as well. He makes me smile.


My days have been filled with plenty of joy and plenty of routine.  They follow a pattern that brings me great comfort.  The getting up of a certain hour and the sweet greetings of my two furry companions. My work which brings into my life a great purpose and calling. The joy of the special things which I choose to keep me company throughout the day,  the hummingbirds, my own chipmunk, the music I choose to listen to, the puttering, the writing, the cooking, the handiwork. Its all good. 

I wish I could fit in more . . . but . . .  like the months of the year . . .  and the years of my life  . . .  the days seem to slip off the calendar with a regularity that I cannot control or harness. All I can do is to make each one count in a special way . . .  to wring as much  life out of each one of them that I can. To treat each one like the gift that they are.

I think I have done that.  


One of the highlights of my summer, and it has come at the very end, was to meet up in person with Ginny and her husband Tom yesterday. I wish I had gotten a photograph of them, but the time we spent together just flew by.  That is the way when you spend time in the company of kindred spirits.  The time flies and before you know it . . .  its done and time to bid adieu.  They were not here for near long enough.  I could have easily enjoyed hours more with them than we had.  I hated to say farewell at the end of our visit. Lovely, lovely people.  Our conversation never flagged for an instant. I already knew I loved Ginny, but what a treat it was to meet and get to know Tom as well. I love the both of them together!

What a joy it is in life to have people touch your world and leave their beautiful imprint upon it and they have, and they did. It was a good good visit that was over far too soon.  And I learned so much from them!  I love it when that happens. When people bring knowledge as well as joy into your life. I only wish we lived closer. God willing I may venture down to visit them in their home habitat one day!

That photo up there is something which Ginny introduced me to yesterday.  She had the sweetest little bee tin for me and a photograph of a mural which had been painted on a community center a few towns away from them.   

“Bees never forget that they are part of something bigger than themselves… their hive is a part of them. What if we embodied this idea? What if we got curious about the world and each other again instead of intimidated by it? This is why I turn walls into windows – to remember that we are all connected… that separation is an illusion.” -Artist, Matt Willey  (Read more about his project

I love this idea.  I love thinking that we are also a part of something bigger than ourselves.   That we are all connected in some way.  I think if . . . as a world . . . we could all think more like that . . .  this place we call earth, home  . . .  would be truly transformed into a place of wonder and beauty . . .  and peace.  We can learn a lot from bees.

Anyways, I so enjoyed their visit. It was truly the highlight of my summer and has capped it off beautifully! Thank you Ginny and Tom! I love you to bits and back again! 💝 Kindred spirits. The best kind of friends.


Life is good. Far better than I thought it could be. It is filled with all the things which matter most.  I am so blessed.  And I know you must tire of hearing that, but I can't help but proclaim it to the rooftops while I can do so.  Life is good, and filled with joy. Not perfect, because what is??  But near perfect enough.

My life flows on in endless song;
Above earth's lamentation,
I hear the sweet, though far-off hymn
That hails a new creation
Through all the tumult and the strife,
I hear that music ringing
It finds an echo in my soul
How can I keep from singing?
(give it a listen, bless your day)

One of my favorite hymns.

And with that I best leave you with a thought for the day  . . . 

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 *Cast all your anxiety on him,
because he cares for you.
~1 Peter 5:7•。★★ 。* 。 

I am talking the traditional British Sunday lunch in The English Kitchen today.  A variety of roasts and all of the fixings.  

I hope that you have a wonderful Wednesday.  Fill it with things which bring you peace and joy.  Above all don't forget! 

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And I do too! 


  1. Wittering Wednesdays - a new topic for you. We tend to think summer has finished once September gets here, but we still have till the 21st (if you go by the old method of seasons) You have so many wonderful memories to treasure. Enjoy every moment of today.

    1. Oh, I know, we still have a few weeks of summer left to enjoy, but autumn already seems to be taking hold. Leaves changing, etc. It is a transition period of time between the two. You have a wonderful day also! xoxo

  2. It seems to be nudging towards Autumn here too...never have seen this the other decade we lived in these parts...some days downright ok...instead of the never-ending humidity and extreme temps...very nice!! Wouldn't it be nice though, if even all kin, remembered we are supposed to be all on the same team...instead of the shunning, envy, jealousy and nasty behaviors that inhabit some of them...I guess it would be Heaven wouldn't it?
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. Our leaves are really starting to turn here Elizabeth and I don't know if its because it has been so dry or because autumn is in a hurry to get here! It would be very nice did all remember we were on the same team. Yes, Heaven on earth! xoo

  3. Im waiting till the 21rst lol..So glad you had fun with Ginny and hubby do they live near you? Fun!

    1. I am enjoying every day of this transition period. They are from New Hampshire! Up camping. Delightful folk! xoxo

  4. Loved the bee wisdom and mural. And how wonderful that you had such good gatherings with loved ones this summer.
    I too love that song and want to offer you another - have you ever heard The Canticle of the Turning? It's on YouTube also.
    Best to you and yours.

    1. Thank you for the beautiful song Mary! I thoroughly enjoyed it! xoxo

  5. Oh, the last day of August! It’s very very hot here this week, still feels very much summer. I feel like we get ‘rushed’ into our next seasons by retail…they are just doing their job… but two weeks ago, I took a photo of a lighted snowman figure in Costco…a bit early if you ask me. :-) Hope your day is as lovely as you are.V

    1. Oh yes, far too soon for pumpkins and snowmen! I don't want to see pumpkins until the end of September and snowmen until November! xoxo

  6. Hi Marie~ Your summer sounds ideal! How fun to meet up with, Ginny...what a treat for you and for her, special moments for sure! You so deserved these wonderful memories, Marie. I think about the last few years, how you went through so much sadness, hurt and upheaval, it makes me sad to think about it. But look at the pearl you have become!! Love you sweet friend! Hug, Barb

    1. Thanks very much Barb. This was the capper on what has been a very good summer for me! xoxo


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